Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 150: Dream world solution

In the dream world, with the power of the demon twins, Xiao Chen completed the greatest regret in his heart, stayed with his parents safely, and spent mortal life. 8} 8} 1ZW. Com, but dreams are dreams after all, but occasionally indulge, but not forever indulging in them.

Now that his wish is gone, he should leave. But before that, he still had a few things to do to see if he could relieve his confusion.

This first place is the Mujia Trial World!

In the early years, Xiao Chenxiu was weak, and in the trial world, he occasionally entered an ancient tomb called Luo Yun Cemetery. It was weird here, there were dead worms, and there was a golden frame the size of the Baikang Hall. I don't think so, but nowadays I feel quite strange.

How magnificent an ancient tomb can be built by ordinary people. Before Xiao Chen destroyed the Mu family, he had inquired secretly, but was unable to show the breath of the so-called trial world, which made him quite sorry.

Now that he has the opportunity to enter the dream path and restore everything back then, he naturally doesn't mind using the power of the destiny twins to make the time in the dream world go back to when he went to the wooden house.

Mind moved, time passed, Xiao Chen suddenly appeared on the wooden house, but at this moment he was standing here, but no one could notice it. At that time, his hatred with the Mu family had been understood, and now it is only a dream world, and he will naturally not embarrass them anymore. At this moment, God's consciousness emerged, feeling the location of the trial world.

Xiao Chen has an intuition that this trial world should not be far from the Mu family.

"found it!"

After counting his interest, he suddenly opened his eyes, took the next step, and reappeared, already in a valley some 3,000 miles away from Mujia. This valley is full of evil charm, the sky is shrouded in dense fog, and the smoky air is diffused. The monks can still resist it. If mortals enter it, they will be attacked by yin air and die in misery.

Xiao Chen didn't make much delay, stepped into it, and stared at the stone wall in front of him, with countless runes across his eyes.

This stone wall, in his induction, is a complete prohibition. Although the power is not too strong, it is exquisite. If his means of prohibition are greatly increased, he may not be able to break it.

But at this moment, the stone wall could not stop him.

Step forward, go straight to this stone wall and step down. Xiao Chen's figure was directly integrated into the mountain and disappeared. When his sight was restored, he was already in the cemetery. Several corpse-controlling worms rushed here.

Xiao Chen looked calm and marched forward, seemingly slow, but the degree was almost to the extreme. As for the corpse-controlling worm to control the carrion, he was wiped out and turned into powder.

Moving forward, he killed two rotten corpses of the Golden Dan Realm that year, and Xiao Chen came to the White Bone Hall. Taking Xiao Chen's current practice as his example, looking at the White Bone Hall again was quite different from that time.

The whole hall is a powerful repression, suppressing the golden skulls in the hall.

From far to near in the roar, accompanied by the loud roaring footsteps, the golden skull figure appeared, the back of the cheekbones was penetrated by a black iron chain, and drops of blood spilled from it.

Skeletons gave birth to blood. Xiao Chen didn't think much about it when he saw it, but today he saw that he couldn't help but jump hard and turned his face into a solitude. Moreover, the golden skull in Yuanying's realm seemed to him at first, but now it has some unfathomable feelings. A series of invisible and powerful repressive runes rushed around his whole body, and this rune, Xiao Chen actually do not know!

Although I don't know the specific effect of this town, but how it unfolds, Xiao Chen can infer. This town is only effective outside the White Bone Hall. The golden skeleton cannot be walked out, but if a monk enters it, the golden skull will definitely be able to explode all its might.

Xiao Chen was slightly hesitant, and decided to test it out. Whether the golden skeleton was as powerful as he imagined, with a wave of his sleeves, he pointed forward.

Swallow a finger!

Although it is just a magical power, it is Xiao Chen's full force, which is comparable to the power of the heavens and the three realms. If it is the real world, I am afraid that under this magical power, it will completely collapse and annihilate.


The golden skull roared, looked at the miracle-sized finger, and threw a punch forward.


Void trembled, Xiao Chen's complexion suddenly turned white, and the magical power of swallowing the sky was actually annihilated by the creature. The air force pulled him a little shock, and the figure flew backwards, taking the opportunity to retreat madly.

The entire space suddenly became illusory under this blow. This is the manifestation of the shock of the destiny twins' magical powers.

Heaven and Man, Five Realms, Maybe Higher!

This skeleton is so horrible!

Xiao Chen's figure retreated. At this moment, it was too late to think. The next step was taken, and the figure directly tore the space and wanted to leave.

But at this moment, in the roar of the golden skull, there was a vague divine thought, "It's you, again."

Xiao Chen's pupils contracted violently, and the next moment the figure disappeared directly, appearing outside the valley, looking very gloomy, looking up to the heavens and the earth, taking a step in silence, and left.

The destiny twins ’dream magical powers have been impacted. I am afraid that this dream world cannot be maintained for too long and there is not much time wasted.

One step down, straddling endless time and space, and reappearing, it is the Ji Family of Zhongzhou.

The figure merged into the heaven and earth, and under the origin of space, directly entered the Ji's house, outside the mysterious world.

Ji Laogua's body suddenly opened his eyes during the retreat, and his eyes showed suspicion, but he did not find anything after careful investigation.

Xiao Chen didn't stop, waved a crack through his hand, stepped into the Xuansha world, and kept walking, going straight to the deepest part of the Xuansha world.

Passed along the way, any courageous Xuansha beast was swiftly killed by an invisible force. The figure was shaped like an arrow, pierced the strong evil spirit, and turned into a straight line, whistling and marching.

After a few breaths, Xiao Chen appeared in the deepest part of the Xuansha world, outside the crack in the space that connected the dead world, stepped into it and reappeared. It was already a desolate and dead place.

The dark red sky rainbow, the gray and black earth, can not be seen at the end, full of mysterious spirit that is almost turned into a substance!

On the ground, countless mysterious beasts catch and fight against each other. A figure stands tall, with twin heads and scaled armor. It is 100,000 miles in size. The endless evil spirit pervades the whole body, making this figure look like an ancient **** .


At this moment, an earth-shattering savvy consciousness and a mighty soup fell like a river, sweeping down.

Xiao Chen's face was calm. Before he entered here, he already had a calculation in his mind. At the moment, he had a flash of eyes in the face of this vast sense of knowledge. Today, Xiao Chen is no longer the cowardly existence. Although this consciousness is powerful, he has not yet qualified for direct retreat.

In the cold hum, God emerged through the body without showing weakness and bulging out.

The two consciousnesses met on top of the void. They were hard-hitting on the front, producing countless ripples sweeping in all directions, but all the mysterious beasts within this ripple envelope were shattered into powder.

Xiao Chen's complexion changed, a groan in his mouth, and his body stepped back several steps in a row, but the Bodhi tree was guarded in the Yuanshen space, and the recoil was blocked by all possible forces. But even so, the blow still cost him a lot.

As for the top demon shadow, it didn't move. At the moment, with a roar, he opened his eyes suddenly, revealing a pair of **** eyes, extremely evil.

"Damn, leave it to my king!"

In the roar, a crack appeared between the eyes of the demon, like the third eye, which was about to open at this moment.

Xiao Chen's complexion changed. Now, within the magical powers of Dreamland, he is only trying to understand the confusion, but he does not have the idea of ​​desperately fighting with this magic shadow, otherwise he will really die once he falls into awe.

Now that you know its power, naturally you won't stay here.

At this moment, the foot stepped on the next step, and Xiao Chen's figure suddenly turned into a ghost image. He got into the cracks in space when he came, and whistled away.

Behind him, the roar and roar of that demon shadow came.

The real power of this magic shadow is absolutely above the Four Realms of Heaven and Man, and may not reach the Five Realms of Heaven and Man. However, it is already extremely amazing.

A human world boundary is actually the golden skeleton of the heavens and the five realms, as well as the top shadow of the heavens and the heavens and the four powers in the death world. Among them, the secret of the heavens is absolutely hidden!

In particular, the golden skeleton said earlier that it was actually you and you!

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen's pupils couldn't help shrinking sharply, but now it is only in his dream world, relying on the magical destiny of twins, everything is illusory. But at this moment, Xiao Chen had doubts in his heart.

Perhaps it was not as simple as he thought.

But today, there is no clue.

Xiao Chen looked ugly, inhaled and rolled his mind down, turned around and stepped forward, tearing the space away. Previously, he struck the sky with a shadow, and the dream world was once again impacted, leaving him little time.

The figure disappeared and when it reappeared, it was already in Dongxuanzhou!

In the place of blood, the blood king of Fengzhen in the inheritance hall is Xiao Chen's enemy! Each of them has half of the pure blood of the Naga tribe, and one of them must fall down and be swallowed to show the complete blood. In this point, Xiao Chen has a clear sense.

Therefore, this time with the help of the twins of destiny to create the dream of magical powers, how can Xiao Chen miss this opportunity, must enter the bloodline, look for the weakness of the blood king, so that in the future can be successfully killed.

It must be noted that Xiao Chen has practiced so far, and the test is not only luck, this careful preparation is also indispensable!

Previously, if you want to enter the bloodline, you need to rely on the Nirvana ancient formation, and to open the Nirvana ancient formation, you need the ancient six clans to work together. difficult.

Forbidden Taos and formations are originally homologous. Forbidden Tao masters are often extremely powerful formation masters.

But after a few breaths, Xiao Chen's brow could not help but wrinkle slightly. The difficulty of Nirvana Ancient Formation was still beyond his expectation, but with the help of a drop of blood, he successfully opened the array.

The place of bloodline was originally created by the Naga tribe in order to preserve the bloodline of the ethnic group. Xiao Chen possesses the purest bloodline of the ethnic group and naturally has the qualifications to open the formation.

Nirvana ancient formation began, stepped into it, and in a flash, the figure disappeared directly.

On the throne, the Blood King suddenly lifted up the throne in the middle of the inheritance hall.

"The other half of the race!"

At the same time, Xiao Chen's figure appeared and lifted up as well. Two beings with nearly identical bloodlines seemed to penetrate the obstacles of endless space and collided in the void.

Xiao Chen looked calm and didn't go to the inheritance hall. He knew the cultivation of the Blood King very well. With his current fighting power, he had no way to defeat it. However, this does not necessarily mean that he cannot find this person's weakness.

call out!

Xiao Chen's figure dissipated instantly and reappeared, already at the Presbyterian Home of the Heishan Tribe.

"Bold! Where's the practitioner, dare to predominate at the tribal elders' station, is it impatient to live!" The guard saw the monk appearing in the void, his face became extremely ugly for a moment, and it was a direct roar.

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