Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 151: Time and space countercurrent dream breaking

call out!

Before the sound was over, the three guard leaders shot at the same time. The cultivation base of the peak of the blood king, scattered against the weather, was enough to prove their strength. [1) Z] W. COM

"How can you be so rude! If you have already come, then stay!"

Xiao Chen lifted up and looked at the commander of the three guards with a low growl. His expression turned cold, and he shouted in a low voice, "Quit!"

A word of exit, rolling-the sound suddenly exploded, mixed with powerful and unmatched power, suddenly spreading wildly in all directions. The three guard leaders couldn't resist at all and spurted blood from their mouth and nose, and their figures flew away.

With a word, Xiao Chen kept walking away, and suddenly slapped a palm down, the sky shook with spiritual power, turned into a **** palm, and crashed down, smashing the Black Mountain tribe elders' meeting place into ruins.

"Damn it!"

"Who is presumptuous here, looking for death!"

"You must kill him!"

"catch him!"

Amid the roar and roar, several rays of light rose up into the sky, and they were members of the highest elders of the Black Mountain tribe.

Xiao Chen didn't delay any time. Under his control alone, an endless force suddenly appeared in the void, directly suppressing these figures, making them unable to move. With his current cultivation base, suppressing these tribe elders is naturally easy.

"Search for the soul!"

As Xiao Chen drank lowly, the rolling divine consciousness exploded, splitting into several strands, and directly drilling into the primordial spirits of these tribe elders, and began to forcibly search their memories.

After a few breaths, Xiao Chen let go, a sharp glow appeared in the bottom of his eyes, waved to throw it away, and turned and left.

After he left, the tribe elders regained their own self-reliance, each of them looked terrified, showing endless awe.

Within just one day after Xiao Chen left, all the members of the Eleven Tribes of the Land of Blood were suppressed and forced to search their memories. Xiao Chen combined all their memories and vaguely knew something, but whether this is the case, it still needs the final Only know if you are sure.

Above the void, Xiao Chen looked at the location of the Blood King, spoke lightly, and said, "I think we will see you again soon." After the words fell, he took the next step and disappeared.

On the sea of ​​dead silence, Xiao Chen's figure suddenly appeared, frowning, and suddenly raised his eyes after a while, his eyes burst into endless divine light, "Luo Yun ancient tomb, the dead world, the bloodline has been explored, and there are two places that I can't understand. "

"Star Territory 6 is created by the Fire Clan of the Great Thousand Realms. In this dream world, I can control the flow of time and go back to the endless ancient time. Let’s take a look. The cultivation of the monks in the realm of me was done in captivity. , How exist!"

"The golden seal against the sky was occasional treasure for me, because of this thing, I can set foot on the road of cultivation, as of today. But where the golden seal came from, I don't know. This time, I also need to explore it."

"In a Mayfly world where my human race is located, there are many secrets hidden. Perhaps there are hidden secrets in it that I can't predict, but no matter what, one day, I will definitely figure it out!"

"Now, let's make a move first. In this dream world, I will try to see if it can make a difference."

With a firm mind, Xiao Chen lifted up and stepped away, like climbing a ladder in the void, walking forward, seemingly slow, but after a few steps, his figure has appeared above the sky.

"let's start!"

While whispering, Xiao Chen suddenly turned around and looked at the Mu Family's location. His mind moved slightly. The entire Mu Family's space was thousands of miles away. Suddenly time stagnated, and then with a crazy degree, he went upstream.

In this counter-current time, the Mu family dissipated directly like smoke and ceased to exist. The terrain changed and the vicissitudes of life changed.

Such a means of reversing time and space, not to mention Xiao Chen, even the most powerful being in the Little Thousand Realm could not do it, but now he is in the dream world and is completely mastered by Xiao Chen, so he can push the time and space against the current!

Because this is only in a dream, not real. Although the information obtained here may not be true, this opportunity should not be missed. It is always a try.

Xiao Chen saw many scenes during this reversal time. He saw the ancient monks fighting with supernatural powers, the supernatural powers shining on the sky and covering the earth, and with every gesture, thousands of creatures fell.

He saw the establishment of a sect here, and that Grand Patriarch was one of the great supernatural monks fighting in the previous picture.

Moving forward, it was Xiao Chen looking back at the end of time. He saw the birth of this great supernatural power monk. It was not born, but appeared from the void, and the flow of time has stagnated. But at this moment, the monk in that picture suddenly lifted up, his eyes flashing strangely, and he looked directly at Xiao Chen's place.


Under this gaze, Xiao Chen's whole body was shocked, his complexion suddenly turned white, and his time and space was out of control. The entire Mu family's 10,000-li radius was shattered and turned into chaos. It seemed that there was some great power. Means to forcibly terminate it.

Xiao Chen snorted, and his face suddenly paled. Although it was a dream, that gaze seemed to penetrate the endless years, making him hit hard.

Who is this mysterious monk?

What does it have to do with that cemetery?

What force blocked his detection?

The mystery is unsolved, and there are more unknowns.

Xiao Chen's face was solemn. At this moment, he took a deep breath, suppressed the shock of his heart, moved his eyes, and landed on the deadly world connected by the Ji family's Profound Evil Realm.

Time is pressing, so he can't delay.

Back in time!

He is going to see how this dead world came into being?

In the reverse of time and space, Xiao Chen saw a complete cultivation world, inhabited by hundreds of millions of living beings, which was still much larger than the cultivation world he was in. One day, the sky is dark, space collapses, and countless powerful existences descend.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen's investigation was directly interrupted, and the world of Silent also collapsed, refusing to be probed by the magical power of Dream Dao.

Xiao Chen's face suddenly paled, and there was no trace of blood, and the world of silence had concealed a lot of it. Only then did he have the power to block detection, and he had no resistance at all, as if the might of heaven descended.

The world of Dream Dao has suffered severe damage, and now there are faint signs of collapse and instability. Once the world collapses, it will be when Xiao Chen wakes up.


Turn around and look at the place of blood!

This was the only place Xiao Chen was not blocked by rejection, and he saw everything clearly. He saw the tens of thousands of cultivators who had fled from the sky a long time ago. They were divided into eleven strands and merged into the realm of comprehension silently.

He saw the eleven bands of monks who had been secretly discussed, dividing the tribesmen in half, leaving one in the outside world, and sending the other into the big 6 far away from the ocean as the fire for the blood of the tribe. They set up a huge array and sealed this big 6 forever to ensure that the blood of the ethnic group would not be cut off.

He saw that half of the people who had been sent into the town had grown stronger again after tens of thousands of years of reproduction. Watching them gather a sea of ​​blood with their own blood, in this sea of ​​blood, is where the inheritance hall is. In the hall, there is the most noble blood pool of the ethnic group. In this blood pool, all the powers of the eleven bloodlines of the ethnic group are gathered. This is the opportunity for the rise of the ethnic group. Only a tribe who can absorb the power of the blood of all tribes will be sent into the blood pool, become the blood ancestor, and become the leader of the whole tribe.

But the eternal years have passed, and there is still no tribe they are waiting for, and as the strong of the tribe continues to perish, the new tribe gradually forgets the mission of the whole tribe. They have forgotten their origins, their missions, and survived on this big six. And the blood pool in the heritage hall gradually produced its own spiritual wisdom over the long years.

This is where the Blood King comes from!

When Xiao Chen saw this, he had confirmed what was in his heart that this blood pool was the body of the blood king, and it was also his death spot!

Knowing this is enough.

As his gaze retracted, the Big Bloodline 6 space was suddenly damaged, and the load caused by reversing time and space had already exceeded the endurance of this dream world. However, at the moment of collapse here, there was a faint voice, "Return,, Return, My people..."

The passing moment seemed like an illusion. I listened carefully, but there was no sound.

Xiao Chen was silent for a while, then lifted up and looked at the star field 6!

He wanted to reverse time and space and witness with his own eyes what happened back then.

The prosperous Suspended Big 6, and countless monks with flames on their eyebrows live on it. They enslaved countless creatures, robbed the strong, and sent them to the Big 6 core to feed the blood vines, condense the fruit, and contribute to Ethnic group.

These monks have clean eyebrows!

Xiao Chen's heart was shocked. Although he had already seen such a scene, seeing it now still made him feel sore.

One day in a certain year, a monk secretly prepared for a hundred thousand years, counterattacked in one fell swoop, led the cultivation world monks, into the star field big 6, a fight, the big 6 collapse, countless monks spilled blood into the sky, soaking the earth .

Wanzhang's arm sticks out of nothingness, and if the **** and devil make a move, it crashes down, causing the monk to lead a heavy wound and retreat with tears of blood. At the same time, a low hum came out of that nothingness in an instant. With the sound of cold hum, the picture that Xiao Chen saw suddenly collapsed.

The star field is 6 and crashes.

Xiao Chen stepped back three steps, smashing the void with each step, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, suddenly lifted, and his eyes revealed heinous murderous intent!

Although the reversal time and space were directly cut off, he was still in the endless emptiness, vaguely saw a figure, a thousand feet tall, wearing a fiery red armor, and there were emptiness flames in the center of the eyebrows and eyes, which were yellow, red, and blue. Spread the weather.

This person is the repair of the cultivation world in the closed town back then!

This person is the cultivation that caused other people to suffer hardship!

This person is the repair of the so-called Fire Clan of the Great Thousand Realms!

This person must die!

Xiao Chen snarled frantically in his heart, with murderous intent!

This tyrannical existence of the Great Thousand Realm seemed to sense Xiao Chen's peep and exuded a trace of power. Although it was not enough to obliterate him, it could make this dream world collapse instantly.

With that star field large 6 as the core, a ripple swept in all directions, and the area passed along the way turned into chaos.

According to this degree, within a few breaths, this dream world will completely fall apart.

Xiao Chen turned around with a cold snort, and his eyes fell, but it was his former residence, where he got the golden seal against the sky. The golden seal is so mysterious, Xiao Chen wants to take this opportunity to find out where it came from!

Thoughts move, time and space reverse!

Starting from inside the cave, all the pictures were returning, Xiao Chen stared at him, not daring to be careless. This kind of opportunity, perhaps only once in his life, is the only opportunity for him to find the golden seal of heaven, and he must not miss it.

Before the time and space stagnated in a magnificent house, the fire blazed into the sky, burning the entire sky red, and countless tragic howls continued to come out from the flame.

Xiao Chen's thoughts turned anxiously, wanting to see where this house was, but at this moment, countless golden lights burst instantly, distorting all the pictures into blanks.

Xiao Chen closed his eyes abruptly. At this moment of golden light, he vaguely saw the plaque on the gate of the house here, Li Mansion,

Could it be that this is the source of the golden seal.

Xiao Chen thought a little bit, then lifted it up. At this moment, under his repeated reversal of time and space, the world of Dream Dao had completely collapsed, and there was a ripple of destruction that spread out in the star field. The superposition of the two made the world destroy faster.

He looked far away, looking at the dreaming world that was about to be destroyed, but his gaze was suddenly stagnant, and he fell on the street of the cultivation city somewhere in Hanhai University, and there was a young monk walking in it.

This young man, Xiao Chen recognized, was the first disciple he received in that fishing village-Gan Er when he fell into trouble at Hanhai University in his early years. Since the Moro realm returned to the cultivation realm with its monstrous power, Xiao Chen had also searched for Gan Er's whereabouts, but found nothing. He still had regrets in his heart and consciously owed this disciple a lot. Fortunately, relying on an induction in the dark, it is certain that Gan Er is still alive in the world and has not been perished by the poisonous hands.

Unexpectedly, the world actually saw him in this dream now. But now this illusory world is on the verge of collapse, and time and space are chaotic. I don't know when this scene happened. It may be now or thousands of years from now.

Xiao Chen was about to reverse time and space and deduce the whereabouts of Gan Er, but at this moment, a red glow flashed through his body, and then the figure disappeared directly into the dream world, and there was no more breath. It seems that there is a force that directly shields him and refuses anyone to secretly infer his fate.

Xiao Chen was dumbfounded, and his expression instantly became extremely ugly. It seems that there are too many secrets hidden in the cultivation world where he was born and raised. With his current cultivation base, although he is not weak, he has not yet been qualified to check them!

After a short while, the dream world was like a beautiful bubble, completely broken with a "pop".

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