The Mandate of Heaven plan of the Qin State was a great success. It not only completely disrupted Zhao and Wei, but also brought back huge amounts of wealth to the Qin Kingdom. The national strength of the Qin State has been greatly enhanced!

With this entry and exit, the gap in national strength that Qin State and Zhao Wei saw only widened.

Dragon's Nest World, Crystal Palace.

Jiang Han was sleeping and cultivating, and a system prompt suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Ding! The State of Qin weakened the two countries of Zhao and Wei, obtained huge wealth, and the national strength soared, congratulations to the host for advancing to the eighth level of the dynasty national fortune! "

Inside the Crystal Palace, Ben opened his eyes sharply in the sleeping Jiang Han, and a touch of essence burst out from the huge dragon eye.

Eighth-level national luck!

Through the business war of the Mandate of Heaven plan, obtaining a lot of wealth from Zhao and Wei and enhancing the national strength of the Qin State would have such an effect, directly raising the level of national fortune!


Jiang Han roared excitedly, and endless golden light gathered on him.

But that's not the end of it.

"Ding! The host bound Emperor Yingzheng completed the task of 'weakening the national strength of Zhao and Wei', and Yingzheng was rewarded: Supreme Heavenly Crown! "

"Ding! The emperor Yuzheng bound by the host has completed the task of 'weakening the national strength of Zhao and Wei', congratulations to the host for getting the reward: 300 achievement points! "

"Ding! The Emperor Yingzheng bound by the host used financial warfare for the first time to achieve the achievement of 'Special Commercial Warfare', congratulations to the host for obtaining a special reward: Ancient Dragon God Bloodline!. "

For a moment, in Jiang Han's mind, the system's prompts kept sounding.

Supreme Babel Crown?

Ancient Dragon God Bloodline?

Suddenly, a wave of information emerged from Jiang Han's mind.

Supreme Heavenly Crown: It is rumored that the crown worn by the Supreme Heavenly Emperor in ancient times, with this crown, conforms to the way of heaven, should accept the mandate of heaven, and obtain the blessing of qi luck, which is invincible.

Ancient Dragon God Bloodline: The bloodline left by the Ancient Dragon God is passed on, and refining this bloodline can gradually evolve into the body of the Dragon God. Call the wind and rain, control the weather of heaven and earth, and become a natural god.

Jiang Han's heart was ecstatic, and while thinking, the entire dragon body had undergone great changes.

Endless golden light poured in from all directions. Along with it, there was endless aura.

These golden rays condensed within Jiang Han's dragon's body, and finally turned into an entity.


A slender and tough golden keel condensed and formed in the body of Jiang Han's dragon.

The front of the keel is connected to the dragon horn, and the rear end is connected to the dragon tail bone spur. The long spine is not only extremely strong, but also very tough. No matter how Jiang Han moved, he was not affected in the slightest.

"The dragon scales and dragon horns were condensed during the seventh-level national fortune, and now they are promoted to the eighth level, and the dragon bone is condensed."

"It's not far from the real flesh and blood!"

Jiang Han's eyes were endlessly excited, he did not live in the sky, stirring up endless wind and clouds, forming a violent storm, sprinkling the entire Dragon's Nest World.

Endless terrifying dragon power, shrouded the entire dragon's nest world, birds, beasts, insects and fish, all crawling on the ground, trembling their bodies uncontrollably, and their hearts were full of awe and surrender.

Flame Lingji was originally flying on a blue bird, but he was also frightened by the dragon power all of a sudden, and hurriedly landed on the ground.

"Master's cultivation, has it broken through again..."

After a long time, Jiang Han finally slowed down and began to check the other two rewards.

"I can't use the Supreme Heavenly Crown, so I still directly find an opportunity to give it to Ying Zheng."

"As for the Ancient Dragon God bloodline..."

Without saying a word, Jiang Han directly extracted it from the system.

Suddenly, a mysterious and magnificent amethyst-gold crystal appeared in front of Jiang Han's eyes. This purple-gold crystal is exactly the bloodline of the Ancient Dragon God!

As soon as the amethyst appeared, an unfathomable coercion enveloped everything.

Although this coercion is powerful, it only affects at the spiritual level, which makes people happy and sincere. Compared to Jiang Han's current dragon power, it is more profound and divine.

"Is this the bloodline of the Ancient Dragon Snake?"

Jiang Han looked at the Amethyst Crystal, his eyes were full of excitement, and a deep longing emanated from his bones, making him want to devour it immediately.

Jiang Han no longer hesitated, followed his heart's desire, opened his mouth, and swallowed it in one gulp.

As soon as the amethyst-gold crystal entered his mouth, it immediately turned into a purple-gold light, soaking Jiang Han's entire dragon body.

A noble purple color emerged from Jiang Han's scales. Even the entire dragon horn turned purple-gold.

And Jiang Hangang overwhelmed the keel, and in the core, a purple-gold liquid flowed, forming a purple-gold dragon pith.


Jiang Han was excited and danced wildly in the sky!

The huge purple-gold dragon shadow was seen shuttling through the clouds, faintly appearing from time to time.

A dragon power with a divine taste is all over the world. At this moment, the flowers, birds, insects and fish of the Dragon's Nest World were no longer afraid to tremble, as long as they were in awe from the bottom of their hearts.

And Flame Lingji was in awe in her heart, but she also surged with a taste that wanted to be close.


Flame Lingji's eyes were confused and she muttered to herself.


After Jiang Han carefully examined it, he nodded with satisfaction, and once again fell into a deep sleep and practice.


Zhao State border, Jingxian Mountain Fortress.

The army of the Qin State that was suppressed by black pressure was like a rolling black cloud, covering it.

The defender of Zhao Guojing's mountain fortress suddenly changed his face in fright.

"Quick! Blow the horn and light the beacon! "

"Send someone to summon the Great King, the Qin Kingdom is calling!"

General Zhao Guoshou sent people to deliver letters to the capital Handan while gathering soldiers to defend the fortress.

"Don't be afraid!"

While rectifying the ranks, the defenders calmed the soldiers and stabilized morale.

"The Jingxian Mountain Fortress is the strongest pass in the world! Although the Qin State is powerful, it cannot be broken! "

"Everyone cheer up, as long as you hold the fortress, soon, the king will send a large army to support!"

General Zhao Guo's words made the Zhao soldiers feel a little calmer, and their morale stabilized.

But at this moment, a large cloud-like shadow flew from the front and came to the fortress.

"Bats! What a big bat! "

The soldiers of Zhao Guo were surprised, but not much afraid. It wasn't until these bats got closer that they realized something was wrong.

"Not good, there are people on bats!"

Zhao Guoshou was the first to find out that something was wrong, and he was shocked and inexplicable in his heart, and he didn't know what kind of monster this was!

At this time, the rest of the Zhao soldiers also saw everything clearly.

The huge bat flying in the sky was actually made of metal and wood, and one bat carried two people on it, but a black tube stretched out from its chest.



A burst of fire came out of the mouth of the tube on the bat's chest, accompanied by a loud noise and smoke.

Black shadows with large fists shot out quickly and landed accurately on the fortress.




A violent explosion sounded above the fortress.

In a heaven-shaking explosion, the dense Zhao army was blown upside down, and blood and flesh flew everywhere!

"Save me... Save me! "

"My hands... Where are my hands..."

"Ahhh... I can't see anymore... It hurts me..."

“...... Kill me..."

In an instant, the fortress was full of the wails and screams of Sergeant Zhao.

And those soldiers who were not injured were even more terrified. Both battles, pant legs wet with urine.


"The bat monster has performed magic!"

"Heavenly thunder descends, heaven will destroy my Zhao Kingdom!"

The soldiers of Zhao Guo were all weak and frightened, threw away the weapons in their hands, and knelt on the ground begging and praying.

However, the defender of the Zhao army, as early as the first round of explosions, had been hit by a shell, and his body was torn apart, and he was not blind.

The morale of the defenders of the Zhao State collapsed, and few dared to continue to resist.

The offensive of the Qin State did not end there.

The first wave of Thunder and Fire bats flew into the fortress to bombard. A second wave of attacks followed.




A bronze giant more than three meters tall walked with heavy steps. It held a huge axe arm and slashed fiercely at the gate of the Jingxian Pass fortress.


A huge crack exploded from above the city gate.


"Where did the monster run out!"

The soldiers of Zhao Guo, who were defending the city gate, were immediately frightened and stupid after seeing Wushuang through the crack in the split door.

They hid under the gate tower of the fortress, not attacked by the shells of the Thunder Fire God Bat, but they had to face the unparalleled invincible power of the organ.



After a few more huge slashes, the solid gate of the Jingxian Pass fortress was violently broken open by the organ Wushuang.

Without the obstruction of the city gate, Organ Wushuang wielded a giant axe, setting off a bloody storm among the Zhao army.

The soldiers of the Zhao army were extremely desperate, whether it was a sword, a gun and a halberd, fell on the body of Wushuang, they couldn't hurt anything at all, leaving only a little Martian white mark.

They cried and cried for their mother's wailing, and kept running, only hating that their parents didn't give birth to two more legs...

Before the Qin army array, Meng Tian roared a golden armor and rode majestically on the war horse.

He looked at the battle situation in front of him, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"The Thunder Fire God Bat bombarded from the sky, the organ Wushuang broke through the city gate, and the general trend of the Zhao army has gone!"

"Jingxian Pass Fortress, it's just that!"

No wonder Meng Tian despised the Zhao army, he originally laid down a third wave of artillery arrays, ready to bombard the fortress walls. Now at first glance, it is no longer needed.

Seeing that the situation was good, Meng Tian grabbed the fighter plane and no longer hesitated.


Meng Tian sharply swung out his long sword and pointed straight ahead.

"The whole army will attack and break through the Jingxian Pass!"

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