Dawei had already lost hope.

After all, Mihoyo has no chance of winning when it comes to financial strength compared to a giant like Tencent.

Even if there were a hundred Mihoyos, they would not be a match for Tencent and Douyin.

So Dawei naturally thought that Mihoyo would not be able to get the rights to adapt the script.

Su Chen asked,"Do you really want this script?"

Dawei nodded heavily,"Of course, I think the script is very suitable for making into a game."

Su Chen:"Okay, happy cooperation."

Dawei was stunned.

What's the matter? Su Chen just said happy cooperation?

His face was full of disbelief.

He even doubted if he had heard it wrong.

Dawei:"What, what do you mean?"

Su Chen said slowly:"10% of the shares, I can give the adaptation rights to Mihoyo, and"Sleepless Night" can also be given to Mihoyo."

Dawei finally reacted.

It turned out that Su Chen wanted Mihoyo's shares.

And he asked for 10% of the shares right away.

Come to think of it.

Compared with several other giant companies, Mihoyo's only advantage may be its shares.

"This matter is very serious, let me discuss it with others." This matter is too big for Dawei to make the decision alone.

After all, Mihuyou is not his company alone, there are two other partners.

Immediately, Dawei called Cai Miao directly.

Cai Miao:"Dawei, how is it? Didn't you get the script?" Dawei

:"No, no."

Cai Miao:"What do you mean? Did you get the script?"

Dawei:"Yes, but he wants 10% of Mihuyou's shares."

Hearing 10% of the shares.

Cai Miao refused without hesitation,

"No, absolutely not."

Brother Dawei naturally understood this truth.

"But, this might be an opportunity."

Cai Miao refused again decisively,"Don't consider this matter."

Dawei glanced at Su Chen and spread his hands.

"Teacher Su Chen, I'm afraid we can't cooperate anymore."

Su Chen was indifferent, he drank a cup of tea gently.

Of course, he had imagined this situation.

Although Mihoyo's current market value is less than 100 million, the company's development is still healthy.

And there is a trend of slowly gaining momentum.

So if you want to use a mere script to exchange for 10% of the shares, it is unlikely to succeed.

Just at this time, the door of the conference room was pushed open.

Lin Jing, a representative of Tencent, appeared in front of the door.

"Sorry, I didn't disturb you, did I?"


Chen shook his head,"403Ms. Lin, is there anything else?"

Lin Jing:"Mr. Su, I just negotiated with Tencent headquarters, and the result may be slightly changed. I wonder when you are free, can we talk again?"

Su Chen raised his eyebrows,"You can talk directly."

Lin Jing glanced at Dawei, then at Su Chen,

"Our company has raised the price to 50 million."

After that, Lin Jing left the meeting room quietly with a confident smile.

Only Su Chen and Dawei were left in the meeting room.

Neither of them spoke.

The meeting room fell into absolute silence.

However, Dawei's heart was not at peace.

What did he just hear?

Tencent's price was 50 million?

Isn't this too arrogant?

You know, Mihoyo's annual net profit is only more than 10 million.

In other words, Tencent is willing to use Mihoyo's five years of profit to buy Su Chen's script?

Is Su Chen's script really so attractive?



Dawei quickly thought of a possibility. The reason why Tencent was so arrogant was not just for Su Chen's script.

There was another more important reason. Tencent wanted to have a good relationship with Su Chen.

Su Chen's potential is worth Tencent's doing this.

Thinking of this possibility, Dawei's heart trembled, and his whole body was a little stiff.

He turned his stiff neck with difficulty and looked at Su Chen,

"Can I call the company again?"

Su Chen:"Of course.""

Beep, beep, beep!"

After a series of prompt sounds,

Cai Miao's voice came from the other end of the phone again.

""Brother Dawei, what's the matter? You should be on your way back now, right?"

Brother Dawei shook his head and said,"I just got some important news."

Then, Brother Dawei told him about Tencent's 50 million yuan and his own guess.

There was a long silence on the other end of the phone.

About five minutes later,

Cai Miao's voice came again.

"No, I'd better refuse it, even if Su Chen becomes a shareholder of Mihoyo"

"He is not from Mihoyo either, and his talents can be used in other companies as well."

Cai Miao is a science student, he thinks quickly and has clear logic.

So he noticed the problem at a glance.

Even if Su Chen becomes a shareholder of Mihoyo.

He can even start another company and display his talents.

Tencent can spend 50 million to"make friends" with Su Chen.

That's because 50 million is a drop in the bucket for Tencent.

But Mihoyo doesn't have that kind of capital.

After Cai Miao's explanation, Dawei also reacted,"So, let's……?"

Cai Miao:"Let's decline. Let's work together and develop slowly. We will strive to achieve an annual net profit of 15 million next year."

Dawei:"That's right. We should be down-to-earth when running a company."

Dawei hung up the phone immediately.

After getting a positive answer in his heart, Dawei's face lost its unconfidence.

"Teacher Su Chen, I'm really sorry, I'm afraid our cooperation can't continue."

Su Chen just heard the whole conversation between Dawei and Cai Miao.

It has to be said that their choice is right.

After all, they can't be sure that the story of gold dust will definitely make money. Don't let it happen that you don't make money and lose 10% of your shares.

Tencent can afford the gamble, but Mihoyo can't.

From a rational level, their refusal to cooperate is reasonable.

Just as Dawei was packing up his laptop and preparing to leave the meeting room, Su Chen asked:

"Your net profit target for next year is 15 million?"

"Yes, that's right."Big Viagra replied

"What if I can increase your net profit to 150 million next year?"Su Chen said casually, as if he was talking about something insignificant. When

Da Wei heard this, it was like a bolt from the blue.

He stopped moving his hands, and looked at Su Chen, who was a little too young, in disbelief.

"Teacher Su Chen, what did you just say? I think I heard it wrong."

"You heard it right, 150 million."

Brother Dawei laughed, and his hearty laughter echoed in the conference room.

"Hahaha, Teacher Su Chen, stop joking."

"I know the current situation of Mihoyo best."

"Let alone 150 million, even 15 million is hard to come by."

"Besides, you are so young now, you can't do this kind of thing at all."

As he spoke, the smile on Dawei's face froze.

Because he noticed something was wrong with Su Chen's face.

"You, you are not serious, are you?"

Su Chen nodded,"I have another cooperation plan……"

Dawei swallowed and said,"You say."

Su Chen:"I'll sell you the script for 3 million. If Mihoyo's annual net profit exceeds 150 million in one year, I want 10% of the shares.……"

Dawei:"Then, what if it doesn't exceed that?"

Su Chen:"Then I don't want that 10% of the shares, on the premise that Mihoyo must strive to develop in this year and not let it get rotten."

At this moment.

Dawei was finally able to confirm that Su Chen was not joking.

He really wanted to think that Mihoyo's net profit could increase tenfold in one year!!

How is this possible?

Even the three executives never dared to think so.

Even gambling can't have such huge profits.

Why did Su Chen dare to say that?

I can't figure it out...

Although I can't figure it out, Dawei has been tempted.

He quickly passed the news back to the company.


Mihoyo headquarters.

After hearing the news, Cai Miao stood up immediately.

At first he thought he had heard it wrong, but after repeated confirmation, he was right.

When he came to his senses, he was ecstatic.

"Cai Miao, what's wrong?"

"Su Chen agreed to sell the script for three million!"

"What? Three million? Didn’t Tencent offer fifty million?"

"Yes, it is three million!"

Cai Miao relayed what Dawei said.

Suddenly, several people in the office gasped.

Their faces were full of disbelief.

Finally, after the three of them discussed it, they agreed to cooperate with Su Chen.


Dihao International Hotel.

In the conference room.

Dawei excitedly shook hands with Su Chen.

"Thank you very much for your trust. Mihoyo will definitely take the gold-dusting script very seriously."

Su Chen:"By the way, there is one more thing."

Dawei:"What is it?"

Su Chen:"If possible,"Insomnia"���"I want to ask Zhang Jie to sing the song 'Night'."

Dawei:"Okay, that's easy."

The two discussed some details and drafted the contract. Dawei then returned to the Mihoyo headquarters with the good news.


Watching Dawei's receding back, the stone in Su Chen's heart finally fell.

10% of Mihuyou's shares.

Outsiders may not know the value of it.

Su Chen naturally knows it.

A company with an annual net profit of tens of billions, and a total market value of hundreds of billions.

In other words, in a few years, Su Chen can make billions every year without doing anything!

And Su Chen is very confident in Mihuyou, and the annual net profit next year will definitely exceed 150 million.

"Sleepless Night" alone can create a lot of income for Mihuyou, not to mention the gold-dust script.

Su Chen has no plans to interfere with the operation of Mihuyou.

That would be too tiring. It's much better to be a hands-off boss.

As for the representatives of the other four companies.

They expressed their incomprehension of Su Chen's behavior.

But they didn't say anything.

If the cooperation fails once, there will be next time.


Time flies, and night falls in the blink of an eye.

After a busy day, Su Chen finally had some free time. He hailed a taxi and returned to his warm home.

After dinner, he"threw" himself on the soft sofa, feeling a rare sense of relaxation and comfort.

In order to relax his body and mind, he opened the Douyin APP, intending to dispel the day's fatigue by browsing short videos.

As his fingers slid lightly across the screen, all kinds of interesting and funny short videos came into view.

Soon, he also saw the relevant videos about the cooperation with Mihoyo.

As expected, the comments section expressed their incomprehension.

【"WTF?! Su Chen and Mihoyo have reached a cooperation? Is this true?"】

【"It's outrageous, too outrageous. Tencent offered 50 million, but Su Chen didn't cooperate. Mihuyou offered 3 million, and Su Chen cooperated?"】

【"This is absolutely fake news. Only a fool would choose Mihoyo, right?"】

【"I heard that Mihoyo promised 10% of the shares, I think that's understandable."】

【"It's so funny, how much is Mihoyo's net profit in a year? What's the use of 10% of the shares?!"】

【"That's right, such a small company might go bankrupt one day."】

Su Chen did not participate in the online discussion. He continued to focus on his mobile phone screen.

Suddenly, a new video caught his attention. It was posted by Zhang Jie.

In the video, Zhang Jie was in a spacious room, holding a guitar in her arms and plucking it with her fingers.

The sound of the guitar was looming, revealing a different mood.

To Su Chen's surprise, the song Zhang Jie was humming was"Sleepless Night".》

"Beautiful!" Su Chen praised sincerely in his heart.

In the video, Zhang Jie only sang a short section of"Sleepless Night" and then stopped gracefully.

He stared at the camera with a smile on his face, and his voice was full of excitement and joy:

"Family, I have great news to tell you."

"I will be the lead singer of"Sleepless Night""

"I am very grateful to Mihoyo for giving me this opportunity and trust.

As expected, the comments under this video went viral.

【"What the hell? Zhang Jie? Sleepless Night》?!"】

【"Oh my god, this news is so explosive!"】

【"Damn, I have to listen to it now. As long as it is Zhang Jie's song, I have to listen to it"】

【"《Who wrote"Sleepless Night"? It is his honor to let Zhang Jie sing it"】

【"Get lost, if you don't understand, just shut up."】

【"I have a feeling that"Sleepless Night" will definitely create a wave of popularity"】

【"The anticipation is full!!"】


Time flies, and five days have passed in a blink of an eye.

This morning, there was a sudden wave of enthusiasm on the Internet.

Mihoyo Company released a video that instantly ignited the discussion enthusiasm of netizens.

This video is a promotional video for Pinocchio, and what is striking is that the background music is"Sleepless Night" sung by Zhang Jie.

The reason why the PV was produced so quickly was inseparable from Su Chen's great help.

He helped write the storyboard script, providing a clear shooting and editing idea for the entire video.

At the same time, he also referred to the character design to ensure that the image and characteristics of each character can be perfectly presented in the video.

In addition, Su Chen also helped to sort out the world view setting of the entire Star Dome Railway.

These works saved a lot of time for the production of PV and greatly improved the quality of the video.

Sure enough, the moment the PV was released, it directly rushed to the hot search of various network platforms, attracting countless netizens to watch.

【"Holy shit?! The video is ready so soon?"】

【"Star Railway? This is going to be a game. I thought it was going to be a movie."】

【"This song is really awesome!!"】

【"One hundred million more times!!"】

【"Gold Dust!! I saw Gold Dust, the dance at the beginning of Gold Dust was so exciting!"】

【"It is exactly the same as the gold dust I remembered. Mihoyo has put a lot of effort into it."】

【"It’s outrageous that the lyrics and the pictures even match!"】

【"This dream collaboration is really great. I believe many of you here are real fans of Zhang Jie for ten years!!"】

【"I listened to it and shook my legs while repeating it. It was so addictive!!"】

【"Oh my god, there are also beautiful girl mechas?! I can't wait to play this game"】

In just five minutes

《The PV playback volume of"Sleepless Night" broke through the 10 million mark, and the number of comments accumulated to millions. What is even more shocking is that the number of fans of Mihoyo's official account has skyrocketed from 50,000 to 2 million in a short period of time.

And this number continues to rise. This speed of fan growth is simply unprecedented.

Faced with this series of amazing data, Dawei Ge, Cai Miao and others were completely shocked.

They recalled what Su Chen said.

Next year, Mihoyo's annual net profit can reach 150 million!!

Thinking of this.

They looked at each other, and their scalps were numb.

Su Chen...could it be true?!.

Added by: Naruto789

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