Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 106: The fierce sword sword is unmatched

The elixir melted into a violent medicine, flowing wildly in the meridians, spreading into every inch of flesh and blood in the whole body, and reaching the depth of the bone marrow. All the exercises they had cultivated in their lives were stimulated, and the majestic body was urged together. vitality. [八一 (Chinese? [? [W] W] W].] 8> 1] Z] W] .COM

The flesh swells and turns red, and the green tendons are like twisted earthworms, rolling under the flesh, which is quite appalling.

The miserable depression and the distorted face all show how severe the pain is now for Cheng Yun and Cheng Feng, and they ca n’t resist the mood of their swords.


Pain swallowed the intellect, their eyes turned red, and they both roared. Now Cheng Yun and Cheng Feng Lingzhi have been wiped out by medicine and turned into monsters that only know to kill. Now they will only act on the last thought before the consciousness dissipates, which is to kill Xiao Chen!



Two different roars came out of their mouths, and the two shot at the same time.



The three-foot Qingfeng in his hand has been covered with blood, and he can't stop talking, exuding endless fierce breath. As the ancient deities come, as for the destruction of the world, the slaughter of endless souls. Severe, brutal, killing, freezing, full of endless negative attributes.

Raised, chopped, two strange **** colors instantly cut through the space, blended with the void a bit silently, and turned into one, and went straight to Xiao Chen chopped in a flash.

With a single shot, the cloud-like and cloud-like brothers like the madmen are still at the same time, and the violent and powerful breath in the body quickly retreats like a tide, but eventually disappears, and the scarlet color of the eyes gradually fades, and eventually disappears completely.


The wind blew, starting from holding the Qingfeng, the bodies of these two people, like weathered rocks in the Gobi Desert for thousands of years, turned directly into powder, and disappeared when they fell on the ground.

One hit of magical powers is to swallow up all the vitality and blood of the two lives.

It can be seen that after the fusion of the two bloodstains, the power possessed by the two bloodstains must be shocked once they explode!


The blow that merged Cheng Yun and Chengfeng brothers ’monastic practice and the powerful force in exchange for sacrificing life seemed to cut through the space. In a flash, it appeared directly outside Xiao Chen Qianzhang, without any pause, boldly cut drop.

Until this moment, I can see that this blood is exactly a swordman!




Jian Mang was cut off, just like cold water was poured directly into the boiling oil pan, the fierce confrontation and slaughter directly broke out between the two, the rumbling boom continued, mixed with the starlight tossing, and the blood was shining!

Whether it is hearing or vision, it has caused extremely powerful impact!

The violent and raging breath exploded from the fight between the two. Like a horrible sea, mixed with an irresistible momentum, any creature that dares to resist will be directly obliterated by this force.

The Scarlet Sword is fierce and fierce, and the stars are agile and tough.

But at this moment, as long as the eyes fall on the monk, you can easily detect it. Now the battle situation is that the blood awns have the absolute upper hand. Although the light of the stars can be resisted, it is still being annihilated with a stable degree. This trend continues, and in the end there will be a time of complete collapse. Once the star's awn collapsed and dissipated, it was time for the monks to die completely during the ban.

The Star Guardian works in conjunction with Doosan Starshift. After the former successfully defeats the opponent's magical power, Doosan Starshift can play its role and forcibly reverse its power. If the Star Guardian fails, Doosan Starshift cannot function.

It was at this moment that within the guardianship of the stars, Pan Shi's face turned pale instantly, and there was no trace of blood. Facing the coming of death, who can bear this kind of mental suffering!

On the other hand, Li Yunqi had a few people on one side, and his tense heartstrings became loose for a moment, and his face was light and relaxed, and then he turned cold and cold, his eyes grim.

"Kill them! Kill me!"

"Dare to be bad for me. You are really trying to die. Today I will let you know that all those who try to be disrespectful to my Li family will die!"

"Hahahaha! Die! All die!"

Li Yunqi chuckled wildly, his murderous eyes seemed to turn into substance.

The blood-colored sword-mang, in the star's mang, is like a laser boat, riding the wind and waves, carrying the breath of endless destruction, chopping down, and using all means to stop it. The entire star guarded the array, and under the agitation of this golden mang, it suddenly trembled uncontrollably. The magnitude of this tremor was getting bigger and stronger, and eventually 365 stars in the forbidden path evoked unstable breath fluctuations, which seemed to collapse.

Forbidden road stars are the core of the prohibition. Once damaged, the prohibition completely collapses!

The rock looked painful, and the resentment revealed under his eyes turned into endless despair and sorrow, thick and thick, unable to melt away.

Hundreds of years of preparation, secret cultivation, life-and-death honour, and cultivation for promotion. I was thinking of being able to fight against the enemy and report my revenge, but I do n’t want to meet the enemy again today. This is still the situation now.

Defeated! Completely defeated! The funeral was not only his own life, but also cut off the possibility of revenge for the brothers and lovers, and also involved a group of brothers who now know that they should be okay, but today he suffered a terrible calamity and ridicule. Killed!

This is what makes Rock's heart feel guilty.

"Brothers, it's all my fault to make everyone come to such an end today because of the Rock. It is impossible to return in this life. In the next life, I will be a cow and a horse, and I will also return the kindness of your brothers!"

"I'm sorry!"

Yan Yan arched his hand, bowed deeply, his face was sad, his eyes filled with grief.

Turning suddenly, looking at the blood-stained sword-mang, the firmness on the face of the rock instantly appeared.

"Friends of Yunyun, please also allow a forbidden passage. Today's killings will be caused by the blast, and let the rock explode to see if it can reduce the potential of this sword awn to be a little bit less and give you a chance for life."

"If I can do that, even if I am broken, I can be a little bit at ease."

The voice spread, echoing in the void, but did not respond.

Xiao Chen's face was calm. Before the rock said, he listened to everything clearly. He could not help expressing a little appreciation. Apart from other people, at least this person's character is the best choice and a good person.

Such characters, naturally, cannot die like this.

"You don't have to do this for the time being. Now that Daoyou can fight for life for me, how can Liuyun hide it?"

"Although this Li Jiajian Xiu's life-threatening blow is powerful, he just wanted to kill me all the way, but it was a little delusional!"

"We are about to make all-out shots and blast Xeon means. After that, there will be no shots. After all, we are in danger and we all ask you."

Slightly speaking, the sound is calm and there are not many fluctuations, but it contains a strong and confident will, revealing calmness.

Pan Shi, Jin Shang, Wang Hu, Jiang Chen, Ye Xi, and Lan Qiu all heard the words at the same time, and their faces were full of shock. After this shock, they all turned into ecstasy. The ants are still stealthily, but they are still monks. When they are desperate, they have to make a living. The so-called great sadness and joy are nothing but this.

The despair and sorrow of Panshi's eyes trembled suddenly, and then he turned into excitement. The person took a deep breath, held his fist firmly, and said in a deep voice: "Liuyun Taoist rest assured, as long as he can stop this attack, Taoist is safe, Panshi can guarantee by human head that there will be no shortfalls. If it is violated, it will be destroyed by nature, and the soul will not be reincarnate! "

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