Xiao Sa pointed to the big screen and said in a loud voice:"Please look at the big screen."

Everyone's eyes were focused on the big screen.

The avatars and rankings of the 32 players appeared on the screen.

When the rankings were fully displayed, there was a cry of surprise.

Surprisingly, Su Chen ranked second.

At the same time, the barrage in the live broadcast room poured out like a torrent of water.

【It's such a joke that Su Chen is only the second place.】

【I was so angry that I laughed. This work, which was so popular and received so many good reviews, was only ranked second? I'm afraid people will laugh to death if I tell others about it.】

【The value of the Young Screenwriters Competition is still declining】

【Chen Sicheng is just a clown, a bad apple spoils the whole pot of porridge】

【Don't worry, Chen Sicheng is going to be criticized for being hot on the hot search today】

【Alas, there is no point in scolding them, after all, they are the judges.】

【I can't understand why Chen Sicheng, this idiot, is targeting Su Chen.】

【What else could it be? He was jealous. Su Chen was more handsome, younger, and more talented than him. He suppressed Su Chen to satisfy his vanity.】

【I am dying of laughter. You dare to say that you are jealous? Chen Sicheng is a billionaire director after all. What is Su Chen? How can a student who has not yet graduated compare with him?】

【Haha, even Chen Sicheng has people licking him. According to Su Chen's strength, his performance in the next competition will not be bad.】

【You know, maybe Su Chen starts high and ends low? If he has the ability, he can also write a script worth tens of billions.】

【I'm dying of laughter. Isn't Gold Dust a thousand times better than Chen Sicheng's out-of-this-world script?】

【I really am laughing, you are truly the strongest king. Is it so difficult to acknowledge Chen Sicheng’s achievements?】

【That's right, if Su Chen is eliminated in the next round, I will laugh at him like crazy. 】

In the live broadcast room,

Su Chen's fans and Chen Sicheng's fans were arguing fiercely.

Neither side would give in.

Although Chen Sicheng was a bit naive, he had more fans than

Su Chen. However, the live broadcast room of the Youth Screenwriter Competition was Su Chen's home court.

Chen Sicheng's fans were losing ground.

He looked very angry.

As the list of the top 32 was announced, the show gradually came to an end.

The host Xiao Sa stood in the center of the stage.

His face regained its composure, a gentle smile hung on the corners of his mouth, and he held up the microphone to address the audience.

"Hello, everyone, audience at the site and in the live broadcast room."

"This round of competition is coming to an end. Thank you very much for the wonderful creations of the contestants."

"Each contestant showed his or her talent and strength"

"Don't be discouraged if you are eliminated. You have already demonstrated your talents and there is still a bright future waiting for you."

"Don't be too proud of yourself if you advance to the next round. The next round will be more intense and you will face even tougher competition."

"In one week, we will start the round of 16 qualifying round"

"The latest information will be synchronized on the Weibo account of the Youth Screenwriter Competition as soon as possible."

"Please pay attention in advance to keep up to date with the latest developments of the competition."

As Xiao Sa finished speaking, the stage lights went out one by one, and the entire venue fell into darkness.

The judges and contestants left the stage one after another, and the audience also began to leave in an orderly manner.

The live broadcast room also stopped pushing the stream, and the live broadcast ended.

Five minutes later.

Su Chen stood in front of the director's office and knocked gently on the wooden door.

"Please come in." The voice of the chief director Jiang Hua came from the office.

Su Chen opened the door and walked in with some doubts.

"Director, are you looking for me?"

The competition had just ended. Like other contestants,

Su Chen was packing his things and preparing to leave.

But he was suddenly told that the chief director wanted to see him.

He was full of doubts, but he quickly came to the chief director's office.

""Student Su Chen, you are here. Please take a seat."

Seeing Su Chen coming, the chief director Jiang Hua showed joy and greeted him warmly.

Jiang Hua led Su Chen to sit on the sofa in the office and personally brewed a cup of Tieguanyin tea for him.

Su Chen took the teacup and was even more puzzled.

He heard that Jiang Hua was a very serious person and was usually very strict with people and things. Why was he so enthusiastic today?

Although Su Chen's mind was full of question marks, he still politely took a sip of tea, then looked at Jiang Hua, waiting for his next words.

Jiang Hua:"Student Su Chen, your performance today really impressed me."

Su Chen:"Thank you."

Jiang Hua:"Actually, I asked you to come here to tell you about the bidding~' ~` "

After hearing this,

Su Chen finally reacted.

No wonder Jiang Hua was so polite to him.

You know, both Tencent and Douyin are giant commercial companies.

The fact that Su Chen was able to attract the attention of these two companies in the top 32 qualifying round is enough to show that Su Chen has a bright future.

That's why Jiang Hua was so polite to Su Chen.

Su Chen didn't say anything. He just took a sip of tea and waited for Jiang Hua to continue.

"Tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the Dihao International Hotel, representatives from five companies will be waiting for you there. Do you have time?"

Su Chen nodded,"Yes,"

"OK, then the bidding is settled. The program team will arrange the details. You just need to show up. Jiang Hua said

""Okay, thank you Director Jiang." Su Chen responded

"Oh, there is one more thing. I hope Su Chen will agree to it. When Jiang Hua said this, his eyes showed some sincerity.

This surprised Su Chen."You said"

"If your script has the opportunity to be made into a film or TV series in the future, I hope you can add the logo of the Youth Screenwriter Competition to the end credits." Jiang Hua's tone was full of expectations.

Su Chen agreed without hesitation,"No problem."

For Su Chen, this was a very small thing.

Besides, the script was indeed completed in the competition.

Adding a logo is nothing.

It can also make Jiang Hua owe him a favor.

Why not do it?

When Jiang Hua heard Su Chen's agreement, a gratified smile appeared on his face,"Thank you very much for your understanding and support"

When I got home, it was already late.

I lay comfortably on the sofa.

I looked at the shock value, and it was still more than 30 million.

What happened? Su Chen checked the shock value once after the game.

At that time, the shock value was more than 30 million.

Now several hours have passed, and there is no change at all.

Soon, Su Chen figured it out.

"Could it be that the shock value can only be obtained during the competition?"It is not difficult to figure out this conjecture.

Just wait for the script of"Sleepless Night" or"Gamble Life" to be released.

Observe whether the shock value will rise.

Speaking of"Sleepless Night".

Su Chen thought of a person-Zhang Jie.

On Earth, the singer who sang the Chinese version of"Sleepless Night" was Zhang Jie.

His singing received a lot of praise.

"If there is a chance, let Zhang Jie sing"Sleepless Night"."

Then, Su Chen decided to use his shock value to improve his basic attributes.

He spent 10 million shock values and raised his five attributes - spirit, physique, agility, intelligence and strength - by two points each.

After three hours of intense script writing, Su Chen felt a little tired both physically and mentally.

Therefore, he chose to enhance his five-dimensional attributes in order to better cope with the next challenge.

With the improvement of attributes, Su Chen felt as if he had been refreshed, and his fatigue was swept away.

The muscle lines that were not obvious before have now become more perfect, showing a healthy and powerful beauty.

There is still one left. Su Chen decided not to use 20 million shock value for the time being.

20 million shock value may seem like a lot, but it is not very cost-effective.

The pill that increases lifespan by one year requires 10 million shock value.

Su Chen is young now and does not need to extend his lifespan for the time being.

He also does not know what the topic of the next competition will be.

He will consider spending shock value to exchange for related scripts after the competition.

Su Chen studied the scripts in the system mall for a while.

The shock value required for the scripts varies greatly.

Some only require more than 100,000 shock value.

And some require tens of millions of shock value.

For example,"Funina" requires a shock value of up to 15 million.

"Why is it so high?"

Su Chen remembered that when he redeemed"Life Gamble", he only spent one million shock value.

Soon, he recalled that when Su Chen redeemed"Life Gamble", he seemed to have used the 10% discount coupon for beginners.

This made sense.

In other words, the normal price of"Life Gamble" is 10 million.

Su Chen continued to browse the scripts in the mall.

A pink cover caught his attention.

"Love Lisia?"

Cover���The beautiful girl turned out to be Alicia!

He quickly glanced at the title of the script——《Thirteen Heroes!

There is actually a script for Thirteen Heroes.

He focused on the"price".

50 million?

It's shocking that 50 million is needed to redeem"Thirteen Heroes".

But it's very reasonable when you think about it.

《"The Thirteen Heroes" is worth this"price".

With Su Chen's current"financial resources", he can't afford this script at all.

If a similar proposition appears in this competition.

If I take this drama out... the degree of explosion... will definitely make a sensation!

Thinking of this, Su Chen closed the system panel. He took out his mobile phone and checked WeChat. Sure enough, there were 999+ unread messages.

Su Chen was too lazy to reply and chose to ignore it.

He opened Douyin and prepared to watch some short videos to relax.

As a result, he was struck by lightning at the opening.

In the short video.

Jiang Wen and Chen Sicheng quarreled on the stage, and Chen Sicheng blushed and was furious.

Su Chen:"……"

Su Chen curiously clicked Douyin's hot search.

He was stunned.

Among the top ten hot searches, five were related to him.

Hot search one: #Jiang Wen and Chen Siwei are fighting, and the reason is Su Chen#

Hot search two: #Aventurine selected as the most popular man in the world#

Hot search three: #Who is Su Chen? Let's get to know Su Chen# Hot search six

: #Aventurine price soars#

Hot search eight: #Everything is dedicated to the Amber King#

Seeing these five hot searches, Su Chen smacked his lips.

He could have imagined that"Gambling Life" would be popular.

But he didn't expect it to be so popular.

Not only that, but it also made Aventurine selected as the most popular man in the world?

It even made the price of Aventurine soar?

What the hell is going on?

Seeing this crazy situation, I don't know what Chen Sicheng thinks.

Tomorrow, he will communicate and negotiate with five companies, and Su Chen has more confidence.

Now that the script is popular, he can take the opportunity to gain more benefits.

Speaking of those five companies.

Su Chen is very familiar with them.

The first is Tencent, the well-deserved leading domestic game company.

To be precise, Tencent's gaming business is very important worldwide.

However, Su Chen does not have a good impression of Tencent games.

It seems to be an indisputable fact that the price of the Malaysian server is more expensive.

The second is Douyin

"¨「 ¨「 Douyin is also participating in the competition.

This is something Su Chen did not expect.

If I remember correctly, Douyin just divested its gaming business not long ago.

In Su Chen's impression, this company does not seem to be very interested in content.

Then there is NetEase Games, nicknamed Pig Farm.

It is a mortal enemy of Tencent Games.

It seems to have been suppressed all the time.

It is reasonable for this company to participate in the auction.

Then there is Jiaxing Media

"Isn't this Boss Yang's company?"

She is a company that shoots costume and romance movies, and she is here to shoot Gold Dust? Isn't this nonsense?

Are they going to turn Pinocchio into a romance drama?

No, Jiaxing must not give it.

If they give it, I'm afraid their reputation will be ruined.

The last Mihoyo...

Technology geeks save the world!

To be honest, Su Chen likes Mihoyo the best.

Although many people complain about Mihoyo, we have to admit that compared to Tencent and Wangde, Mihoyo is indeed serious about making games.

It's just that Mihoyo's bid is not very beautiful, only 3 million!

It can be seen that Mihoyo's current business situation is not good.

Or it has not yet developed.

"Key Points���"Huyou shares?"

This is a good idea.

Mihuyou is a potential stock, although its current market value is only 100 million.

But Su Chen knows that in a few years, the market value of this company will soar to hundreds of billions. The annual net profit is several hundred billion.

As long as you can get 1% of the shares, you can make hundreds of millions every year.

Su Chen is not in a hurry to make a decision. The plot situation will be discussed tomorrow.


The next afternoon.

At the Dihao International Hotel.

Representatives from the five companies were all present.

Su Chen, as the"interviewer", began today's"interview".

Su Chen sat alone in the empty office, waiting for the first"interviewee" to appear.

According to the ranking of the bids, the first one should be the representative of Tencent.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Please come in."Su Chen said.

Then a young and capable girl in a suit came in.

"Hello, Mr. Su."

The girl greeted Su Chen with a smile and handed over her business card.

(Zhao De (Zhao De))

"I am a representative of Tencent, my name is Lin Jing."

It is Tencent that is worthy of the name. All the details are well prepared and the company representative is very professional.

After some negotiations, Tencent is willing to bid 30 million to purchase the adaptation rights of the script.

Afterwards, representatives from Douyin, Wangyi, and Jiaxing came in one after another.

Their prices were also very scary.

Jiaxing offered 10 million. Douyin offered 21 million.

Unexpectedly, Wangyi offered 32 million, 2 million more than Tencent.

The representatives sent by these four companies were all young, beautiful and capable women.

Su Chen understood the little tricks behind this.

It is a common business strategy to use beauty and youth to let the negotiating opponent relax their vigilance.

However, for Su Chen, this trick did not work.

Soon, Su Chen greeted the last representative - Da Wei Ge from Mihoyo. Da

Wei Ge was thin, with obvious dark circles under his eyes, and the suit he wore was loose and ill-fitting, which was in sharp contrast to the other well-dressed representatives.

"Hello, Teacher Su Chen!"Brother Dawei bent over and politely extended his right hand.

"Hello, please take a seat."Su Chen said politely.

Dawei was a little restrained. He enthusiastically introduced Mihoyo's advantages, future plans, and development direction.

"The biggest feature of our game is that, in addition to ensuring the fun of the game,"

"We focus more on creating virtual characters that players like through games……"

Although Dawei knew that Su Chen would not choose Mihuyou, he still talked for ten minutes and was well prepared.

After he finished speaking, Dawei looked at Su Chen expectantly, waiting for Su Chen's response.

However, Su Chen's next words made Dawei feel uneasy.

"Tencent and Wangzuo both offered over 30 million."

After hearing this, Dawei's hopes were shattered.

Although Mihuyou has a market value of 100 million, its annual net profit is only over 10 million.

In other words, it takes three years of net profit to get over 30 million. However ,

Su Chen's next words made Dawei's eyes light up.

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