Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 155: My heart is

Starfield Big 6 was created for the Daqianjie fire clan. It uses the flesh and blood of monks in the realm of the world to raise blood vines and turn them into Tao fruit to cultivate descendants. Bayi ((middle.) 81ZW.COM Is this just the case? The small thousand realms are like a large sea, and the vastness is endless. Why did you choose Xiao Chen's human realm? Is there any connection with the coming of the Naga? The clan power can repair, if you want to cover everything back then, why you just sealed the entire Xiaoqian Realm, can completely destroy it, and reopen the reincarnation era, all hatred will disappear.

The golden seal against the sky is so precious. When talking about the human realm, even in the spiritual realm, Xiao Chen has never seen a treasure comparable to it. Either a small shop or a black magic gun, they are considered to be the pinnacle level of Tongtian Lingbao, but they still can only bow in front of the golden seal. Xiao Chen had long speculated that the golden seal is likely to be a treasure of thousands of realms, and its grade is definitely not low. But why do such treasures appear in the human world? At this point, what kind of connections did the Naga and Fire clan come to?

One by one, weaving into a diffuse net, covering the whole world, made Xiao Chen unable to see the slightest light, the long road ahead, the heavy fog, hiding many secrets he had never known.

Ascension to the spirit world, the arrogant of the warriable ethnic group has attracted much attention. In this way, Xiao Chen wanted to grasp her destiny before breaking the shackles covered by her body, and then she was between heaven and earth.

But now, he is wrong, ridiculous! The higher the revision, the more secrets you have contacted, and only then is the tip of the iceberg hidden in the dark. With Xiao Chen's current practice, he still has no qualification to interpret these many secrets.

Now he is still too weak!

Xiao Chen's birth, growth, and spiritual practice were all completed in the human world, where his relatives, his women, his friends, his brothers, where his hometown is, there is only one, which cannot be copied!

Therefore, he must not allow anyone to destroy it!

Now he is really small in the face of these hidden worlds, but at least he has the qualification to contact them. At that time, he could walk from a monk monk to today, and then he could continue to go on and keep going. One day, he could see all this, relying on his arm, guarding the human world, and guarding all those close to him People are not harmed.

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, and his heart suddenly calmed down. His mind has never been so clear today. He has practiced meditation so far, and has experienced many hardships and fights. To this day, he finally found his obsession and found out why he practiced meditation. the reason.


Protect your loved ones.

Protect your lover.

Protect your friends.

Guard his hometown!

This is his obsession and his Word!

The sudden appearance of a breakthrough feeling made Xiao Chen look slightly confused, and a special breath fluctuation suddenly emerged from his body, spreading to the whole world of the Quartet and Octagon.

Unconsciously stepped under his feet, the figure appeared somewhere on the top of the mountain, and sat straight on his knees.

On the top of the mountain, there were a few flying birds and beasts entrenching themselves. At this moment, they sensed the breath exuded from Xiao Chen's body, but they were terrified. They did not have the idea of ​​resistance at all, and wailed in a hurry.

Xiao Chen's entire consciousness entered another realm, a kind of sky and sea, and Ren Jun's indulgent indulgence, like the whole sky, should tremble at his feet!

Along with the strange fluctuations in his body, the infinite spiritual power between heaven and earth rioted without any warning in a radius of ten thousand miles.

The power of the golden spirit, the golden color, the endless sharpness, want to break the sky.

The power of the wooden spirit, the color of the dark green, the vitality, the endless life of Enze.

The power of the water spirit, the blue color, is endless, endless and endless.

The power of the fire spirit, the crimson color, the violent violence, can burn thousands of worlds.

The power of earth spirits, the color of pure yellow, thick and solid, can suppress the suppression.

The power of the five elements gathered in the clouds, turned into a five-color ocean, surging and rolling like a layer of waves, into a powerful and powerful spiritual tide.

In addition to the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth, there is the power of the wind spirit, which turns into a dark green color, floating lightly. It has the power of thunder, it is dark purple, the ray of light is shining, it has the power of fierceness, it is dark, and it is full of anger.

The whole world suddenly turned into a stormy ocean, innumerable stormy waves tumbling up and down in it, each wave is a kind of energy with completely different attributes, containing endless power, crashing and converging into a group.

When the tide of energy manifested between the heavens and the earth converges, it is rare that there has never been a sharp explosion and confrontation. Instead, it starts to merge in a strange set of situations, and it becomes a kind of non-attribute but can be turned into The pure energy of the attribute envelops Xiao Chen and integrates it into his body.

This energy, known as the gift of heaven, also known as the power of chaos, is the reward that a monk gets when he breaks open and promotes heaven and earth.

Heaven and man's realm, to reach this state, is the heavenly recognition of monks, can get gifts.

Gifts are divided into three, called first, second, and third.

Three times, the gifts are getting bigger and bigger. After three times, it is necessary to deal with the ascension. Passing through the calamity, the celestial body and body will be achieved, and the power will rise again, otherwise it will turn into ash and disappear.

At this moment, Xiao Chen, because she dreams of the world, finds what she is obsessed with, sees her own way, breaks through her own trance, and opens the door to promotion.

This time, it is the first quote of gifts, the first quote!

Stimulate the vision of the heavens and the earth, drive the tide of energy, gather chaos energy, and enhance their own power.

Each quote can improve the monk power. As for the increase, it varies from person to person. But under normal circumstances, the longer the energy tide lasts and the more chaotic energy is generated, the greater benefit the monks will get.

Now, Xiao Chen's promotion to heaven and earth is the first one to begin.

The vision manifested, the energy was violently rioting for thousands of miles, the combat power existed below the heaven and the human realm, the figure was unstable, and it was forced down by the pervasive pressure.

Even if it is thousands of miles away, the horrible energy tides here are enough to spread endless distances, which can be seen within hundreds of millions of miles. The closer you are, the more you can feel the power of this coercion.


There are peaks in the world, inserted into the clouds, the mountains and rocks are blocked by clouds and mist, and the sky is not seen all year round. Because of the fate, there are moss growing on it, the color is pure green, there is a faint scent, and the feel is slightly rough, it is called moss in clouds.

This kind of spiritual moss is extremely difficult to grow. It is even more difficult to grow up. It is of great value. The monk learned that refining can absorb pure mana. Although it cannot be directly improved, it can make the foundation more stable and promote future cultivation. Great.

Recently, in this big corner of the spiritual world, dozens of alien monks are divided into two teams, and they are fighting here in a frantic fight. What they are doing is the moss in the clouds growing in the cloud house on the top of the mountain.

The magical power cuts through the sky and bursts with colorful colors, which contains terror waves and shocking shock. Everyone wants to put his opponent to death.


"Snatch Lingfu!"

"You Daoyou do your best to kill, don't be soft!"

When the two sides struggled to resolve the difficulties, the entire sky suddenly fainted, all the spiritual forces in the heavens and the earth rioted together, and the arrogant coercion was suppressed like a mountain, making many monks snorted in unison. All the figures were forced down on the ground, his face was white, and his eyes were shocked.

"Breakthrough from heaven and earth!"

"Come to Heaven!"

"Someone actually set off a heavenly reward in the ethnic battlefield."

"Crazy, absolutely a lunatic!"

"This kind of movement will definitely attract a lot of strong ethnic groups. This will lead to the generation of heavenly rewards. I am afraid it will be unlucky."

"Huh! If it ’s not enough for me to repair, I will also insert a hand in the next. It should be noted that the chaotic spiritual power generated by the heavenly human reward is extremely pure, and it is more capable of cultivating the flesh and absorbing something that is more than ordinary for decades Penance. "

"This time, there must be some excitement."


"Huh? Lead from heaven and earth?" The light of the sky suddenly dissipated, his face looked strangely to the source of the breath. The alien strong man was slightly stagnant, and could not help showing a strange color on his face. Missed, if my cultivation today absorbed that chaotic spirit, I'm afraid it would be a little stronger. "

He laughed, the figure turned, and went straight to the source of breath fluctuations.


"Chaos Spirit?"

Somewhere in a cave, a retreat retreating alien monk suddenly opened his eyes, and there were two shadows of flames deep in his eyes. Obviously this person was proficient in flames and possessed great power.

Slightly hesitant, the color of anxiety in the eyes of this alien monk was finally suppressed by greed, a robe sleeve waved, his feet stepped, and his figure disappeared.


"Hehe, in the battlefield of this group, some people dare to lead the heavens and the people, is this really interesting?" The tremor of the void, the two figures in the ripples came out directly from it. In order not to be weak, breath induction reached the peak of heaven and man.

On the side of this person, there is another one-corner monk. This person has a stronger breath. It is comparable to the monk in the heavens and the three kingdoms. It is the unicorn tribe that had participated in the auction hall of Shangyuan before.

"Dare to lead from heaven and man, and I must rely on it, but since I have been met by you, he is considered bad luck."

"Although the chaotic spiritual power is not very useful to me, if you absorb it, you can be safer in the future promotion to heaven and humanity."

"Hagiwara, I will take a shot today to fight for a good for you."

This one-eyed man Tianjiao opened his mouth. Although his voice was flat, he had a domineering attitude.

In view of its cultivation, in this ethnic battlefield, it is true that its strength and confidence are so open.

"Thank you brother!" The monk monk who spoke before was overjoyed immediately, looking at the landing place of that day's guide, and his eyes were fiery.


The heaven and man's lead is so vast. The spiritual tide envelops tens of thousands of miles, and the more it fluctuates toward the center, the more it spreads, and it can spread to tens of millions of miles. The Celestial Realm has no combat capability and is not qualified to participate in this matter. It is deterred by coercion and falls to the ground. Celestial monks and above combat warriors, most of them noticed that unless there was something urgent and could not get away, most of them hurried and went straight to the source of the wave.

The lead of heaven and man represents the opportunity to enhance cultivation. This opportunity belongs not only to the monks themselves, but they can also join in and share a cup.

At this moment, each ray of light in the sky represents the existence of a celestial power, they tear the space and roar forward.

At this moment, Xiao Chen was wrapped in the mighty chaotic spiritual power, without any hesitation, and the three bodies suddenly separated. The mystery of "Swallow Thunder" unfolded and turned into three bottomless black holes, devouring the surrounding spiritual power.

Chaos spiritual power is the energy that rarely exists between heaven and earth. It represents the power when the heaven and earth are not open and the spiritual power is not divided into attributes. It is extremely pure. After the monk refines and absorbs, he can get great benefits and promote cultivation. Wash the body.

The opportunity to devour chaotic spirits so arrogantly, each person has only three opportunities to promote heaven and earth, and must not be wasted, not to be disturbed in any way. This is also the reason why few monks are attracted to heaven and human beings. After all, chaos spiritual power is not small and attracts a lot of monks. Once there is a difference, it may cause irreparable losses.

Xiao Chen inadvertently relied on the tenth reincarnation experience in the world of dreams, and realized that he was obsessed with heart. It was a crucial step to step out of the realm of spirituality. He stepped into the realm of heaven and humanity in half a step, leading to the natural and natural. It was a little late for him to react.

Now that things are happening, there is no chance to look back, and we can only respond positively. Now, perhaps there are already many monks coming straight here, trying to compete for the opportunity that belongs to Xiao Chen. Then, let's see if they have the qualification to compete with him!

Dark eyes, a flash of murder!

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