"What did you do to me?"

Ji Ye stood in the water, his face flushed.

What did he just experience? How could he feel like an angel came to take him to heaven?

It was really hard to describe!

"This is a punishment for you being too noisy just now.

If you keep chattering like this, I will catch you, tie you up with ropes, and keep using this trick on you."

Shinya Shuran's mouth curled up slightly. To be honest, he had never used the [Soul-Stirring Hand] on a person for such a long time.~

"What, don't!"

Ji Ye put his hands on his chest and stepped back a few steps cautiously.

Although the feeling of ascension is very good, it would be unbearable if it continued!

Shen Gu Xiu Ran saw that Ji Ye had recovered a bit of normality, so he continued walking.

"Let's go, we still have to catch the devil"

"Oh, here I come."

Jiye followed with big strides, and the two walked side by side.

Suddenly, Jiye remembered something.

"By the way, the number you just used is a new trick!

How many skills do you have left?!"

Jiye counted on his fingers and recalled that the ability that Kamiya Xiuran disclosed on the record sheet was [X-ray Eyes], which was used to find evil spirits and demons.

But in the second hall, he suddenly dragged himself into the mirror world, and just now, just by putting his left hand on his shoulder, he almost stepped into heaven.

This, this, this, three skills!

Jiye's eyes flashed with longing.

So many skills, it would be great if they could be taught to him.

However, I heard that signing a contract with the devil would exchange the body.

He has so many skills, is his body already incomplete?!

Jiye grabbed Kamiya Xiuran's clothes and reached out to unbutton his shirt.

""Hey, what are you doing!"

Shen Gu Xiu Ran grabbed Ji Ye's jade hand.

What is he doing?

Although he knew that Ji Ye was very bold, he wouldn't take off his clothes within an hour of entering the room!

"I'm checking to see if you have any wounds or anything."

"I have no wounds, I am intact"

"I don't believe it. You have three skills. You must have signed a contract with the devil!

Come on, show me which one you are missing! I will also sign a contract with that devil!"

After saying this, Jiye stretched out his hand and continued to tear off his clothes.

Kamiya Xiuran pursed his lips. So this is what Jiye thought. It is not a good idea to sign a contract with the devil actively, especially in this anime world. If you don't learn spells and magic, but insist on exchanging organs with the devil, it will shorten your life!

Kamiya Xiuran stretched out his hand and pinched Jiye's lower abdomen hard. She immediately let go of her hand in pain.

"I didn't sign a contract with the devil, I learned these skills"


Jiye patted his belly, which was red from being pinched.

"How did you learn it? Can I learn it too?"

Ji Ye put his hands together, stood in front of Shen Gu Xiu Ran, and bowed 90 degrees.

"Please, Kamiya-kun, I really want to become stronger, can you teach me some skills?"

She was very sincere, and quietly unbuttoned two buttons of her white shirt, the whiteness was really dazzling!

"My skills have bloodline requirements, just like spells, you can only learn the simplest ones."

"I want to learn even the simple ones!"

"All right, as long as you stop bothering me, I will teach you some simple ones."

Shinya Xiuran helped Jiye button up a button of her white shirt.

As a girl, she still had to be careful even if there was no one around.

Jiye was very happy to see that Shinya Xiuran agreed to teach her skills.

She took the initiative to help her button up without taking advantage of her. What a gentleman!

"But, Xiu Ran, you only buttoned one button."

"The weather is hot, let me cool you down."

As an experienced driver, Ji Ye immediately understood what Kamiya Shuran was thinking.

Haha, why are you pretending to be a gentleman in front of me, your sister~

She came over and held Kamiya Shuran's hand,

"Neinei~ If Xiu Ran-jun wants to see it, I can show it to you~"

She blinked her eyes and showed her charming demeanor.

It must be said that the pure and lively Ji Ye is so charming.

No wonder Denci was so fascinated by her in the original work.


Shen Gu Xiu Ran gave Ji Ye another head bang.

"You smell like alcohol, don't come close to me, I almost vomited when you kissed me on the face just now"

"Hey, that was the beautiful girl’s first kiss, so what if there was a smell of alcohol!"

"So this is your first kiss, I'll forgive you a little bit."

"Hehe, do you want more? The second kiss of a beautiful girl is also very important~"

Jiye licked her cherry lips, which were pink and red, just like a rose.

"Let's go find the devil first, and we'll talk about this later."

Shen Gu Xiu Ran pinched Ji Ye's cherry lips and coated her lips with a layer of spiritual energy, so she couldn't speak.

Ji Ye searched for the latest special events on the web forum. After a few minutes, she found the one closest to her.

"Xiu Ran, I found a post, take a look, I think it is very likely a demon."

Shingu Xiu Ran clicked on the post, it was a post for help:

【An abandoned building, no one has lived there for a long time, but you can hear a low roar coming from inside.

Someone went in and was never seen again, and several people have gone missing.

In addition, there are often children playing nearby, and the police don't come to set up a cordon, which makes parents very worried.】

"What do you think? Do you think it's a demon or an evil spirit or something?"

"It should be, but it is still impossible to determine whether it is a demon or an evil spirit.

After all, we don't know the specific circumstances of the deceased."

"Then let's deal with this.

The Anti-Magic Public Security didn't deal with this matter, so the difficulty should not be high.

It's just right for a novice like me!"

"Sure, I just want to solve it quickly."

Kamiya Xiuran and Ji Ye walked towards the abandoned building together.

Xiuran just wanted to get the identity of a"demon member" and had no requirements for the difficulty of the novice mission.

Naturally, the closer to him, the better. The sooner he solved it, the sooner he could go home.

The key was to get the information from the public security department.

Ten minutes later, the two ran to the vicinity of the abandoned building.

"This is it, an abandoned building."

The two looked up at the abandoned building. It wasn't very tall, about five stories high. It looked like it had been abandoned for more than a decade. It had a 1990s style.

"Let's go!" Ji Ye was eager to try, but was pulled back by Shen Gu Xiu Ran.

"Before you go in, make a plan and exchange information.

What skills do you have? What is your physical fitness?"

"I told you, my physical fitness is better than the average person.

I don't have any skills, but I can use swords, sticks and clubs."

"I can【X-ray Eyes】、【Mirror World] and [Soul-Stirring Hand].

Soul-Stirring Hand is the skill that will make you ascend to heaven."

Shinya Shuran first told Ji Ye about these skills, but he still had the trump card in his hand.

"Where are your weapons?"


Jiye took out a folding knife from his pocket and put it together, which was about 40cm

"I'll give you a little more."

Shen Gu Xiu Ran opened the mirror world, which had now become his storage space, and took out a set of mountain bike clothes, knee pads, wrist guards, and a helmet.

"Put this on."

Jiye put on his knee and wrist guards, and the two walked towards the abandoned building.

Shen Gu Xiu Ran turned on his [Perspective Eye] and scanned the interior of the entire building.

The upper part was mainly an abandoned building, and the lower part was an underground garage. The underground garage was set up with a shielding barrier.

At present, the [Perspective Eye] level was too low to see through it.

"The enemy is in the underground garage, be careful"


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