[The cold is a little better. Thank you friends for your greetings and support. Baozi remembers it in his heart, and he is grateful. Bayi Chinese Network W) W] W>. ] 8> 1] Z & gt; W ?. ? C} O] M On the first day of the new year today, I hope that the Taoists will be happy and happy. New year and new weather, I would like to encourage you all! Bowed and stepped down, all Taoist friends read the book. 】

In the battle of Cang Yuezhen, Xiao Chen's enemy 33 retreated for the strong of the ethnic group. Now the power has soared countlessly. Even if the formidable 48 strong members of the extra-ethnic group, including Crying, join forces, they may not be able to stay. Therefore, for the sake of insurance, in addition to crying, there are tens of thousands of strong ethnic groups behind the 48 strongest ethnic groups. What is so-called is self-evident.

Forty-eight strong ethnic groups, gathered 480,000 alien strong, superimposed combat power, want to hang Xiao Chen!

With such a lineup, the combat power that can be exploded can be described as devastating, and even if it is a real three-strength power, it is only possible to temporarily avoid the edge.

At the same time, where the human race was located, countless monks snarled angry and roared, their eyes were spitting fire, and they wanted to burn all the surrounding monks to ashes.

mean! Shameless!

This is true of Cang Yuezhang, and it is still the case today. These alien strong men are not my top monk rivals, so don't join hands to injure them. Do you really think that other monks are vegetarians? I can't bear it, I can't stand it!

The anger is burning, and the monks are soaring. If you watch Xiao Chen besieged by them today, they will do nothing, and say that there is no way to see people in the future.

Even in the face of dozens of alien monks in the surroundings, there was no fear, and the war broke out instantly. Terran monks were jealous of their enemies. They were fierce and wary. On the other hand, although the alien strong man had the absolute upper hand, his momentum was insufficient and he was cautious. After all, the human race is one of the strong spirits in the spiritual world, and its strength is unfathomable. It is only necessary to work together to suppress Xiao Chen. If a lot of aliens join forces to suppress the human race and cause a lot of deaths and injuries, it will definitely lead to **** revenge on the human race.

No ethnic group is willing to usher in the wrath of a strong clan in the spirit world. Even if the demons and demons are equal to the strong clan, they will never tear the skin completely if it is not necessary.

Su Su's face flushed, driving Lingbao to shoot, her eyes were full of anxiety, but several strong aliens joined forces to resist, and entangled her for a while, unable to get away, her heart panicked.

"Evil, you run away!"

The little girl looked at Xiao Chen and screamed in her mouth, apparently she wanted to remind Xiao Chen that her voice was extremely penetrating under the blessing of mana, and instantly spread throughout the space.

Jun suffered no blame, no effort, and in the Enron, Qi Yun, and Emerald tribe fell among the tribal monks. At this moment, when he heard the resentment in his eyes flashed, he sneered secretly. Since they have already shot, these alien powerhouses must be fully prepared. If this lineup is shot, they can escape from this Xiao Chen, only to say that he is born with evil! But this situation is absolutely impossible, Xiao Chen must die.

Countless monks' eyes gathered on Xiao Chen. Human monks were indignant, and foreign monks were indifferent. They made him the only focus in the world at this moment.

It is under the attention of these people that Xiao Chen looks calm, the colder his eyes, but the dazzling light slowly diffuses from it, the more dense and heavy the body's breath, without any fear of flickering.

Every killing bureau is quiet.

What's more, the situation is already in Xiao Chen's expectation, how can he be afraid! Since he dared to show up today, Xiao Chen has made a good grasp of it. He can shake the world in one battle, and he can stain the sky in the first battle!

Blood is the blood of the enemy. With the head of a strong alien, he has achieved his prestige!

Today, even if these alien powerhouses do not take the initiative, Xiao Chen will not let them go. No matter whether they are new haters, **** opportunities, or lay the foundation, he will not be half-hearted today.

Right now they choose to take a joint shot, which exactly wiped out the last hint of scruples in Xiao Chen's heart and found the perfect reason.

This battle is not that I want to kill people, but that people want to kill me. In that case, I will kill him a peach willow green, feathers and duck blood.

When I heard Su Su speak, her voice was anxious, and the meaning of caring was self-evident. Xiao Chen had a little warmth in her heart, and she saw that the monk of the tribe shot out in anger for him. Quite comforting, and then there are magnanimous sentiments.

48 monks at the top of the interracial group!

470,000 alien strong!

But how can it be, wanting to kill him is not enough!

"Ha ha ha ha! I think Xiao Chen has practiced so far and has faced countless killings, but he can survive today. If he wants to hurt me, he has already died as much as possible.

"Now that you want to follow in their footsteps, how will Xiao Chen stop."

"If you want to hang me, then I have fought a battle, killed him vigorously, and spread the name of my tribe Xiao Chen throughout the spiritual world! I do n’t want to despise Xiao Chen, and my tribe cannot be dismissed!"

"Although the spiritual realm is wide, the world is large, and those who belong to my family will never die!"

"Battle! Battle! Battle!"

The last three battle words were open, short and fierce. Along with these three voices, Xiao Chen's out-of-body breath turned out to be soaring again. Under the incorporation of pure warfare, such as the awakening of the ancient beast, the power and strength of the world are unparalleled. The mighty force broke out of the body and swept away in all directions.

At the same time, Xiao Feng ’s hands trembled violently. The shop was excited and infected by Xiao Chen. He could n’t help but laugh three times and screamed: “Even if you are fighting hard, you ’re going to be hit hard again. Kill you all. "

"From today, the uncle of the shop spreads fiercely."

In the strange cry, there was pure Mori Sword intended to implode from the shadow of millions of swords, and billions of thousands of swords were gathered in the void.

One person, one sword, the breath is connected, the explosion is superimposed, and the earth is moving!

In response to the 480,000 alien powerhouses, including 48 monks at the top of the ethnic group, they still do not change their face, show their arrogance and domineering, regardless of the result, this is the performance alone, and there are some points in the world that can be achieved.

This alone is enough to be awesome.

The ancient demon shot with a gloomy face, his hand flashed with aura, and a child's fist-sized bead appeared in his hand, with stars flashing, floating a little, and mysterious, but the most weird thing was that from inside the bead, actually It is the obscure space breath that comes out, extremely low and very light, but extremely deep.

"Human race Chen Chen, Ben Mo admits that you are truly incomparable. You can't wait for more than me, but today, you must die!"

"Chou-tian stars, the evolution nebula is blocked, covers billions of territories, locks space!"

"The stars seal the forbidden earth beads, break me!"

While roaring, holding it firmly with his hands, the twinkling star ball suddenly shattered.

The next moment, the metamorphosis protruded.

The yin and yang are reversed, and the stars are emerging!

The endless void, covering the territory of 3ooo miles, suddenly darkened into the color of the night, a little bit of stars slowly emerged in the night, at first a little dim, and then quickly solidified, just like the real starry sky.

The faint stars scattered, lonely and silent, like spring rain, but when the stars fell, it made countless monks look different.

The star seals the sky forbidden earth beads, with a long name, greater fame, and greater power. This array is the most fierce battle in the ethnic battlefield. The two races fought, once the defeat situation appeared, if you want to kill everything, you need to use this star to seal the forbidden earth! It is rumored that the top stars ca n’t ban the beads, and they can blast the billions of territories directly, and refuse to perform any space magic within the envelope. Once so, all the possibility of fleeing is cut off, only to fight desperately until one party is completely extinct. This method is too tyrannical, and rarely occurs even in ethnic battlefields, otherwise it is extremely easy to inflame the hatred of the two ethnic groups and cause uncontrollable consequences.

However, no one thought this time, this solitary person even carried a star-sealed forbidden earth bead on his body, and did not hesitate to use this piece of treasure. It can be seen that Xiao Chen's murderous prosperity is in this magic heart!

"Get started, kill the human race Xiao Chen!"

"Slay this man and take the treasure!"

"You must not let the family Xiao Chen retreat, otherwise you and I will have no peace in the future!"

"Kill him!"

The strong men at the peaks of the alien races began to scream and drink. This magical power is not shot by one person, but a total of 470,000 alien monks at the same time, superimposed explosion, I want to make a fortune in one fell swoop!

The surging mana fluctuations are like endless waves of anger and sea, and the majestic atmosphere fluctuations sweep the eight wastelands and six poles.

Magnificent, terrifying, dead, vitality cut off!

The 480,000 alien monks, taking 48 peak monks of the alien race as the superimposed fusion of magical powers, caused the lethality, which was confronted by the strongest in the heavens and the three realms, and the only result was death.

"Huo Xiaochen, die!"

"Huo Xiaochen, die!"

"Huo Xiaochen, die!"

In the roar, the magical power cut through the void, crossed the endless space, and screamed, the entire space came together, and the starry flashing repression of the space did not collapse, but the small fluctuations all contained the power of destruction, a trembling, You can annihilate endless beings.

All magical power, all the power of destruction, the source is the body of the 370,000-foot sword above the void. It is the body of the man in a blue robe with a calm complexion and his hands, his eyes are black, Warm and restrained, like the nine-day stars, and the dark and deep sea, you cannot detect the depth.

It was at the moment when this endless magical attack came and killed, a cold and swift murderous action passed by instantly.

"Do not!"

Su Su screamed, and the little girl's eyes reddened for a moment, her heart seemed to be pierced by a long sword, and her face was white with no pain.

Although the wicked are powerful, how can he resist the combination of these 470,000 alien strong men,

Su Su's heart was cut like a knife.

A sudden, unusually hot flush on Jun Wu's face was enough to show the excitement in his heart, and his heart kept roaring madly, "Dead! Death! Xiao Chen, go to death completely!"

He felt very happy for Xiao Chen's death.

Terran monks roared and roared, reluctantly, and strong aliens sneered and sullen.

No one doubts the lethality of 470,000 alien powerhouses, Xiao Chen, this time will die! No one doubts this.




The endless magic burst, the colorful colors flickered, penetrated the entire sky, completely swallowed the figure, annihilated it, the eyes fell, and no more can be seen. Although there are hundreds of thousands of miles away, just the breath induction is enough to guess the horror energy fluctuations generated at the beginning of the magical explosion. Still cannot escape. This is the power of the ethnic group. Individual cultivation is tyrannical, but in the face of a large number of monks fighting together, they are also inevitable.

The tide of terrifying energy is constantly tumbling, and the core prescription is even more powerful within a thousand miles. Even if there are stars to suppress the forbidden land beads, they are still vaguely unstable, and there are crevices in the space. The suppression of forcible tearing of the celestial celestial forbidden earth bead is only a means for the powerful heaven and earth and five realms. From this, we can see to what extent the power of destruction produced by the supernatural explosion at this moment is so strong.

Countless lights come together, either anger, or regret, or unwillingness, or sneer, or lightheartedness, or resentment.

The human race, Xiao Chen, died.

The situation of human race and alien race stagnates instantly, and the whole world is silent.

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