After receiving the skill, Kamiya Shuran turned around and looked at Hiratsuka Shizuka who was lying on the ground.

"Hiratsuka-sensei, are you okay?"


Shizuka Hiratsuka supported herself and climbed up.

She looked around and saw that the supernatural phenomena of wind and rain had disappeared, and the extremely terrifying monster from hell was gone too.

"What about that evil spirit?"

"Solved by me?"


"Really." Shen Gu Xiu Ran nodded.


Shizuka Hiratsuka burst into tears. The evil spirit that had troubled her for seven days finally disappeared!

She no longer had to live in fear!

Shizuka Hiratsuka wiped the tears from her cheeks and said gratefully:

"Xiu Ran, thank you so much.

I don't know how to repay you."

"Now is not the time, Mr. Hiratsuka, please look at your skirt."

"Hmm?" Hiratsuka

Shizuka glanced at her skirt....

When people are extremely scared, they cannot control their nervous system, so it is normal for this to happen.......

Shizuka Hiratsuka's face suddenly turned red, the terrifying evil spirit disappeared, and Shizuka Hiratsuka returned to the woman she was before.

Although she was twenty-nine years and a dozen months old, she was still a woman after all.

She was so scared that she wet her pants in front of a boy, who was her student.

She was too embarrassed to face anyone!

"that......The teacher will take a shower first.

You, you wait a moment. The teacher will take a shower quickly!"

After saying that, Shizuka Hiratsuka stood up hurriedly and was about to run to the bathroom.

However, as soon as she took a step, she fell down.

Xiu Ran stretched out his hand to hug her, which prevented her from falling.

Her soft body fell into Xiu Ran's arms, and the soft feeling and fragrance came together

"I seem to have no strength......"

Hiratsuka Shizuka's face turned red, it was so embarrassing!

How could she not even have the energy to walk to the bathroom?

"It is normal to face the true form of an evil spirit for the first time.

We exorcists also get scared when we face evil spirits for the first time."

Shingu Shuran made up an identity for himself as an exorcist, which was also a reason for his ability.

"Um......."Shizuka Hiratsuka turned her face slightly.

Such a dazzling boy was so considerate and found a way out for herself, which made her a little afraid to look at Kamiya Shuran.

He was tall, handsome, and capable, and he helped her solve supernatural incidents! Where on earth can I find such a good man?!

If it weren't for the teacher-student relationship, I would have chased this man at all costs!

However, it seems that the island country does not prohibit teacher-student love, right?

"Um, Xiu Ran, can you carry me to the bathroom?

Don't worry, I'm not heavy!"


Kamiya Shuran carried Hiratsuka Shizuka to the bathroom and put her on a small stool.

Then, he was about to leave, but Hiratsuka Shizuka stretched out her jade hand and held Shuran's left hand.

"that.....I don't have the strength to take off my clothes now, can you help me?......"

Shizuka Hiratsuka blushed. What was she doing?

He was her student!

But she couldn’t control herself. She knew that if she didn’t make a move now, she would never have another chance!

She would be single for the rest of her life and become an old woman no one wanted! She couldn’t accept that!

However, Shizuka Hiratsuka was holding onto Shuran’s left hand!

Shizuka Hiratsuka: ? ?!!!!!

What’s going on? How could I?!

My own body......

Shizuka Hiratsuka was extremely embarrassed, her own image had collapsed!

"Hiratsuka teacher......"

"I understand."

After all, Jing Keai is a mature woman in her early thirties, and she has been single since birth.

Her thoughts are easy to understand.

Xiu Ran turned on the shower head, and hot water flowed out.

"Hiratsuka-sensei, let me help you."


Shizuka Hiratsuka blushed so much, it was her first time with her student......

All she could hear was the sound of the shower and clothes falling off.

Shizuka Hiratsuka knew she wouldn't be able to get a good night's sleep tonight.

The next morning came, and Shizuka Hiratsuka woke up in a daze.

She propped up her delicate body and slowly sat up.

The quilt covered her snow-white skin.

She stroked her forehead, not having slept well at all.

"That guy, is he a 16-year-old student?

How could this happen ?......"

Shizuka Hiratsuka slowly put on her clothes and changed into her work uniform.

She stepped on her slippers and walked to the kitchen.

"What are you doing"

"Breakfast, you try it, my cooking skills are pretty good."

Kamiya Shuran held a bowl of soup. Hiratsuka

Shizuka lifted the hair beside her ear and tasted it gently. It was delicious.

This taste was much better than the soup she drank outside!

Hiratsuka Shizuka suddenly felt very happy. She met such a good man, tall and handsome, and he would cook for her!

I really wonder if this is a dream!

"By the way, you said yesterday that you were an exorcist. What kind of job is that? I've never heard of it before."

"A group of people hiding in the mountains and the city. Because the evil spirits have revived recently, I went down the mountain."

Kamiya Shuran borrowed the setting of the Demon Slayer Corps

"So you came to our Sobu High School?"


"You said that evil spirits are coming back to life, will there be more in the future?" Shizuka Hiratsuka was a little worried.

She originally thought that this was a low-probability event, but after hearing what Xiu Ran said, would this happen on a large scale in the future?

"There may be more and more, but don't worry."

"Um......I believe you."

Hiratsuka Shizuka felt warm inside and kissed Kamiya Shuran on the lips.

The first day is very important, please give me the data.

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