Xianyang, Qin State, royal palace.

It was another early day in the dynasty, and the ministers paid homage to the government in a neat manner, and they were majestic.

The national strength of Daqin is at its peak, the Wen Chen is like a cloud, and the fierce general is like rain.

But today, none of them moved. On the contrary, Lu Buwei, who had a special identity, was the first to stand up.

"King Yu, the Mandate of Heaven plan has been a great success!"

"The entire Zhao country has fallen into a shortage of food and civil strife. The people had no food to feed themselves, and the soldiers had no food to eat. The armor is tired, and the hearts of the people are in turmoil! "

"At this time, it is a great opportunity to capture the Zhao Kingdom!"

Although Qunchen had learned all this in advance, Lu Buwei was still excited when he said it on the spot.

The Mandate of Heaven plan is not only Lu Buwei's plan, but also the cooperation of the ministers. Participating in such an amazing plan, now that the plan has been achieved, how can they not be excited and proud!


Ying Zheng slapped the armrest excitedly, and his expression was extremely excited.

This bloodless but more brutal war, which surpassed ordinary people's imagination, has finally achieved great results.

The hard work he spent was not in vain!

The ambition to dominate the world, and a solid step forward!

"The country of Zhao is weak, and the great Qin is strong, just slaughtering the country of Zhao and annexing its land!"

The domineering voice of the victorious government echoed throughout the hall.

The generals of Daqin had already rubbed their fists and forcibly pressed them. Now that he has the words of the great king, he will immediately come out to ask for battle. They hug me and squeeze me, for fear of slowing others one step slower.

"Great King, Wang Ban please fight! The firearms battalion under the minister's command will turn the entire Zhao Kingdom into ruins! "

"Great King, please fight! The golden fire cavalry under the minister's command, marching quickly, can strike a thunderous blow and destroy the country of Zhao! "

"Great King, Li Xin please fight! ......"

So many generals, all vying to fight, made Ying Zheng feel great relief.

"Good! Generals, they are all my Great Qin Dongliang! "

"A Zhao country is already a state of survival, and there is no need to work too many troops."

Ying Zheng's gaze flowed, sweeping over the generals below.

The destruction of the Zhao Kingdom would not be much of a war, and Ying Zheng wanted to hide a firearms battalion. On the contrary, it is the golden fire cavalry of Meng Tian, which moves quickly and is the most suitable.

"Meng Tian, the widow ordered you to lead the Golden Fire Cavalry, day and night, to rush to the Zhao Kingdom!"

"Take down the entire Zhao Kingdom in one fell swoop!"

Meng Tian was overjoyed and fell to the ground:

"If you obey the order, you will live up to the great king's trust!"

The general was led by Tian, and Lü Buwei then asked for instructions to win the government.

"Great King, the Wei Kingdom's Mandate of Heaven plan is also time to launch and complete the end."

Ying Zheng's eyes froze, and his eyes showed a cold light.



Wei State, capital city Daliang.

After a long journey, Yan Dan finally came to Daliang and asked for the King of Wei.

As the prince of the Yan Kingdom, Yan Dan's status is precious. King Wei did not slack off and let him meet at the court.

"Prince Dan of the Yan Kingdom, I have seen King Wei."

Yan Dan bowed and saluted to show respect.

King Wei laughed and stretched out his hand.

"Hurry up, please!"

"You are the prince of the Yan Kingdom, you don't have to be so polite."

King Wei has recently made a lot of money from the night pearl frenzy, and he is in a good mood, and he is also very polite to Yan Dan.

Seeing this, Yan Dan was also very excited and directly expressed his intentions to King Wei.

"Great King, Yan Dan came here this time to discuss important matters."

"The Qin State is arrogant and ambitious, and after annexing the Han State, it will definitely not give up."

"The Wei Kingdom and the Qin Kingdom live next to each other, you must not worry about it!"

"It's better to re-form the alliance with my Yan Kingdom, as well as the Zhao Kingdom, the Qi State, and the Chu State to curb the expansion of the Qin State!"

After King Wei listened, the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

"It doesn't matter, although the Qin Kingdom is strong, my Wei Kingdom is not afraid of him."

He coughed a few times, not wanting to discuss the matter again.

"Ahem! There is no rush in this matter. Prince Yan still told the widow more, how many kinds of dances can the women of the Yan Kingdom have? "

Seeing that King Wei was unwilling to discuss the alliance against Qin, but only focused on the beauty of the wind and moon, Yan Dan suddenly became a little anxious.

"Great King, don't take it lightly!"

"I heard that within the Wei Kingdom, the Deep Sea Night Pearl operated by the Lu Chamber of Commerce is very popular and worth thousands of gold."

"Many noble officials of the Wei State all participated in it and made huge profits."

"Although the night pearl is good, it can't eat hungry, can't drink thirsty, and it is useless in the Wei Kingdom. On the contrary, due to this impact, the Wei Kingdom's hundred industries withered, and the national strength was greatly damaged! "

The more Yan Dan spoke, the more eager he became, and finally bowed deeply and bowed to King Wei.

"Great King, please ban the Deep Sea Night Pearl, seal the Lu Clan Chamber of Commerce, and restore peace to the Wei Kingdom!"

As soon as Yan Dan's voice fell, King Wei's face suddenly changed. He slapped the table hard and became furious.


King Wei's eyes showed a trace of blood, his forehead was bruised, and his face was flushed.

The matter of the Night Pearl, the greatest benefit that King Wei gained from it, how could he tolerate the destruction of others!

The minister who dared to speak out about this matter before had already been beheaded by his order, and his head was still hanging on the city wall!

If it weren't for Yan Dan being the prince of Yan Kingdom, he would have taken it down long ago, pushed it out of the palace gate and beheaded it for public display!

"This is a matter of the Wei Kingdom, a matter of widows, and it is not your turn for an outsider to interject!"

King Wei stared at Yan Dan deadly, no longer having a trace of good feelings.

"Instead of worrying about the weakening of my Wei Kingdom's national strength, it's better to return to the Yan Kingdom as soon as possible and think about how to face the bitter winter of the Yan Kingdom!"

King Wei's words were very unkind, and he was simply expelling Yan Dan.

Yan Dan was helpless and shook his head bitterly.

He sighed in his heart: "Alas, the alliance against Qin, it is really difficult!" "

However, Yan Dan did not give up, and he was ready to continue to persuade.

At this moment, the noble official in charge of Da Liang suddenly came to report.

"Great King, it's not good!"

"In the busy city of Dongmen, someone suddenly threw out thousands of deep-sea night pearls!"

"The people have already fought for the night pearl, rioting and looting. The night pearl is worth thousands of gold, many people are red-eyed, and they have already moved the knife soldiers! "

The more the noble officials spoke beyond the ranks, their voices became hoarse.

"At this time, blood was bleeding everywhere, and the people were killed and injured innumerably!"

"The turmoil is getting bigger and bigger, and it's almost at the gate of the palace!"

King Wei's eyes were full of disbelief, and his eyes widened.

Yan Dan on the side, on the other hand, was already stunned. He had just advised King Wei to forbid the Night Pearl, but he didn't expect it to be too late.

Night Pearl Shock!

This is clearly a black hand behind the scenes! I'm afraid, as expected, it must have been done by the Qin Kingdom!

At this moment, an irrepressible fear rose in Yan Dan's heart!

The black hand of the Qin Kingdom has actually reached the Wei Kingdom! As soon as the Wei Kingdom is destroyed, then I am afraid that it will be the Yan Kingdom...

"Thousands of night pearls?"

"Throwing in a busy city?"

King Wei's face changed drastically, and he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

One night pearl is worth thousands of gold at this time, who will have thousands of night pearls?

A thousand, that's a million gold!

In the entire Wei Kingdom, it is difficult to say whether there is so much gold! There are so many more at once, the price of the night pearl, the iron will definitely collapse!

Once the night pearl price collapses...

King Wei's face turned pale, and he didn't dare to think any further.

"Come, hurry up and ask the head of the Lu Clan Chamber of Commerce!"

"Tell him that he is in a hurry and must come to the palace immediately!"

While ordering people to go to the steward of the Lü Chamber of Commerce, King Wei ordered the city gate general of Da Liang:

"Quickly assemble soldiers and suppress the riots. Let the soldiers occupy the streets and drive everyone home! "

"No one is allowed to walk around the streets without the order of the widow!"

King Wei's response was very correct, and many courtiers nodded along.

While asking the steward of the Lu Chamber of Commerce to discuss countermeasures, while controlling the people on the streets and preventing communication, the price of the night pearl may be able to stabilize.

Even Yan Dan, who was terrified just now, did not find any problems.

Unfortunately, the development of things did not far exceed King Wei's expectations.

"Back to the Great King, the residence of the Lu Clan Chamber of Commerce is empty, and the building is empty!"

"We went in and searched and found nothing!"

King Wei's heart suddenly missed a beat before it beat again.

His hands were clenching the armrest of the throne, and his nails cracked and bleeding without noticing.

After being stunned for a long time, King Wei suddenly howled:

"It's over, it's over!"

"The night pearl is over, the widow's money is over, and the Wei Kingdom is also finished!"

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