The moon god left the Zhangtai Palace and returned to the Yin Yang Family Station.

A pitch-black and mysterious underground palace, the figure of the nine ghosts and gods stood on the high platform. The cold aura pervaded, making the moon god couldn't help but shiver.

"Lord Donghuang!"

"Ying Zheng has agreed to build a mirage, but he wants Elder Yunzhong Jun to build a water fleet for the Qin Kingdom first, and only after it is completed, will the construction of the mirage begin."

The moon god carefully rewarded, for fear of provoking the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

A deep and indifferent gaze fell on the moon god. Donghuang Taiyi was noncommittal, but obviously not satisfied enough.

Instantly, a powerful oppression made the moon god face the giant like an ant, and couldn't help but tremble slightly.

The moon god bowed respectfully and bowed to the Eastern Emperor.

"Lord Donghuang, when I was outside the palace with Yunzhong Jun, I sensed a vision of heaven and earth, and I came to ask Lord Donghuang for instructions!"

The moon god looked solemn, and asked Donghuang Taiyi with a bit of qiji.

"Heaven and earth induction!"


An invisible storm swept through the entire underground palace, and the powerful and unparalleled momentum was like a monstrous flood, about to crush everything.

The moon god was sweating profusely, and he tried his best to stabilize his figure so as not to be crushed by the storm.

This is just the Eastern Emperor Taiyi communicating with heaven and earth, and the momentum generated overflows, but it puts the moon god in trouble!

For a long time, the huge momentum suddenly disappeared, and the moon god felt that he was alive again. Donghuang Taiyi's deep and terrifying tone came from the top of his head.

"It is indeed heaven and earth induction!"

"Mobilize all the forces of the Yin-Yang Family and prepare to deal with the great changes in heaven and earth!"

As soon as the Eastern Emperor gave the order, his figure disappeared from the high platform.

The moon god was terrified and flustered.

"It's really heaven and earth induction..."

"The whole world, what a big change is going to happen..."

The moon god did not dare to slack off and went to mobilize all the forces of the entire Yin-Yang family to deal with the change.


Confucianism, Little Sage Zhuang.

Yan Dan took Xiaoyaozi and the others and hurried here to visit the head of the Confucian family.


The head of the Confucian family, Fu Nian, was very happy, and hurriedly asked his disciples to invite Yan Dan in.

"Mo Family Yandan, Taoist Family Zong Xiaoyaozi, I have seen the head of Confucianism!"

Yan Dan and the others bowed and answered.

"There are friends who come from afar, and they don't talk about it."

"A few can come, Little Sage Zhuang Pengxian is shining!"

Seeing Fu Nian's friendly attitude, Yan Dan was immediately happy in his heart, and directly said the purpose of this trip.

"King Qin's ambition is aggressive, and he is not satisfied with the annexation of Han Zhao Wei, and still covets our Yanqi and Chu Three Kingdoms!"

"Your Excellency Fu Nian, only when we work together to form an anti-Qin alliance can we resist the Qin State and protect the people of Li!"

"Yan Dan, as the prince of the Yan Kingdom, the giant son of the Mo family, and the leader of the Anti-Qin Alliance, requests His Excellency Fu Nian to join the alliance and jointly resist the violent Qin!"

Yan Dan looked at Fu Nian with Qi Ji in his eyes. Xiaoyaozi on the side also bowed and bowed to Fu Nian.

Fu Nian's expression was moved, and a glint flashed in his eyes. He held the famous sword Tai'a on his waist, and a holy aura was emerging.

Confucianism was not accustomed to the domineering government of the Qin state, and could not accept the policy of the Qin state's legalists. Confucianism is now in great strength in the Qin state, and it must be allied to resist.

Yan Dan's request was exactly what Fu Nian meant.

"Resisting violent Qin is where the great righteousness lies, and Confucianism is duty-bound!"

Yan Dan and the others were overjoyed and stretched out their hands to hold Fu Nian tightly.

"Your Excellency Fu Nian, the Qin army is powerful, and there are even sharper beasts and artillery, I am afraid that it will be difficult for the three countries to resist head-on!"

Yan Dan personally led the army to fight the Qin army, and he knew very well the strength of the Qin army. After his defeat, he kept thinking about the counterpart.

The answer is already available.

"The Qin army is invincible, it lies in cavalry and machine firearms, but my Yanqi and Chu kingdoms are all with vast rivers and backed by the sea."

"When a water army can be formed, it can be linked to support each other behind it, and the front can use the river to cut off the logistics of the Qin army and resist the Qin state, which should have a miraculous effect!"

Fu Nian must have suddenly looked moved and surprised.

"Water army?"

A glint flashed in Fu Nian's eyes, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it made sense.

"The formation of a water fleet is indeed miraculous!"

Fu Nian agreed very much and admired Yan Dan's suggestion. He suddenly looked perked up and was eager to try.

"My Confucian family is in the court of the Qi Kingdom, and I have a lot of influence, which can help His Royal Highness Yan Dan and form an alliance with the Yan Kingdom!"

"As for the State of Chu, we will send an envoy together to let the King of Chu participate in the alliance, it should not be a problem!"

Once Fu Nian joined the anti-Qin alliance and agreed to mobilize Confucian forces, Yan Dan was immediately surprised.


A look of surprise flashed in Yan Dan's eyes, and he hesitated how to persuade King Chu of Qi to agree to an alliance, but he didn't expect Fu Nian to give him such a big surprise!

"Confucianism really deserves to be the number one manifestation in the world!"

"With the joining of His Excellency Fu Nian, the Anti-Qin Alliance will surely prosper!"

"Resisting the Qin State will surely succeed!"

Yan Dan was overjoyed and constantly praised Confucianism and Funian.

Fu Nian stroked his beard and smiled without speaking.

The alliance was formed, and Yan Dan and Fu Nian no longer hesitated and launched with all their strength, prompting the alliance of the three kingdoms of Yanqi and Chu to begin to form a water army.

For a time, in the territory of the three kingdoms of Yanqi and Chu, carpenters and shipbuilders were recruited everywhere, and at the same time, a large number of sailors were recruited for training.

With the power of the three kingdoms of Yanqi and Chu, ships continue to emerge, and the sea is extremely busy.


State of Qin, Xianyang.

For the secret alliance of the three kingdoms of Yanqi and Chu, the construction of the water army, there have long been secret agents of the Qin State to inquire clearly.

But up and down the court of the Qin Kingdom, there was no other movement.

The Qin State's own water army built warships much faster than Yan Qi Chu, and the size of the warships was several times stronger than Yan Qi Chu.

What's more, with the help of the public losers, the Qin State had already begun to load artillery onto warships to create a truly invincible firepower crush.

But all this has nothing to do with the peasant people.

Xia Kui Tian Guang and others were ordered to plant spirit rice, and now the place has been determined and the construction has officially started.

Xianyang City, next to the Zulong Palace.

Countless craftsmen are busy demolishing nearby buildings.

A large fertile field was carved out.

Xia Kui Tian Guang squatted down, saved a handful of dirt, put it in front of his eyes to take a closer look, and finally pinched a little and sent it to his mouth to taste!

"Very good, the soil quality is excellent, the fertility is outstanding, and the surrounding aura is enough!"

"Just wait for the water to be irrigated, and then you can plant it!"

Everyone in the peasant family was overjoyed and excited.

"I have already asked the ancestor to accept the spring water flowing from the Longmen Waterfall, as long as you open the channel of the Ancestral Dragon Palace next door, you can start drawing water!"

Tian Guang looked excited, and led everyone from the peasant family to the gate of the Ancestral Dragon Palace next door. Everyone stood in a row and bowed.

"Farmers up and down, please Ximen Chuixue, open the channel, open the gate and release water!"

Zulong Palace, Ximen Chuixue sat with a long sword. Dressed in white, lonely as snow.

Ximen Chuixue suddenly opened his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. He heard the outside plea, but there was no answer inside.


A sharp and matchless sword light, like a meteor sliding down the nine heavens, bombarded the ground fiercely.

Sen Han's sword intent was like rubbing on the top of the heads of everyone in the peasant family, making them can't help but get goosebumps.

The sword light dispersed, and I saw a wide and straight ditch extending from the Ancestral Dragon Palace. Jubilant snow-white waves, surging with the current.

"What a fast sword!"

"What a power this is, if it slashes at me..."

"It is worthy of being under the command of the Great Qin Ancestor, and Lord Ximen Chuixue is really a sword immortal!"

The hearts of everyone were terrified, and the chill was pervasive. The respect for the ancestor of Daqin is on a higher level.

Ximen Chuixue casually sworded, and opened a good ditch to draw the water flow of Longmen Waterfall.

"Thank you, Your Excellency Ximen Chuixue!"

Everyone in the peasant family was surprised and delighted, and bowed down to thank them.

The gurgling water quickly moistened the soil, turning the farmer's field into a sparkling paddy field.

"Good! It's time to plant! "

Xia Kui Tian Guang was extremely excited, carefully took out a jade box, and slowly opened it.

The green and crystalline rice seeds, like small jade grains, are cute and attractive.

Tian Guang trembled with excitement and grabbed a handful of cyan rice, with infinite longing in his eyes.


Tian Guang carried the secret method of the farm, and the pale green glow permeated the palm of his hand. He reached out and threw the rice evenly.

The green rice grain fell into the paddy fields like a meteor firefly. Suddenly, a little splash of water splashed.

As soon as the rice spirit seed entered the water, it suddenly swelled and cracked, and yellow-green shoots were protruding.

A strange fragrance pervades. It was immediately refreshing. In this aroma, the whole body of everyone in the peasant family was light.

Countless birds suddenly flew in the sky, chirping like a dark cloud, coming to the sky above the paddy fields. The one in the front, multicolored wings, is extremely luxurious, like the legendary phoenix!

"Look, what is that in the sky..."

"A hundred birds to the phoenix, is that a phoenix!"

"Where are they flying? It's a farmer's fairy grain paddy field! "

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