Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 141: Everything is unreal

Acting as a destiny twin, it will never be as simple as closing the town. Maybe secretly at a moment he didn't know, the killing has begun slowly. Z} W ?. Com

But the key point is, where is this killing situation? Eyes could not be found, and consciousness could not be sensed. At this moment, Xiao Chen was in this star, as if he had lost his eyes, unable to master the initiative, and could only wait passively.

Having figured this out, he forced his mind to rest uneasy, and restored it to the ancient state of wavelessness, waiting quietly. No matter what the killing game is, Xiao Chen firmly believes that he can break it down with his own power!

Time is passing, one day, two days, three days, and in the Primordial induction, for a full half month, everything is still calm, there is nothing strange.

Xiao Chen was as calm as ever, still waiting.

With the passage of time, the surrounding stars are quietly spinning, the entire space is in a dead silence, no sound is heard at all, and a sense of anxiety appears in Xiao Chen's heart uncontrollably, making his breathing gradually increase.

However, Xiao Chen, who was in a state of anxiety at this moment, did not notice that the surrounding stars seemed to be turning a little faster with the anxiety of his mind at this moment.

For half a year, one year, two years, and up to 1o years, she was alone in the magical power. The emptyness, silence, and the unknown fear made Xiao Chen's anxiety in his heart heavier and heavier. At this moment, his eyes had turned into blood, and the surrounding stars, at this moment, had reached a very amazing degree of rotation, turning into a vague, unreal image.

If yes, he will be sealed off here forever, and he will not be able to leave his whole life.

If so, the so-called killing of the game was completed as soon as he fell into the magical power.

Whether or not he endured loneliness to this day, everything he does is futile.

Xiao Chen didn't want to think, he didn't dare to think, he was worried that if all this was true, he would immediately collapse!

With the passage of time, the expectations in his heart became lower and lower, and eventually turned into complete despair. It has been a full 1oo year since Xiao Chen entered this strange star shroud.

The anxiety and brutality had completely filled his primitive spirit. In this strange state, his primitive spirit gradually became weak and even withered, like some existence in the underworld, forcibly taking away the power of his primitive spirit!


Si Mo looked at Xiao Chen, including the fateful twin stars, the town was locked up, and looked dignified, but the colder the color in his eyes, the thicker. At present, it seems that Xiao Chen has completely fallen into the magical power, and now it is almost a quarter of an hour, he has absolutely no way to wake up again, until the power of the Yuanshen is completely extracted, it is when he disappears. . And at that moment, it was the timing of his shot. Because of the existence of Shi Mudan and the vow of air travel, Xiao Chen had to die in his hands!

But at this moment, the devil's brow could not help but suddenly wrinkled, suddenly looking up into the distance, a ray of light came out, it was called horror!


Fu Yunqi backhanded the horse away and waited to see the situation in your field, his face could not help but change instantly, "The destiny twins of the demon family, the stars seal the town magic!"

"Xiao Chen, friend, wake up, don't indulge in it!"

The anxiety on this person's face does not seem to be false. At this moment, when the figure moves, it is to rush out and destroy the destiny Gemini.

Si Mo sneered, his figure sneered, stepped in front of him and laughed: "Fu Daoyou, as I said before, Ben Mo wants to fight Dao You. Now it seems that today is a good opportunity. You are also invited to enlighten me. "

"Magic road, swallow the sky!"

During the roar, the rolling magic exploded from its body, rising into the sky, turning into an endless magic cloud, closing the space of Fangyuan Zhangzhang, and holding Fu Yunqi firmly in it, stating that it was to be stopped.

Fu Yunqi's eyes flashed, "Flash away for this seat!"

In Li Li, the two instantly fought together. Although Fu Yunqi was deep and mighty, but there was a magician in front, and he wanted to come forward to help, but there was no possibility.

The Dread Demon figure emerged in the void, looking at the war situation, hesitated slightly or he did not make a shot, otherwise, if this Fu Yunqi is forced into desperation, this person will explode regardless of the consequences, which is bound to be a great trouble.

Instead, keep the situation at hand. He just needs to wait here. At the most critical moment, killing the human race Xiao Chen is enough!


The twins of destiny are hidden between the stars, sitting cross-legged and facing each other, their palms merged, their fingers interlocked, and a trace of strange energy fluctuations emerges from the two, covering the world, evolving magical powers, and closing the town. Xiao Chen.

As the controllers of the formation, they can clearly sense the changes in the formation, perceive Xiao Chen's current status, and the corners of the two of them express a sneer at the same time.

Following this trend, in a short time, this human race, Xiao Chen, will be completely ridiculed! As for the things outside the supernatural powers, they knew in their hearts, but they had their own means to make that fearless demon return. The prey of the two brothers tried their best to kill him, but how could they give their chance to others?

"Being able to die under the magical power of my brother and two, Xiao Chen, even if you die, you can rest in peace!"


Xiao Chen Yuanshen has withered to the extreme, and it seems that he will collapse and die completely in the next moment.

At this moment, it is a situation of life and death. If there is no turning point, all the sufferings suffered in this 3ooo monastic year will be in vain. His thoughts were almost completely dissipated, and the only trace left was to keep the Lingtai, so that he never gave up.

How long after that, just as the last power of the Yuanshen was about to dissipate, Xiao Chen suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were dull, his flesh was bleak, and he had a strong, decaying atmosphere, like an old man in the twilight.

"This magical power, right!"

His voice was hoarse, circling between the stars.

"Taking the demon twins of the demon tribe as a practice, if you can really release such a magical power that directly suppresses people until they die, who in this ethnic battlefield will be their rival is not consistent with their previous performance."

"So there is only one explanation for all this, this magical power is deceitful! It definitely does not have this real power, but a kind of sophistication and extremes that can even pull the monks into the real world, making the Yuanshen believe it is true , When the Yuanshen dies in the illusion, the monk himself will think that he is dead and really die! "

"So clever means, but now that it has been seen by Xiao Chen, how can you destroy me!"

Speaking of which, he worked hard to straighten his back and slowly spoke.

"My Primordial is harmless, then all weakness is illusory."

The sound dropped, and the surrounding star fields suddenly shook, and then the power of the Yuanshen suddenly burst out of the rotating stars, returned to Xiao Chen's body, making his weak and nearly collapsed Yuanshen recover in an instant. To the peak.

"My body is as usual, then all traces of time will be gone!"

The stars shook again, and a great deal of strength permeated and was absorbed by his body, making the withered body return to its original appearance after a dull "cracking" sound.

"My mind is not deceived, then this illusion will cease to exist!"

In the last word, Xiao Chen suddenly looked up, and the dark eyes burst into endless light. The destiny twins of the demon tribe were where they looked. The next moment, the surrounding illusory picture suddenly broke, waiting When the sight returned to calm, Xiao Chen was still standing, his breath was normal, and there was no change at all.



The magical power was broken, and the twins of destiny spurted blood together, their faces were pale, and their eyes still had incredible colors. With his supernatural powers, he went all out to spread the illusion, and there are very few people who can be broken at the same level!

Not to mention that Xiao Chen has fallen into it, and was able to reverse the situation at the last moment, which is beyond their cognitive limit!

Si Mo's face became extremely ugly for a moment, and his eyes turned towards Xiao Chen.

Fu Yunqi's face was gratified, the tension on her face was a little slower, and her eyes looked at Si Mo with a flash of light.

With no trace left at the feet of the Dread Demon King, with the fighting power that Xiao Chen now reveals, it can be called the peak of the entire ethnic battlefield, and it goes hand in hand with the demon of the Devil, Fu Yunqi of the human race, and the destiny of the demon race.

Although he is not weak, he has no confidence to really compete with them! This is true even if he does not want to admit it.

Xiao Chen looked at the gloomy sky above his head, watching a bit of strange surroundings in the surrounding familiarity, and groaned a little, saying: "The demon twins of fate are worthy of the existence of ethnic arrogance, and it really is amazing."

"The previous shots caused the stars to reduce the sights within their reach. I'm afraid that it was to paralyze me and make me think that everything in my fantasy was true. But one thing Xiao really did not know, when I entered the fantasy, I do n’t know. Can the two Taoists confuse me? "

Destiny Gemini's face was cold and cold, his eyes were killing. At this moment, he heard a sneer and said, "It's not difficult to know how I can wait for the supernatural powers. Before you die, the two of you will definitely meet your requirements."

"But at this moment, the battle between you and me is not over yet! After cracking the town of Phantom Star, you really have the qualification to let my brother and his brother take the full shot. Xiao Chen, I will pick up my brother's magical power today and see if this technique can kill you!"

During the savory drinking, the two men's robes automatically moved without wind, and they hunted and hunted between them, suddenly pointing to the sky, "Heaven!"

During the roar, the sky suddenly trembled, and then the pieces collapsed. It was not an ordinary space tearing. It was more like smashing the sky overhead and killing it. A sorrow emerged from the void, like a mourning in the sky.

The monk kills the sky and needs to bear the punishment of the sky! The power of punishment suddenly exploded, turning into a force of tearing and strangling, whistling and falling directly into Xiao Chen's body!

The next moment, the Yuan Shen suddenly dim, as if cursed, the power of the Yuan Shen was exhausted, and he was dying and dying.

At this moment, the destiny Gemini's second finger shot instantly, his fingertips dropped, and he went straight to the ground, "Buried!"

With a single click, there was a roaring shock in the earth, as if the spirit of the earth was suffering, the ground suddenly turned into a yellow color with a radius of 1o, and all the vitality contained in it disappeared, and the plant life was also withered , Death.

One point to destroy the soul of the earth, when back to the bite!

From the endless depths of the ground, a force of resentment suddenly spread along Xiao Chen's feet and spread to the whole body instantly. Under this power, his body dried up directly, as if his vitality had been taken away.

The lower back is no longer straight, and the blackness is pale, and there is no luster like the withered grass. The rich, decaying breath emanates from its body. Like an old man who is about to die, he will die at any time.

But this time, it is still not the end of this magical power.

The twins of Destiny are pale and pale, and the corners of their mouths are overflowing with blood again, and the breath in the body is suddenly reduced. In the trembling, the third point hands!

This finger does not refer to heaven and earth, but directly falls on Xiao Chen.


In the fierce roar, it seemed to have endured great pain, as if from the Nine You Hell, cold and cruel, showing endless killing.

This finger is the finger of killing, the last plunder of magical powers! Gathering the resentment of heaven and earth, I want to completely swallow Xiao Chen, and once stunned, the gods and spirits will disappear and die out completely.

Nature kills the soul, buryes the body, kills people!

One magical power, three levels, suddenly exploded at this moment, mobilizing the power between heaven and earth, killing the heavens and the earth, causing the punishment of the heavens and the earth to turn into a weapon of killing! In this technique, the mana is unstoppable, the primordial **** is unstoppable, and the treasure is in vain. It directly acts on the monk, causing it to become corrupted under the punishment of heaven and earth!

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