Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 77: Nine Swords Powerless

It was in the minds of many foreign monks that when they looked a little looser, suddenly a violent rage came to an extreme. The horror sword that wanted to chop the heavens and the sky came up, and then under the eyes of everyone, there was 3oo. Thousands of large and small swords, chopped down, went straight to where the ancient demon shot alone!

This sword shadow, as if shot by the ancient sword fairy, cut through the constraints of time and space, crossed an infinitely long distance, and came to the world. [Eight One Chinese << W) W] W]. ] 8] 1? ZW. Com speed is as fast as a thunderbolt, and in a flash, it has already landed in the demons, and in the horrified roar of solitary shooting, it is cut off. The faces of the 10,000 Demon Strong changed greatly, and before they could roar, the figure had fallen into the shadow of the sword, and the whole world was shaken in the next moment.

The sword shadow passed by was the attention of countless monks, including the ancient magic solitary shooting, the body of thousands of demons strong is like the rock of the Gobi beach where the wind blows the sun for thousands of years, the breeze blows, and the sound of "sand" Turned into fly ash, completely annihilated.

One sword cuts down, ten thousand monks monks, oh!

The solitary shooting used the treasure star to seal the forbidden earth pearl. The original intention was to kill Xiao Chen, but now he was killed in his own killing tricks.

The countenance of countless aliens turned pale, and there was no trace of blood.

At the place where the supernatural powers converged, the energy tide was surging, and it had already turned into a dead zone. A tall and erect figure seemed to be gradually clear and solid, holding the green front and making a slashing gesture. Out of the hand.

Lift, move forward slowly, from the tide of destruction energy.

The body of the 37 million Zhangjian sword is intact, with a faint aura of light.

"Today you wait for your own death. Even if you die, it is your fault. Don't blame me for being cruel!"

"You guys, can't escape!"

Xiao Chen drank, the sound of billowing, mixed with endless mana urges, and spread out, sweeping the whole world.


The words fell without warning, raising his hand and beating again with a sword.

A sword starts, and the phantom of 3oo million swords emerges instantly. It contains immense power, it is irresistible, and it is utterly cut off.


Previously, a sword killed Gu She and 10,000 Demon Clan powerhouses, and that scene was deeply imprinted in the Atomic Gods, making him look white, his body stiff, and his mind full of fear. This demon is scared, completely scared.

The 470,000 alien powers can't be hurt by joining hands. They can cut off with one sword and kill 10,000 monks. This power has exceeded his imagination!

This Xiao Chen, no matter what means he uses, now has power and has gone beyond the three levels of heaven and man!

He couldn't resist.

But the space has been completely suppressed here, he wants to escape, but not so much, he can only fight hard.

Thousands of demons are unwilling to die, so they have to go all out. At this moment, they are all screaming and roaring, their magical powers are exhausted, in order to survive under this sword. But all this can only be in vain!

Xiaodian refining the mixed Yuan Lingzhu, the power soared, and this time at the expense of damage and shot at full strength, the lethality that can be burst is unimaginable.


Above Jiuxiao, there was a roar and a loud blast again, shaking the void. At the same time as the wave exploded, the 10,000 monsters including the ivy had already been wiped out from this world.

Demon Ivy, thousands of monks, oh!

The two swords shot and killed 20,000 monks of the two strong clan, including Gu She and Qingteng two peak ethnic groups. Xiao Chen manifested the battle body of 370,000 Zhang Swords, stood against the sky, held the green front, and predominated the world!

So amazing, so imposing, who in this world can compare!

An unstoppable sense of fear and panic raised in the hearts of countless alien powerhouses. The alien powerhouse who had previously hanged Xiao Chen together was even more severely struck, only to feel breathless and pale.



I don't know who the population roared. It was aggressive and originally had an absolute advantage. I wanted to kill Xiao Chen's alien monks in a blast and turned away and ran away in all directions, like a dog of a bereavement. Attitude, cursing in the heart at the same time, gushed all the relatives of the deceased ancient demon and greeted them for eighteen generations. If he hadn't used the stars to seal the sky and forbidden the earth beads, forcibly detained a space of 3ooo miles, they would have torn the space and left, why would he end up so embarrassed and want to escape?

Tribal monks were not one at all. At this moment, the fear spread away. Looking at the figure standing like a **** killing the world, there was still a bit of resistance in their hearts, and a wave of collapse broke out instantly. Not to blame them for not being strong, Xiao Chen is really too scary.

The 470,000 monks were strangled together, and they could not hurt him at all. With two swords in a row, they were able to slay and kill 20,000 monsters and demons. This kind of power has scared them.

In particular, Xiao Chen had a word before, and all the monks you saw in the future would die.

Right now, there is another saying online, who dares to stay, saying that the next one to die is himself.

The cricket ants are still stealthily, but no matter how much monks cross the robbery, no one wants to ridicule.

Xiao Chen's face was calm, but there was a murderous tumble in his eyes.

It was okay to resist 470,000 alien monks strangling because he mobilized the left eyebrow guardian. Dare to use the left eyebrow guardian outside because he has mastered the prohibition of supernatural powers, can be attached to the body surface, and even if someone guesses that he has protective treasure, he can't determine what it is. There are countless treasures in the world, as long as the left eyebrow dojo is not exposed, everything is easy to say.

Today, with Xiao Chenxiu as his master, he can master the left eyebrow guardian and bless himself to persist for ten breaths. With this period of time as a buffer, he can attack, retreat and defend, even if the heavens and the five realms are shot, he has the whole body to retreat.

It is precisely because he has the means to control his own destiny that Xiao Chen will be so high-profile today, in order to fully promote his reputation, shake the entire spiritual realm, and get the attention of the Terrans!

From the beginning of resisting the strangulation of magical powers, to the killing of Gushe, Qingteng, and 20,000 alien monks by two swords, two full breaths have passed.

There is 8 interest.

Xiao Chen lifted up his heart, and now he has shot with all his strength, and even the shop has not hesitated a lot of self-injury, forcibly improved his power, and evoked the ghost of 3oo million swords. Under this circumstance, naturally, he couldn't delay the slightest, shot with all his strength, and beheaded the alien monk!

Mind changes, the battle body of 370,000 Zhangjian explodes, and the figure shoots at an instant that is completely inconsistent with its volume. The Qingfeng "唰" and "唰" in the hands are cut off!

The space is forcibly detained and unable to perform teleportation and other magical powers. Xiao Chen Space is a cultivator who is within easy reach of the End of the World magical powers. The speed is faster than that of teleportation, so who can escape from his sword.

The third sword, the golden horns of the unicorn tribe, ten thousand unicorn monks, died.

The fourth sword, the Yaksha Youxuan, the 10,000 Yaksha strong, died.

Fifth sword, earth spirit monks, 10,000 earth spirit monks, die.

The sixth sword, the nightmare tribe magical monk, died.

The seventh sword, Tianjun tribe Wu Jun, ten thousand monks of the Tianling tribe, died.

The eighth sword, insinuated by the one-eyed tribe, ten thousand one-eyed monks, died.

The ninth sword, the earth giant cries, ten thousand earth giant monks die.

9 time, 9 swords, kill 9 peaks of the ethnic group, 90,000 alien monk strong! Although Xiao Chen's heart is still murderous, he forcibly did not take the last breath. Before the left eyebrow guard failed, he must leave here, and in any case must ensure sufficient caution, otherwise there is little accident. It is possible to lose your life.

Countless strong aliens rushed like a river across the river and fled in all directions. Xiao Chen stood up against the sword. Within tens of thousands of miles, no one dared to approach.

The body of 90,000 dead and exterminate aliens has been turned into powder and sprinkled on the ground under the stabbing of sword air, and only one piece of storage quit on the ground.

Xiao Chen raised his hand, and the spilled earth storage ring seemed to be summoned, soared in an instant, and went straight to that hand to gather. A total of 9 million spirits, one of which is not bad, moved his mind slightly, and he was included in the left eyebrow dojo as much as possible.

Raise your hand, cut off with a sword, and head straight for the ground.

At the same time, Xiao Chen stepped forward, and the figure disappeared instantly. Only a faint voice came, although it was indifferent, it spread across millions of miles.

"Xiao Chen, I am here to kill the aliens today. If you don't agree, you can come to me again in the future."

"My people are majestic and cannot be provoked. If there is anyone who dares to offend in the future, they will die!"

The figure dissipated, the aftershocks rolled, and it resounded through the sky!

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