A colorful handsome bird, with a large flock of various birds, came towards the farmhouse's paddy fields.

Not only the people were amazed, but even the peasants were very surprised and surprised.

"What a beautiful feather!"

Farmer Tian Mi took enchanting steps and couldn't help but praise.

"This is a colorful brocade chicken, although it is not a real phoenix, it is also a spirit bird!"

Xia Kui Tian Guang was knowledgeable and actually recognized this colorful bird.

"Legend has it that the colorful brocade chicken inherits a small amount of phoenix bloodline and is naturally good at discovering spiritual objects. Qingling rice was planted, and the colorful brocade chicken appeared, which is a good sign! "

Xia Kui Tian Guang is very excited, which shows that their planting process is error-free and even excellent.

"The colorful brocade chicken is a spirit bird, and it will not harm the spirit rice at this time, but will peck at insects, which is beneficial to the growth of the spirit rice. Just pay attention when the spirit rice is ripe and don't let it eat the spirit rice. "

Xia Kui constantly recalled the records of the farmer's inheritance and explained the situation of the colorful brocade chicken.

"Don't disturb, leave it behind!"

Everyone nodded one after another, such a spirit bird, it is best not to hurt.

At this time, the spirit rice in the paddy field has sprouted, revealing a little tender yellow tip bud on the surface of the water. Nourished by the spring water of Longmen Waterfall, which is rich in spiritual energy, it grows slowly.

Although the cultivation of spiritual rice is not affected by the ordinary climate, there are still many problems.

Everyone did not dare to slack, divided into shifts day and night, and took care of them carefully. These Lingdao are more attentive than their own children!

The peasant family defected to the Qin state and was assigned to take care of Lingdao. Other heroes of the rivers and lakes are not idle.

With the opening of Yanwu Tang, various tasks were released, and they attacked everywhere to solve difficult tasks for the Qin Kingdom.

These tasks include eliminating the Jianghu forces such as the Mo family that participated in the anti-Qin alliance; There are bandits in the mountains, forests and lakes everywhere; There are cooperation with county officials to eliminate local tyrants ...

These are all problems that are not worth mobilizing the army, but cannot be solved by local officials. The heroes of the rivers and lakes played, which can be regarded as the best use of things.

A similar campaign to crack down on gangsters and eliminate evil quickly extended the rule of the Qin state to rural villages.

For a time, the entire Qin country was in good spirits, and the bandits were extinct. The people lived in peace and commerce.


A heroic ranger carrying an arrow bag and holding a longbow, carrying the head of the bandit, came to the martial arts hall and handed over the task.

The official of the Qin State who performed Wutang opened the package and verified the first rank.

"Zhong Lixiao, complete the task of eradicating the Black Mountain thief and get eighty contribution points. A total of 900 contribution points have been accumulated. "

"Congratulations, you have obtained the qualification of Longmen Waterfall!"

The official of Yanwu Tang handed over a golden order, which was the certificate to enter Longmen Waterfall.

The heroic ranger took the golden order, overjoyed and excited.

"I'm finally making up enough contribution points!"

"The qualification of Longmen Waterfall has finally arrived!"

The ranger named Zhong Lixiao laughed heartily, and finally made enough contributions before the opening of Longmen Waterfall and obtained the qualification to climb the dragon gate.

In the martial arts hall, there was a sudden burst of envious eyes.

Longmen Waterfall is about to open, and this is already the last chance. Zhong Lixiao rushed to the last day, completed the task and contributed, and his luck and strength were very outstanding.

"This ranger, Grandmaster is hopeful!"

In the envy of everyone, Zhong Lixian left the Yanwu Hall without hesitation.


On the second day, the crowds outside the Zulong Palace were crowded and extremely lively.

At this time, the experts of the rivers and lakes who had obtained the quota had all arrived.

The sun was scorching, and everyone waited patiently.

Finally, a row of black-armored Qin troops arrived and parted the road. A magnificent carriage came to a stop at the gate of the Zulong Palace.

Liu Bowen, the prime minister of Great Qin, walked out of the carriage.

Everyone was immediately looking forward to it, and kept looking at it with enthusiastic eyes.

"The opening of Longmen Waterfall today is all presided over by this official."

"The auspicious time has come, now announce the quota!"

Suddenly everyone quieted down, waiting for Liu Bowen's announcement.

Those who have obtained the qualifications have actually known for a long time, but the public announcement of confirmation at this time is still eagerly expected by everyone.

"Inside the Qin Kingdom, Zhao Yun, Li Xin..."

"Farmer Tian Guang, Tian Hu, Ranger Zhong Lixiao, Ranger Yingbu... Nine people, get this place! "



The crowd was suddenly noisy, and everyone looked up, wanting to see who were the masters and get the opportunity to get the dragon gate. Countless envious and jealous eyes enveloped them.

Zhong Lixian was dressed in silver-white armor and carried a bow and arrow, which was extremely conspicuous.

The people who had obtained the quota stood up and followed Liu Bowen to the gate of the Ancestral Dragon Palace.

"Your Excellency Ximen, Liu Bowen has been ordered to open the dragon gate, please help!"

Liu Bowen respectfully saluted the Ancestral Dragon Palace and prayed loudly.


An invisible giant force opened the gate of the Ancestral Dragon Palace out of thin air. Ximen Chuixue was dressed in white and stood proudly.

"Don't make a noise, let's go in!"

The cold gaze swept over, leaving a deep chill in everyone's hearts. Ximen Chuixue flashed and disappeared into the depths of the Ancestral Dragon Palace.

What a profound cultivation!

What a sharp sword intent!

Until Ximen Chuixue disappeared, the figure of this Nine Heavens Sword Immortal still remained in everyone's hearts.

Liu Bowen led everyone and saluted respectfully towards the place where the snow blew snow disappeared at the west gate, and then stepped into the Ancestral Dragon Palace.

Longmen Waterfall!

The rumbling sound of water roared in his ears, and Zhong Li watched the huge waterfall fall from the sky, gushing endlessly, and his heart was shocked.

Looking at the waterfall from afar, it is just a white practice, and only in front of the waterfall can you feel its majestic momentum!

"Those who have obtained the qualification can enter Longmen Waterfall!"

"The opportunity is here, it's up to you to grasp it!"

Liu Bowen stood with his hands in his hands, looking unfathomable.

He is not an ordinary civil servant without the power of a chicken, for the changes in the heavenly machine, the practice of Qi Men Dun Jia, is otherworldly!

If you say cultivation, you are higher than everyone here!

However, he is not sure enough now, and he can break the sky in one fell swoop, so he did not enter the waterfall. Looking at these in front of you, it is naturally very detached.


Everyone did not dare to be careless, and with excitement, they walked towards Longmen Waterfall.

Zhao Yun, Li Xin and the others of the Qin State took the first step and fell into the waterfall. Immediately afterwards, the farmer Mitsuda Tiger followed in.

Zhong Lixian was so excited that he suddenly jumped and fell into the waterfall.


One after another, the masters entered the Longmen Waterfall and climbed hard, wanting to climb the waterfall and cross the dragon gate.

"Look, they're on!"

"General Qin State is ahead!"

"That armored ranger named Zhong Lixiao, rush so fast!"


In the waterfall, the huge impact force rushes towards everyone regardless of each other.

At this time, the only thing that can be relied on is his own cultivation!

Zhao Yun's face was grim, like a swift dragon constantly climbing.


At the last distance from the top of the waterfall, the force of the impact multiplies. Zhao Yun's eyes froze, and he jumped with all his strength, breaking through the final obstacle, and was the first to cross the dragon gate.

In an instant, the golden light shrouded Zhao Yun, and a mysterious qi pervaded.

Heaven and man!

Zhao Yun is this for the opportunity of heaven and man!

He grasped this rare opportunity and felt it with all his heart.

At this time, others gradually reached the top.

Zhong Lixian was soaked and exhausted.


"I can't give up!"

"Grandmaster Realm, I must break through!"

Zhong Lixuan's heartbeat accelerated violently, and blood rushed all over his body. Invisibly, a powerful force surged out from the depths of the body.


Zhong Lixian jumped suddenly, jumped high, and stepped over the dragon gate!


A powerful aura erupted, the momentum that belonged exclusively to the strong of the grandmaster, Shangqian Tianyun!


"Zhong Lixuan has broken through the Grandmaster!"

The crowd below cheered loudly and was shocked.

"Longmen Waterfall, it's a miracle!"

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