Ten minutes later, the sports car stopped. They arrived at Shizuka Hiratsuka's home, a small villa.

She parked the sports car in the garage and walked out with her bag.

"This is my home......."

Shizuka Hiratsuka said slowly that her usually warm home was now being targeted by strange evil spirits, and she didn't want to live here at all!

"Hiratsuka-sensei, please go in.

Don't worry."

"Um......."Shizuka Hiratsuka nodded, unlocked the door with fingerprints, and the two walked in together.

As soon as the door was opened, a cold wind blew, accompanied by a little bit of female evil spirit.

It seems that she is ready to take action tonight!

Just try the [Ecstasy Hand] on her! Transmigrate her!

Shizuka Hiratsuka subconsciously took a few steps back, her delicate body trembled, she hugged Xiu Ran's arm tightly, and pressed her body against him.

In this way, the two walked in slowly.

Turning on the lights, the dark room suddenly became bright.

Shizuka Hiratsuka's home is not messy, but clean, which is not in line with her sloppy personality.

It is estimated that she was stimulated and thought that the evil spirit was hiding in the garbage dump, so she cleaned the house very cleanly.

Kamiya Xiu Ran turned on all the lights in the house, which was very bright, but even so, Shizuka Hiratsuka still didn't dare to let go.

She told herself directly that the strange creature would definitely take action tonight!

"Mr. Hiratsuka, when does the evil spirit usually appear?"

"It was about 11 p.m.....

It's always been like this. Even if I fall asleep early, I will wake up suddenly at 11 o'clock and feel that gaze."

"OK, I understand.

Then we'll wait until 11pm, and then you can have a good night's sleep."


Shizuka Hiratsuka nodded, and pressed her 1.72-meter-tall body against Kamiya Shuran, like a kitten nestling in the arms of its owner.

The two were so close, and the scent of Shizuka's lovely body lingered on Shuran's nose.

This was the scent of a mature woman, not the lively and cute girl like Yuigahama Yui.

The two sat on the sofa and waited slowly.

Shizuka Hiratsuka didn't dare to play with her phone. She just sat there, her nerves tense.

Perhaps she was too tired, and Shizuka Hiratsuka fell asleep quickly.

When she woke up, it was already 10:59 in the evening!

In one minute, that damn female ghost will appear again!

"Clang clang clang......"

The clock on the wall moved towards 12, and the second hand jumped. Every jump was loud, as if it was a declaration of death!

Finally, the second hand pointed to 12, and it was eleven o'clock!


The next second, all the doors and windows were suddenly opened, making a loud crash, and even the window glass was broken!

Hiratsuka Shizuka was tense, she looked around, not knowing where the evil spirit would come from.

Kamiya Shuran held Shizuka's lovely hand, giving her a sense of security.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh — whoosh whoosh——"

Strange noises echoed back and forth in the room, but the female ghost refused to show up, as if she was waging a guerrilla war.

"Don’t come out yet!"

"Yo~ Another one......"You can have a good meal tonight~"

The voice of the evil spirit came out, a female voice with a bit of pride, probably a female ghost.

The evil spirit continued to dawdle, and after two minutes, she felt that the time was up and she could enjoy it!


All the lights in the house went out, and endless darkness enveloped the house.


A light appeared, shining on the evil spirit. When the only light appeared, Shizuka Hiratsuka's eyes naturally looked in that direction.

However, when she saw the scene, she screamed in fear.

A monster that looked like a monster from hell, with an octopus head but a lot of blood, a human body, but bones, and all the internal organs were dragged on the ground.

Shizuka Hiratsuka covered her mouth with tears. Kamiya

Shuran also saw this evil spirit, but he didn't find it scary, because in his eyes, this evil spirit was not a creature from hell, but a pile of test papers!

Seeing Shizuka Hiratsuka so panicked, Shuran knew that what she saw was definitely not the same thing as what he saw.

"I know the effect of this evil spirit."

The more you fear something, the more it will manifest itself!

Jing Keai is very afraid of scary creatures, so she saw Cthulhu and bones, and Shen Gu Xiu Ran, because he repeated a year, he often dreamed of the college entrance examination, so the stressful college entrance examination was his nightmare.

"Is that all?

That's the end of it."

Shinya Xiuran pulled off the bandage on his left hand and rushed forward.

He was so fast that he caught the evil spirit in his left hand. After the evil spirit was caught, she returned to her original appearance.

Just as Shinya Xiuran guessed, a female ghost!

"Well.....ah......Let me go! Let me go, you human!

Damn human, let me go!"

The evil spirit shouted, but she was caught by Xiu Ran's rule-based skills and could not resist at all.

"I will save you now!"

Shen Gu Xiu Ran's left hand moved, and the evil spirit immediately felt relaxed.

At the same time, she felt herself become lighter.

"What did you do to me! I still need to absorb life to revive!"

Shen Gu Xiu Ran ignored it and just increased the output of [Soul-Stirring Hand].

A feeling of heaven came over him, and the evil spirit floated, and the pupils of his eyes could not be seen.

"ah......I, I won't let you go......."

"No, no! I want more......kill.....killed......."

The evil spirit roared with all her strength, and finally, she disappeared, leaving behind only a pool of water full of resentment.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the evil spirit!】

【First time inspiration, bonus lottery x1】

——Direct lottery!


【Extraction is successful, and the ability is obtained: Power of Abundance】

【Power of abundance: Your body, hair, skin, blood, tears and other body fluids will become the most useful treasures in the world.】

【It can cure diseases and heal injuries, calm people down and soothe the nerves, and it is also highly addictive!】

——Hiss, this ability!

——Isn't this the orc thing in the book?!

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