"Emperor Star is now in the west!"

Chisongzi stood in front of the cliff, looking up at the sky, and a ray of essence burst out from his eyes!

The Seven Kingdoms of the World, the West, only the State of Qin!

"The tide is gushing, and the will of God is present!"

"It seems that the world is mixed, and the true dragon is none other than the Qin Kingdom..."

"Qin Kingdom! Perhaps, this is the opportunity for the Heavenly Sect to rise again! "


Akamatsuko's gaze looked to the west, her eyes flickering, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

The next day, the main altar of the Heavenly Sect.

"Chief, our Heavenly Sect can't escape the world, prosperous and secluded to practice, and the world is safe in the chaotic world!" This is the true meaning of our Heavenly Sect! "

"yes! Chief, have you really decided to go out of the mountains? "

Several elders of the Taoist Heavenly Sect gathered in front of Chisongzi, frowning one by one, with the intention to dissuade Chisongzi.

They were worried that the head was losing to Renzong Xiaoyaozi in the competition yesterday, so the Dao heart was unstable!

However, Akamatsuko is clearly determined!

"My Heavenly Sect lost to the Renzong in the competition, so I lost Xueji!"

"But in fact, it's not just that, if the Heavenly Sect does not change, the Human Sect overwhelms the Heavenly Sect, and with the temperament of Xiaoyaozi, it will inevitably suppress our Sect until the Heavenly Sect dies!"

"With the stars appearing, the world is not far away! The chaotic times are coming, and it is time for my Heavenly Sect to come out of the mountains to help the chaos in the world! "

"The poor Dao has made up his mind, you don't need to persuade again!"

Chi Songzi carried a burden on his back, carried his sword casually, and after explaining, he gave various instructions to several Heavenly Sect elders!

To no avail, several elders of the Heavenly Sect could only obey Chisongzi's order and take charge of the sect with peace of mind!

Soon, after Chisongzi explained everything, he set off and went all the way to the direction of the Qin Kingdom!

State of Qin, Xianyang.

As the strongest capital of the Qin State among the Seven Kingdoms under the world, Xianyang City has become more and more prosperous and prosperous with the development of the national strength of the Qin State.

Every day, countless merchants, peddlers and pawns from all over the city line up at the city gate!

At the gate of the city, there were forbidden troops of the Qin State checking the passing merchants and pedestrians one by one, and only then allowed them to enter the city!

At the back of the crowd, a Taoist priest wearing a pale white Taoist robe and holding a baby girl in his arms followed the crowd and lined up towards Xianyang City.

That Taoist priest had white hair, carried a long sword, and had the meaning of a fairy wind Dao bone, and he was the red pine son of the Taoist Heavenly Sect!

As for the baby girl in his arms, it was an orphan he picked up on his way to the Qin Kingdom in a village on the border of Qin and Zhao that was plundered and burned by mountain thieves!

Akamatsuko named the girl: Xiaomeng!

Along the way, Chisongzi took care of Xiaomeng, almost raising Xiaomeng as a daughter!

Along the way, Chisongzi took Xiaomeng to Xianyang and saw the changes in various parts of the Qin Kingdom, and his heart was extremely shocked!

The Heavenly Sect has not been hidden for too long, so that Chisongzi feels that he can't keep up with the times, and it was good to pass through the Zhao Kingdom at first!

However, after coming to the Qin Kingdom, he was dazzled by the countless novelties of the Qin Kingdom!

Ten thousand catties of immortal food per acre!

Pen, ink, paper, porcelain, bicycles...

Countless novelties made Chisongzi marvel in his heart, which is worthy of the destiny of Providence!

However, Chi Songzi thought about Xianyang and his party in his heart, but he didn't stop much on the road, so he rushed all the way to Xianyang City!

Soon, Chisongzi passed the inspection of the guards at the city gate and entered Xianyang City smoothly!

It's just, as soon as I entered Xianyang City and walked out of the city tower!

Akamatsuko was shocked on the spot!


Chisongzi looked up at the sky, his expression full of horror!

Above the nine heavens, the True Dragon's Nest was suspended, surrounded by golden Qing clouds, as if a fairy palace was high above the Nine Heavens!

"The ancestor of the Qin Kingdom, he is really a fairy-like figure!"

Akamatsuko looked shocked.

Before entering the city, the golden Qingyun sky almost covered the sky of the entire Xianyang City, making it impossible to see where the true dragon's nest was!

However, as soon as he entered the city, Chisongzi saw the dragon's nest above his head that looked like a fairy palace!

Are there really immortals in this world?

"No wonder the Mandate of Heaven is in Qin!"

Chi Songzi looked shocked, at this moment, he had secretly decided in his heart, as long as the Qin King Yingzheng was not a comatose monarch tyrannical, then he would lead the Taoist Tianzong into Qin and help the Qin Kingdom dominate the world!

Conforming to the will of heaven, the opportunity for their Heavenly Sect to prosper may be in the Qin Kingdom!

Chisongzi was full of fiery heart, and even had a hatred that he couldn't fly for nine days to personally visit the ancestor of the Qin State to see if that legendary existence was really an immortal!

Soon, Chisongzi held Xiaomeng and found an inn in Xianyang City!

As the head of the Taoist Tianzong, Chisongzi is naturally not short of silver money, and it is directly the best inn, the Tianzi Room!

There is an inn!

One of the best inns in Xianyang City!

Akamatsuko put Xiaomeng on the bed, and then sat cross-legged to rest!

After a while, suddenly there was a knock on the door outside, and Akamatsuko got up and went to open the door.

"Officer, hello, the rules of our small shop, all guests who enter the Tianzi room, free of charge to provide you with pens, ink, paper, inkstone and other things, these are all good rice paper, wolf pens, fine ink..."

After opening the door, before Chisongzi could speak, the little two at the door respectfully handed over a pen, ink and paper!

"Rice paper?"

When Chisongzi heard this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

After walking all the way in the Qin Kingdom, Chisongzi naturally knew the papermaking technique of the Qin Kingdom!

However, it is rumored that Xuan paper is the best paper in the Qin Kingdom, and even in the Qin Kingdom, which is rich in paper, it is also highly valuable!

I didn't expect this inn to be so atmospheric and would give it away for free!

"Put it inside!"

Akamatsuko nodded and let go.


The innkeeper bowed respectfully, put pens, ink, paper, ink, and other things into the room, and bowed and retreated.

In the room, once again, only Chisongzi and Xiaomeng were left!

However, Xiaomeng is young, now he is only two years old, he doesn't understand anything, fortunately he is still well-behaved, just sitting on the head of the bed and playing by himself.

Chisongzi originally wanted to sit and practice, but the inn sent pen, ink and paper, and when he saw the four treasures of the study room for the first time, Chisongzi was curious in his heart, so he decided to try it, I don't know how much better this paper is than bamboo Jane!

Rice paper tiled.

After grinding the ink, Akamatsuko picks up the pen!

Chisongzi was lucky in the dantian, and with a wave of the pen, almost subconsciously, a rune of the Taoist Qingxin Mantra soon appeared on the rice paper!


The moment Chisongzi picked up the pen, on the rice paper, a touch of Dao overflowed!



Chisongzi's face immediately changed, and his eyes were full of horror.

What did he see?

The magic talisman he drew with a pen on the rice paper was originally done casually, but he actually felt a fluctuation of vitality on the rice paper!

The spell left on the rice paper actually has mana!

Moreover, the most important thing is that that wisp of mana is actually directly carried on the rice paper, which will not be dispersed for a long time!

Seeing this, Chisongzi couldn't help but be horrified!

You know, although Taoist spells are strong, they must be supported by strong mana to be cast with the help of heaven and earth vitality, but now, Chisongzi actually wrote the talisman with mana on rice paper!

Now, the Taoist meditation charm on this rice paper has the effect of clearing the mind and calming the qi!

Akamatsuko took off the rice paper and violently tore it open!


Without the rice paper to bear, in an instant, a clear heart spell spell that gathered mana was condensed in the void with the help of the vitality of heaven and earth!

And the spell condensed in the void, with the vitality of heaven and earth as the carrier, is no different from the Clear Heart Spell directly cast by Chisongzi!


Seeing this, Chisongzi was not shocked and rejoiced.

Immediately picked up the pen with an excited expression, and began to write about the spell on a new piece of rice paper...


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