Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 140: Abandon the body and run away

[Today's first change, there are two more. Eight (<1 Chinese W) W) W). 〉 8〉 1) ZW. COM sees that many Taoists are entangled in the problems of 3 and 4 more. The buns really cried and laughed. Maybe everyone didn't show up. Each of the 4th and 4th is about 2.5k, and the 3rd and 1st is about 3.3k. In fact, it is a 4D update. Because of work reasons, I don't want to continue to divide too many chapters, why do Taoists force me to have to change my face and play four games. Therefore, the black ticket is withdrawn, and the red one is cute. 】

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Using the technique of "Juxing" to gather Suzaku's shadow, it has nothing to do. Although it is powerful, it is not enough to want to break the magical **** of the king of vines.

However, Xiao Chen was prepared for this. At this moment with one finger and roaring in his heart, "Fire is a **** beast, Suzaku. Today, as the master of my fire, I will give you the origin of fire, reappear the ancient prestige, incinerate all obstacles and come World! "

One finger point, eyebrow space, thunder dragon awakened during sleep. Today's small blood is long, although the body is condensed by blood thunder, but now it looks very solid. As a matter of fact, each piece of scale is counted. It is ten feet in size, showing a reddish color. The faint flame permeates its body, which is the natural manifestation of the fire's original power. At this moment, the master's call was sensed, a small roar suddenly appeared in Xiaoxue's mouth, and a source of fire power instantly dissipated from his body, entered Xiao Chen's body, and shot along the meridian of his arm from his finger.

The origin of fire is the ultimate existence of the power of heaven and earth fire. The owner will be the master of all fires in the world!

call out!

Under the will of Xiao Chen, the source of the fire shot in this finger instantly passed through the endless space and directly merged into the void Suzaku, which made this form and spirit possess, and really owns the power of Suzaku!


Suzaku once again spread its wings and shouted, its imaginary flames skyrocketed, turned into the fire of the sky, and it can burn the world!

This shriek sounds like this time in ancient times, when Suzaku swept the world, it crossed the endless space and time interval to the present day and came to the world! The horrific hot temperature burst from Suzaku's body, mixed with the power of destruction!

"Suzaku, in the name of my Xiao Chen, ordered you to burn the obstacles in the world and help me to destroy all enemies!"

With Xiao Chen's growl, the Suzaku was instantly angry! Although the Suzaku transformed from the star phantom has only the power of the Suzaku itself, at this moment, it has the origin of fire. It is like the Suzaku avatar, and naturally inherits the pride and fury of the Suzaku itself. As the world's strongest fire is a **** beast, Suzaku is majestic and can not tolerate any provocation. This little demon dare to seal it down. How can this be true!

Suzaku's bizarre anger!




Suzaku was furious, thousands of fires came to the world, burned the sky and cooked the sea, destroying the life of the people! Endless flames are forcibly summoned from nothing, and under the call of the source of fire, they dare not show up!

The blue fire descends from the sky, burning the sky!

The red fire, born from the ground, burns the earth!

The colorful fire rises from the source, burning flesh!

Suzaku summons, is the fire of the heavens, the fire of the abyss, the fire of human nature. This technique is quite similar to the three fire magical powers used by the old man of the old tribe in Starfield 6 at that time, but now Suzaku relies on the source of fire Under the call, this magical power can compare with this person, but I don't know how much stronger!

The flames converged, turned into a sea of ​​fire, and burned towards the endless ivy!

Huomumu is definitely the most appropriate choice to use this magical power to break the king of arabesques!

The monarch King Tianjiao is completely discolored at this moment!

Feeling the powerful breath emanating from Suzaku's body, feeling the heat of destruction emanating from the void, a fear from the bottom of my heart suddenly burst, and the whole body was filled with a crazy degree. This man is a vegetation-like demon tribe. Even though he has been refined and separated from the body, the nature of his wood will not change, and he has a natural disgust and fear of fire. An ordinary fire, naturally cannot be taken for granted by the arabic monarch magical power, but this flame is the form of Xiao Chen condensing Suzaku, and integrating into the source of fire is equivalent to creating a Suzaku avatar from birth, plus the original breath The existence of him even made him have an irresistible feeling of falling down.

In the screaming, the king of arabesques shot wildly, and the magic of the sky was more dense, sticky and almost liquid, and the number of ivy derived from it skyrocketed in a short period of time. Spread the sky and make up the Ivy League!

He only hoped that this mighty explosion could resist the burning of the Suzaku fire, otherwise, once the magical power was broken, he would be severely wounded! Because this supernatural power is so arrogant, it is formed after he has refined his own body into the body. Although he can still survive without the body, but once the body is destroyed and the air engine is traction, he can never retreat!

The Arab King never expected that Xiao Chen could show such a magical power. This completely out of his expectation made him afraid.


The surging fire waves suddenly swept across, enclosing numerous green vines. In this fire waves, green vines suddenly burst out of all energy, crystal clear and jade-like, scattered endless green monsters, and countered the fire of Suzaku!

But under the source of fire, even the source of wood is suppressed, not to mention the power of the king of vines! The ivy color turned into yellow with the naked eye, then burned and turned into ashes.

This destruction is complete extinction and cannot be born again!

"Ah!" The King of Arabesque was endlessly miserable, and the body was burned into ashes. To him, he was undoubtedly in the sea of ​​fire and suffered from endless flames. This kind of pain is beyond the imagination of outsiders!

For the time being, this demon has only one choice, that is to give up the body. Otherwise, once Suzaku's fire burns up the body, it will inevitably be drawn into it under the traction of the machine. By then, 90% of the time, he may have to The maggot fell under the fire.

Especially at this moment, several breaths are rushing towards this place with an amazing degree. The King of Arabesques dare not meet them in such a weak state. Otherwise, if someone secretly cares about him, his situation will undoubtedly be more dangerous. .

"Human race Chen Chen, remember today and the demon, my King Arabesque will one day return it!"

"Body, blast me! Blast! Blast!"

In the fierce roar, the violent terror wave suddenly burst from the endless vine, and then burst into pieces, turning into a strong wave of monster power, like a river of water, swept madly in all directions.

This is the terrifying energy generated by the King of the Arabesque's self-explosion. The mighty power is earth-shattering. Although it is not enough to dispel the original strength of Xiao Chenfire, it can forcibly break the closed town of Suzaku Fire and completely cut off him and the Connection.

With the help of this power, the Arabesque King gained precious breathing time. He blew blood again and again, but he did not dare to pause for a moment, took out a teleportation rune with his backhand, and crushed it with his hands.

The next moment, a powerful space teleportation force suddenly burst into a teleportation phantom, enveloping the heavy damage of the Arab Vine King, and disappeared in a flash.

From the fluctuating breath of the runes in this space, it seems that the Arabesque King should use the highest level of runes, maybe he has returned directly to the field of demons, after all, even if he does not die, he has been absolutely The damage was severe, and the source was damaged. I am afraid that it will never be recovered in hundreds of years. How dare to stay in the ethnic battlefield.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, a little unwillingness flashed under his eyes. If he was struck by the wound at this moment, he was not unable to leave the demon, but now feeling the atmosphere of that arrival, he had to press the killing machine in his heart. Turning his sleeves, his dark eyes burst into endless light, looking at the first person who appeared in the void.

This person is exactly the demon master!

The four eyes are relatively speechless, but there is nothing to kill!

Xiao Chen's face was calm, his dark eyes were like an abyss, the sea was immeasurable, with mysterious colors, and seemed to be able to swallow people's consciousness into it, completely lost.

Si Mo frowned. Although his appearance was insignificant, his heart was full of endless fear. Only then did the magical powers fight him very clearly. The power of this human race, Xiao Chen, made him have to deal with it carefully!

Just before the battle, although he did not see it with his own eyes, he could roughly sense that the king of arabesques was completely suppressed by the downwind, or it could be said that he had been forced to explode himself in exchange for a chance to escape . But even so, the demon still determined that if he shot, he would definitely kill Xiao Chen, the human race!

It was just too costly to do so, and he still hesitated.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen and Si Mo frowned, looking up at another sky. The aura of light flashed, the space was forcibly torn, the two figures came instantly with the killing spree, and the horrible monsters spread out, distorting the space, making the two surroundings blurred.

Family destiny twins!

The two have already sensed the fight between King Arabesque and Xiao Chen, and now they know the ending. At the same time, the killings in their hearts have skyrocketed, and they have endless shock! The eyes of both sides burst into the light, flickering like a nebula flowing between them.

Although the Arab King is strong, they are not yet regarded by the two of them, but he is the demon tribe Tianjiao after all. Now he is hit hard by Xiao Chen and escaped. If the demon tribe cannot recover it, he will lose his face. People will also lose points in the heart of the board of directors. So in today's situation, the two of them have no choice but to leave Xiao Chen!

Can kill a few ethnic groups Tianjiao. Although the combat power is amazing, the destiny twins are still confident. The means they have is not that the higher they are, the more they can resist! Xiao Chen shot with all his strength, this human race, Xiao Chen, could not escape.

"Kill me, the demon clan is in front, and the king of arrogant vines is behind, and the human race is Xiao Chen. Today my two brothers will definitely kill you."

"Nebula, soul-locking technique!"

The destiny twins speak at the same time, even the sounds are exactly the same, as the same person sounds quite strange. At the moment when the sound didn't fall, the two Yaozu Tianjiao shot at once, waved between their sleeves, and mutated and protruded.

The sky seems to be pulled down forcibly by a mighty force, reducing countless distances, making that week-sky stars reachable, slowly spinning in silence, and has a strange force burst from the middle, instantly Xiao Chen shrouded in it.

Si Mo's eyes flickered slightly, revealing a little bit of jealousy, apparently knowing a little about this destiny's supernatural powers. There was a slight flash of magic light outside the body, and this magic regressed galloping away, evading to a safe place, his complexion was cloudy and cloudy, and eventually turned into indifference.

Since the destiny twins took the lead, he waited for a while, and then waited for the mobile man. The demon thought, his heart gradually settled down, converging his own breath, seemingly calm, but he could suddenly shoot at any moment and start murder!

No matter what, Xiao Chen of this people is still thinking about leaving, even if he is struggling to tear a layer of ban, he will not hesitate.

Xiao Chen frowned, his eyes glanced around, now he seems to be in the endless star field, and all the stars around him are running, silent and silent, without beginning and end, with the long-distance breath since ancient times, like the beginning of heaven and earth. Has been around since. Although he knows that the magical power is just a metamorphosis right now, no matter how he looks for it, he can't find the slightest flaw, as if this star field is indeed a thing!

Closing his eyes, the **** came out of the body, but seemed to be in the thick fog, confused, unable to perceive the slightest bit.

After a moment, Xiao Chen opened her eyes, her face didn't feel dignified, her eyes were slightly gloomy, her thoughts moved slightly, and she suddenly turned into a streamer and whistled forward, and went straight to a star somewhere! But this star seemed to be within reach, but no matter how crazy he was flying, he couldn't get close to the slightest point, as if he had been spinning all the time. Xiao Chen stopped the light, his face was completely gloomy, a jealousy in his heart was born, and it became stronger.

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