On this Saturday, Yuigahama Yui was carefully choosing clothes for the afternoon meal.

She was quite interested in the meal this afternoon, after all, she was going with her new friend.

She leisurely searched for clothes at home, and took out all the QQ underwear she bought before, trying them one by one.

According to Yukinoshita's suggestion, Yui had to confess as soon as possible, so Yui needed to choose a winning suit!

After some attempts, Yui finally chose a set of black underwear with lace edges.

She had a cute and adorable style. Putting on the black lace edges of a queen, this strong contrast would definitely make Kamiya Shuran fascinated and get a beautiful result on the day of confession!

In the rental house, Kamiya Shuran was browsing the information of evil spirits on his mobile phone.

Now that evil spirits have revived, many netizens are discussing this on the Internet.

At the same time, they found that the government department has emerged with the"Public Security Anti-Demon Special Section"?

Before, I only heard of departments dealing with thugs, but now there is an official organization to deal with demons and monsters!

Kamiya Shuran clicked on the"Anti-Demon Public Security" organization and took a look at the background. It was almost the same as the public security in"Chainsaw Man", but the difference was that the person in charge was not Makima, but a senior government official.

Perhaps, Makima had not become an obsessed fan of the chainsaw demon at this time?

Or, because it is a world of anime, the world line has changed.

But in any case, the government has begun to put the"revival of evil spirits" on the table.

It is estimated that there will be some news about the revival of evil spirits in the next period of time.

In order to obtain more information, Kamiya Shuran decided to go to the"Anti-Demon Public Security" to inquire about the intelligence.

Hanging a name there can also obtain more information.

Of course, if the public security is ready to control himself, he will definitely get out immediately.

Kamiya Shuran put his phone in his pocket and rode his bicycle towards the location of the Anti-Demon Police.

After a while, he arrived at the Anti-Demon Police, which was the government office building, and one whole floor was dedicated to it. There were people coming and going outside, and many people were hearing about this department for the first time and were full of curiosity.

At the same time, there were also some demon hunters wandering around.

Kamiya Shuran followed the crowd into the hall and saw the registration team.

Because it was the first time to hear about the"Anti-Demon Police", a lot of supernatural event enthusiasts came to sign up and wanted to join the police.

For this reason, the police also set up two standards:

1: Physical fitness meets the standard, or special abilities.

2: The team carries out a mission to hunt a low-level demon.

Passing the two tasks officially makes you a demon hunter.

He walked through the crowd and came to the registrar, and told him about his ability of [Perspective Eyes].

The registrar wrote it down, and Kamiya Shuran passed the first test.

Coming to the backstage, there stood the people who passed the first test.

There were much fewer people inside, only a dozen or so.

The test standard for the second level was written on the wall: form a team of your own, with no limit on the number of people, and hand in a corpse of a demon or evil ghost, or the soul of an evil spirit within three days.

Those who complete the test will pass the test.

"There is no limit on the number of people, so I can do it alone."

Shinya Xiuran was full of confidence. Such a simple task, wouldn't it be easy to accomplish?

Go out and turn on the [Perspective Eyes], search a few kilometers around, and find the evil spirits or demons. Wouldn't that be easy?

I guess I can complete the task this afternoon.

Just as he was about to leave, a woman came to Shinya Xiuran and put her hand on his shoulder.

""Handsome guy, I see you are alone too, do you want to team up with me?"

The woman's voice came, charming with a bit of purity and a bit of playfulness.

Shen Gu Xiu Ran turned around and looked at the woman in front of him. She had black shoulder-length hair, obsidian eyes, and a full chest that was about to push open the buttons of her white shirt.

"My name is Ji Ye, just these two characters~

Handsome guy, what’s your name?"

""Shinya Shuran."

Shinya looked at Jiye. At this moment, her eyes were still normal. It seemed that she had not signed a contract with the ghost demon.

Her gestures were full of playfulness and liveliness, without the heaviness in the original plot.

"I actually met Himeno who hasn't joined the Demon Hunter yet. What a coincidence"

"Handsome guy, do you agree or not? Don't just stand there~"

Ji Ye grabbed Kamiya Xiu Ran's hand and shook it gently.

Facing the attack of a beautiful girl like her, few boys could resist it!

She smiled, and there seemed to be stars in her eyes.

"What skills do you have?"

"My physical strength is very strong!"

Ji Ye clenched her fist and patted her snow-white and plump arms.

After all, she had big breasts, so her arms were very round.

"You just have good physical strength, which is not an ability"

"Hey, hey, hey, brother Shen Gu, you are hurting people by saying that."

Ji Ye shook his hand away and looked at Shen Gu Xiu Ran with dissatisfaction.

"I'm leaving. This simple mission doesn't require two people to do it together."

Shinya Xiuran turned around and was about to leave, but Jiye ran over again.

She opened her arms and hugged Xiuran from behind, her full chest pressed against him.

"Handsome guy, don't go, let's discuss it."

Jiye was of course unwilling to let Kamiya Xiuran go, not only because he was so handsome, but also because he was very young, with a student's immaturity on his face! He was definitely a top player!

So, Jiye was ready to hug Kamiya Xiuran's thigh.

Kamiya Xiuran grabbed Jiye's hand with his backhand, twisted it gently, and turned her over.

"If you have something to say, please talk to me nicely. Don't use your hands."

"Hehe, Brother Xiu Ran, do you agree?"

Ji Ye held Shen Gu Xiu Ran's arm and put it into his fullness, soft and plump.

"Brother Xiu Ran, let's team up~

If you team up with me, I will kiss you~"

Ji Ye's face was red, and there was a taste of beer in his words.

No wonder this guy is so reckless, it seems he is drunk!

"What would you do if I rejected you?"

"Of course, I'll find the next teammate!"

Kamiya Xiuran looked at Jiye's red-faced drunken appearance. If she was asked to find the next teammate, she might start to bite him.

This kind of thing must not be allowed to happen!

Since we have met, let's form a team. Anyway, with my own strength, dealing with low-level demons is as easy as eating and drinking.

Take Jiye as a younger brother first, and kidnap her later.

"Okay, let's go together."Shingu Xiu Ran nodded.


Jiye jumped up and kissed Shen Gu Xiu Ran hard on the lips.

Then, she felt uncomfortable in her stomach.

Something was coming!

Shen Gu Xiu Ran saw Jiye's reaction and knew that she was going to recreate the scene of the chainsaw man.

He snapped his fingers and threw Jiye into the mirror world.

A minute later, Xiu Ran pulled her out again.

"How about it?"

"It's okay."

Ji Ye smiled

"What trick did you use just now? How did I end up in a strange place all of a sudden?!

It's amazing!"

"It's just my trick. Let's go."

Shen Gu Xiu Ran turned and left, and Ji Ye followed him with big strides.

"Hey, tell me~"

"Teach me, I won’t teach anyone else!"

"Brother Xiu Ran, I really won't spread rumors~"

Shen Gu Xiu Ran's ears were filled with Ji Ye's voice, chirping like a sparrow.

He took off the glove on his left hand and pressed it on Ji Ye's shoulder.

Ji Ye: Wuuwuwu ah ah ah ah ah - please give me flowers and data.

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