Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 107: Parents Li's old **** is thinking about ghost images

Wang Hu, Jin Shang, and others nodded at the same time. "I will always assure Liuyun Daoyou that he will protect the Daoyou with his life. If he violates it, he will be destroyed by nature, and the soul will not be reincarnate!"

The vow must be fierce, and it is enough to know that from the heart, there is no falsehood. Bayi Chinese Network W) W] W}. ] 8] 1? ZW. Com

Xiao Chen nodded and didn't say much. At this moment, he suddenly lifted up, the bright eyes burst into the dark eyes, a powerful breath suddenly burst from his body, and suddenly swept across the world with a sweeping attitude, fierce and overbearing. However, this breath is slightly restless and fluctuating. It falls in the eyes of other monks. Obviously it is not his own practice, but the use of some secret technique and paying a certain price to forcibly promote the gain.

And this is exactly the result Xiao Chen wanted. His cultivation is now quite arrogant. If he behaves more powerfully, I am afraid it will provoke suspicion and cause unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, using the secret technique, forcibly improving the cultivation behavior, and resisting the life blow of Li Jiajian's sacrifice, is undoubtedly the best choice at present. In order to make his performance more believable, he moved his mind slightly, forced a few bloodstains, ran down the corner of his mouth, his face became red, his expression was painful, and his performance was superb and will never be noticed by anyone. In this insidious and cunning, we can see that in the realm of cultivation that can be heard everywhere, learning to disguise and learn to perform is undoubtedly one of the qualities necessary for a qualified monk. Although Xiao Chen did not deliberately study, he experienced so many things, and he was enough to use them.

So at this moment, Pan Shi and others looked dignified, looking at Xiao Chen's eyes full of gratitude, and looked like he had seen him as a very close person in his heart.

As for Lan Qiu, her eyes were slightly brightened, except that there were other good men besides Brother Rock. Looking carefully at the calm and firm face, the erect and thin figure, the strange emotion in Fang's heart that was repressed reluctantly re-emerged, and it became stronger before comparison.

As for Li Yunqi, the crazy roaring words in his mouth came to an abrupt end, his eyes popped up instantly, his gaze looked at the violent figure, and he felt only a coldness all over his body, and a very bad idea appeared in his mind instantly.

It was just when this man's thoughts were rolling, a deep drink came, which made him fierce in his heart, suddenly lifted, his face was completely pale for a moment, no trace of blood.

Seeing above the void, the guardianship of Qianzhang's stars seemed to be suddenly injected with majestic mana, suddenly bursting into a very powerful defense force, and numerous forbidden silk threads whistled and condensed out, like spider webs, densely layered toward the blood color. Jianmang fell down and forcibly sealed it down! The blood-colored swordmang is violent and violent, and the dissipated breath will fall down and the town will collapse. However, the forbidden silk thread will endlessly sweep from all directions. Even if it shatters thousands or even thousands, it still cannot be broken. The advancement of the object is getting slower and slower, and eventually it is forcibly closed down. Even if the blood is flashing wildly, it cannot move at all.

At the moment when the Scarlet Sword Mansion was completely blocked by the guardianship of the stars, the magical power of the forbidden Tao and Zhuanzhuan moved instantly!

call out!

The void was distorted, as if the space had been reversed. The blood-colored sword awns that had been rushed to Xiao Chen and others disappeared directly. When it reappeared, there were hundreds of feet above the monks such as Li Yunqi, with an endless killing breath, and they fell wildly.

"Ah!" With a scream, Li Yunqi waved his hands again and again to sacrifice the pieces of defensive magic in the storage ring, guarding himself tightly. As for the monk around him, he died and he was so noble. Is their identity comparable?

However, even if many treasures are shot, Li Yunqi's complexion is still pale. He doesn't have any particularly powerful treasures in his hands, relying on them, I'm afraid I can't resist them!

Is he going to snag here today?

Do not! Absolutely not!

In the heart of the madness and misery, Li Yunqi moved a bit faster on his hands. As long as it was a treasure that could be used to save his life, he was sacrificed as much as possible.


Jian Mang is like the blood of a soul, and the speed is like a thunder, and it is instantly cut off!



Jianmang has not yet fallen, but the majestic atmosphere mixed with it falls with the pressure of Mount Tai, and several treasures above Li Yunqi's head have been directly shattered, causing a sound of wailing and shattering.

The Jian Mang fell again, and the sound of rattling continued, even the first class Taoist can't resist the horrible Jian Mang that was shot by the strongest man in the heavens and the realm. It was directly crushed and broken!

Li Yunqi has many treasures to share the pressure as resistance, but the monks around him naturally have no such luck. At this moment, although they are also offering treasures to resist, they are completely destroyed in an instant with the tendency of destruction and destruction. The physical body collapsed, flesh and blood flew, and Yuanshen was exposed to the outside. Before the slightest sound was heard, he was torn directly by the violent breath escaped by the blood-colored sword-mang.

"Ah! I don't want to die!"

"Pan Shi, let this Liuyun stop quickly, otherwise, even if you wait to kill me today, you will definitely endure the endless pursuit of my Li family until death, and it will never end well!"

"This matter, you have to think clearly. Let me go, as long as you spare me today, I am willing to exchange with you all the treasures in my hands! I have treasures, spirit stones, and spirits, and I will make you satisfied. "

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Mi Chu miserable, the initial threat, and then begging for mercy, eventually collapsed, crying.

This Li Yunqi is a complete waste. I don't know how much Li Jiabao's items it cost to accumulate in the later period of repairing the calamity, and to replace it with another qualified monk, I am afraid that it has now reached more than heaven.

His approach, intimidating and tempting, may be useful if placed on other monks, but it has no meaning to Xiao Chen. In his eyes, he could see at a glance that Li Yunqi was the one who must report his flaws. Now that the grievances have settled, there is no possibility of relieving them. That being the case, it is natural to start early and be strong. As for the revenge of the Li family, as long as the original appearance is changed, who can think of this flowing cloud is his Xiao Chen.

Or even if it was known by the Li family, what could it be. Now he is no longer a soft persimmon who has just begun to enter the spirit world. If he really fights against him, no matter who wants to attack him, he must pay a sufficient price.

But at this moment, when everyone decided that Li Yunqi was going to die, his body suddenly flashed with aura, and then a slight "click" crackling sound came out, as if a piece of ornament on this person was damaged.

The next moment, a majestic breath burst out instantly, straight into the sky, stirring up the change. At the source of this breath, a slightly illusory figure appeared directly, raised his hand slightly, and the wind and light clouds did not show the slightest smoke and fire breath, but it was directly forcibly dispersing the **** swordmang and disappearing between the invisible.

Raise your hand and show your power, this illusory figure is a powerful and powerful practice!

Li Yunqi stayed a little bit, his face scared, but the moment he saw the figure, his eyes couldn't help but give birth to ecstasy. "Seven elders, why did your old man come here, you should try it soon. These people want to kill I!"

The person who came is Li Haowei, the seventh elder of the Li family. He is a man of three heavens and nature. This person did not know why there was a divine thought in a piece of adornment on Li Yunqi's body. Once Li Yunqi faced the danger of life and death, he could shoot immediately and rescue him. This method is not uncommon. Most of the elite children of large forces will be more or less sheltered by the teacher in the door.

Li Hao glanced over Li Yunqi for his eyes. Seeing his fright, he couldn't help shaking his face, and there was a little more gloom in his eyes. His eyes turned to Xiao Chen, Pan Shi, and so on again, and it was cold and profitable. Sword-like, straight to kill people.

Throughout the world, countless lights have gathered at this moment, falling on the body with a strong breath, showing the fear and panic.

The power of the strong in the heavens and the three realms is as powerful as the power of the gods. It is irresistible!

Liu Dongbo suddenly stood up, his eyes fell on Li Haowei, his eyes flashed, his face was cloudy, and he murmured, "This old immortal came here as a clone, and he is not afraid to spread the reputation of bullying It really is the style of the Li family. "

Although the words were disdainful, in this man's expression, there was still a vague sense of jealousy. Obviously, Li Hao was by no means easy.

In the auction hall of Shangyuan, Wang Huahua suddenly reached out and patted his thigh, exclaimed angrily: "The shameless old Li family husband, this is in the deathmatch, he can even pull his face down and intervene, which is really thick. Like a city, my king fat man will bow down. "

"A person who is shameless is invincible. This Li Hao is already invincible!"

The indifferent female young lady with slightly frowns, nodded slowly at the moment when she heard the words, and said, "When it comes to the thickness of the shameless skin, although you are not weak, there is indeed a big gap compared to this Lijiapifu."

Wang Huahua: ,,,,

The powerful monks from both sides of the tribe gathering point behaved this way. The people outside the deathmatch were stunned. Although Li Haowei was not shameful in his heart, he did not dare to reveal the slightest, for fear of causing trouble to his family. The scourge of death.

After all, the reputation of the Li family in these years is still very deterrent among the human race.

Xiao Chen's complexion was so pale. How to deal with the situation today does not require him to deal with it, because now he is already a 'disabled person' who caused serious injuries due to the loss of mysticism. It seems that even the power to speak is gone.

Wang Hu, Jin Shang, Lan Qiu, Jiang Chen, and the five of them were waiting for each other and guarding him tightly. At this moment, they were looking at Li Haowei with a look of fear. Although they did not know the identity of the person who came, Li Yunqi heard the Seven Elders clearly.

Mr. Li is the oldest, ranking seventh.

Suddenly the situation reversed again, naturally they were scared!

Li Hao was expressionless, his eyes glanced slowly at Xiao Chen, Pan Shi, and others. Although it was only a ghost image, his almost ordinary eyes still brought extremely strong pressure.

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