Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 156: Energy tide

[Sorry, book friends, the buns haven't stood still, "Dao" is about to be on the shelves. Bayi Chinese [[ W & gt; W ?. ) 8) 1] Z & gt; W ?. COM notice has been issued, March 1. I wanted to make it all free, I'm really sorry. Today, my head is chaotic. Once it is on the shelves, there will definitely be some Taoist friends leaving. Baozi will never complain. I can only say that there is a chance to gather again. A formal testimonial will be released in the evening, I'm really sorry! 】


call out!

call out!

call out!

Numerous ray of light screamed from above the void, but here, near the source of heaven and man, the pervasive coercion between the day and the earth has caused them a lot of coercion, making many of the monks appearing slightly Looking dignified, looking at the tide of energy that pervaded the heavens and the earth, there was a shock in his face.

The strength of dispersal of heaven and man varies, but it is directly proportional to the monk's cultivation. The higher the monk's cultivation is, the stronger the power is, the more powerful is the lead from heaven and earth, and the more benefits can be gained from it.

At present, the degree of arrogance of human beings is far beyond the imagination of many monks here. Feeling the horrible power contained in the surging energy tide, they can't help but feel embarrassed. countless.

At this moment, it seems that this monk leading to heaven is by no means an easy one. If he robs him of the opportunity that belongs to him at this moment, he will never end in revenge. Offending such a powerful monk is obviously an extremely unwise choice.

However, the temptation of chaotic spiritual power is too great, so although the monk who arrived first had not rushed to take the shot, he did not leave, and hovered far away, apparently waiting for things to turn around.

It is in this weird situation that there are more and more monks gathered outside the area that is completely covered by the energy tide.

There are some monks in each of the major ethnic groups, and there are some monks in the heavens and the human territories. Especially at this moment, the number is extremely alarming. Only within this billion-dollar range, no fewer than 3oo aliens have arrived, and as the news spreads, more monks are bound to arrive.

With the increase in the number of monks, a latent agitation began to dissipate, making many monks look at the core of the day's lead, flashing a few times from time to time. Here, there is a chaotic spiritual force that has attracted many monks to come here. After absorption, it can get great benefits.

"Dear friends, you and I have gathered here for more than 3 people, so I don't have to say anything about the so-called."

"This leading monk may be extremely powerful, but you and I join forces. Even if this person has the ability to ascend to the sky, he will be the enemy of you and me."

"Now the spiritual power of chaos has been gathered for a long time, and I do n’t know when it will stop dissipating. At that time, you and I can only rejoice for one time, and can't get the slightest benefit. So I propose below, I will take a shot, break into it, and seize chaos Spiritual power, even if the monk is angry, he can only endure patience. "

"I'm willing to be the first intruder, I don't know which Taoist would like to go with me!"

The opener is a monk of the Tianling tribe. The cultivation of heaven and man is a strong man among the monks. This person opened his mouth and immediately attracted many monks.

"This seat is willing to go with Daoyou."

"I'm willing."

"And I!"

Opportunity is ahead. Although the heart is afraid, but the remarks of the Lingyuan clan monks obviously make a lot of people's hearts.

"Haha, well, in this case, I will enter first to rob the Chaos Spirit."

"Today, it will be over two years before the trial of the ethnic group. After seizing the opportunity today, you and I will each find a place to meditate. Even if this monk is secretly angry, when the trial of the ethnic group is over, you and I will return to the group. What about this person! "


With a long smile, this person took the lead and whistled with dozens of monks to steer the light, sinking into the spiritual tide and absorbing the spiritual power of chaos.

The last word of this Lingyuan monk obviously moved more monks. Once the trial of the ethnic group was over, could this person dare to run into the ethnic territory to find their obscurity!

"Grab the chance!"

"Chaos has limited spiritual power. Maybe you will run for nothing if you are behind!"

"Damn, everyone is robbing, who knows who did it, don't rob it!"

"Do it!"

Like the chain reaction, Brother 3oo Yu had already drilled into most of them within a short period of time. Only dozens of people were still hesitating outside, with a look of struggle.

"Brother, let's go in quickly. There are 2oo monks fighting for Chaos Spirit. If you don't hurry up, I'm afraid you won't even get some soup." The one-eyed tribe opened his mouth, showing a little anxious expression.

The one-eyed tribe is arrogant, and the three realms of heaven and humanity exist. At this moment, I look at the core of that person ’s lead. For some reason, I feel a trembling feeling in my heart. It seems that in the depth of this energy tide, Hiding a crisis that threatened his life.

The crisis was so real, as if he had taken a step forward to death, which naturally made him jealous.

At that moment, Feng Tian was gloomy, and Shen said, "Stop!"

"Today's affairs are by no means simple. If you want to enter, this seat will not stop you, and ridicule is also your own choice. It has nothing to do with this seat. I will explain it to the elders."

Sugawara's complexion turned pale for a moment. He had never seen such a solemn look on Brother Fengtian's face as a tribe of the ethnic group. Could it be that even the elder brother who had fallen from heaven today could not escape!

Thinking of this in his heart, a cold sweat came from behind this person, wet his robe and kept silent.

Feng Tian stared at the tide of energy rolling in front of him, his face was cloudy, and his thoughts were clearly rolling.

At this moment, from this spiritual tide, he actually felt a familiar breath, but this breath was so weak that he couldn't sense it clearly and didn't feel his frown more tight.


The tide of energy is gathered under the call of heavenly power to generate chaotic spiritual power. Such tidal fluctuations composed of pure energy of all attributes all contain powerful and unmatched power. Monks below the level of heaven and humanity are involved in it, and they will be wiped out by life and death.

Even with the combat power of Heaven and Man, it is quite difficult to move in this energy tide, so it is extremely slow to move forward.

Chaos energy will appear at the core. If you want to compete, you can only move forward.

In this tide of energy, there are now hundreds of figures digging into it, all of them exploding all power, stiffly resisting the strangulation of the tide, and marching forward madly. Because the cultivation is different in strength, at this moment, hundreds of monks are drawn into a long line.

The few people at the front are the strongest of these monks. They are at the level of heaven and man.

The second step is the peak level of tens of days.

The third step is more than a hundred monks at the beginning of battle.

"Ha ha, these fools, do you really think that a monk is led by heaven and man, and the chaotic spiritual power produced can be absorbed by hundreds of people!"

"I stay with them for the time being, when I enter the real core area, I use that treasure to forcibly enter it. By then I devour a lot of chaotic spirits, and I can leave directly, so that even if there is a monk Anger will also be transferred to these idiots behind him. "

"Hey, if you don't help to share the pressure of spiritual tides, I would like to complete this work, I'm afraid I have to spend a lot of troubles, so, thank you all for you, hahahaha!"

Among the few monks in the forefront of heaven and man, the monk of the Ling tribe laughed wildly in the heart that day, showing a fiery color under his eyes, and a layer of powerful aura was wrapped around his body, making his degree always faster than those around him.

In this way, he can respond as quickly as possible.

Everything went perfectly according to his plan, and a touch of color appeared in this man's eyes.


In the tide of spiritual power, Xiao Chen clearly sensed the intrusion of the external monks, but at this moment he did not have the energy to stop it, but instead regained all his energy into his own god, trying to sense the trace of heaven and earth. Bizarre fluctuations.

At the beginning of the day, when thousands of miles of territorial riots converged and turned into a spiritual power tide, chaotic spiritual power appeared. With the first chaotic spiritual power entering the body, Xiao Chen's pale golden Yuan God suddenly sensed this world. There was a slight fluctuation between them.

This fluctuation is extremely weak. Without careful investigation, absolutely no one can show up.

The heavens and humans are falling, in the tide of spiritual power, frantically devouring chaotic spiritual power, not to mention that there are still many monks who have come to the wind to secretly misbehave, and it is already very tense to change to others, I am afraid even if this fluctuation appears Can't detect the slightest.

But when Xiao Chen first appeared, he had already heard it clearly, and now he is indulged in it, condensed his whole body energy, and did not even deliberately absorb the chaotic spiritual power of the outside world. Run on its own.

Just because he has a clear hunch in his heart, grasping a trace of fluctuations in this meditation is more than a thousand times or even a thousand times more important than the devouring chaos in his eyes!

Yuan Shen is immersed in it, feeling the undulating tremor of the wave. Xiao Chen subconsciously simulates with Yuan Shen's fluctuations. He doesn't know why he did this, but he has entered an inexplicable realm.

At this moment, he is focused on this, and things outside him can no longer interfere with him at all.

Immersed in this mysterious state, in the eyes of Xiao Chen, the whole world suddenly became blurred and unreal. In this blurred and unreal background, there were hidden small lines, like spider webs, running through the whole world.

But the scene in front of him was extremely bleak, and the cobweb-like lines seemed to be shrouded by a force, which was so unreal that he couldn't see, no matter how hard he tried, it was futile.

Heaven and earth are nothing. Where does this line come from? What does it represent?

Xiao Chen had no energy to think about it at this moment. He concentrated all his energy and wanted to see these lines clearly.


Tianling monks lead the way, rushing through the tide of energy.

But at this moment, his face suddenly changed, and his eyes showed a little joy.

Here it is, now!

The next moment, the man suddenly burst out of cyan energy from the outside, wrapped him into a cyan meteor, and forcibly broke the surrounding energy tide into a streamer whistling forward.

"Relying on the cultivation behind me to share the pressure, I first entered the core of Heaven and Earth's Leadership and devoured the chaotic spirit!"

"Hurry up, I will leave before the monk here completes the introduction of heaven and man. By then, today's things will make me unrelated!"

He ignored the angry roar from the monks behind him, and sneered forward quickly.

call out!

This day, the monks do not know what secret treasures they use. They are extremely fast. They have soared countlessly before, but in a short time, they actually passed through the tide of spiritual power and went directly into the chaos. .

"Chaos spiritual power, ha ha ha ha, the plan was successful, and immediately began to devour!" This day the monk monk sat down cross-legged without stopping, the body turned into a black hole, and began to devour the chaos spiritual power here.

"As long as I do n’t take the initiative, the monk is helpless even if he perceives the flow of chaos. If he comes to hunt, I will retreat into the tide of energy. The longer the time delay, the more monks will come in the future. . "

"His only choice is to put up with this tone and devour chaos with me!"

For this, the Tianling tribe is confident.


"Don't!" Xiao Chen screamed subconsciously in his mouth. He was pale at the moment, his eyes were blood red, and he was obviously overwhelmed by the spirit of the gods. At the moment, he was extremely violent, and it didn't match his own breath.

Seeing that the diffused lines in front of him collapsed quickly, a mad killer appeared in his heart. The killing was so incomparable that at this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes were even bloodier, like a madman.

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