"The master has an order, from now on, the Longmen Waterfall of the Ancestral Dragon Palace will be opened once a year, and there will be nine places for each trial!"

"Since then, it has been an eternal rule..."


Above the nine heavens, a cold voice sounded between heaven and earth.

The sound was not loud, but it spread extremely far, and the voice of Flame Lingji echoed throughout Xianyang City.

"Oh my God! Goddess! It's a goddess! "

"Master? Is this a goddess who serves the ancestors? You see she actually stepped on the phoenix! "

"What a phoenix! That's Qingluan! But it's also one of the phoenixes! The ancestor is so powerful, even the attendants who serve around his old man actually have the ancient divine bird Qingluan as a mount! It's amazing..."

"Longmen Waterfall opens once a year? Nine places at once? It seems that some of the battles will be fought after that..."


In the entire Xianyang City, after hearing Flame Lingji's voice, countless people suddenly looked up to the sky and marveled, one by one, their hearts were shocked!

The ancestral dragon palace has not been born for a long time, the ancestor lives in seclusion in the dragon's nest, although it does not ask about the world, but every time there is a person and thing about the ancestor, it is definitely a miracle or a shocking scene like a fairy god!

Xianyang City, within the Yin Yang family station.

Under an old locust tree, Donghuang Taiyi's whole body was shrouded in black robes, and he looked up at the sacred bird Qingluan above the nine heavens, so silent for a long time.



In this way, I don't know how long it took, Donghuang Taiyi said to himself in a faint tone, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

And above the nine heavens, after Flame Lingji passed on Jiang Han's decree, the Qingluan Yangtian under his feet groaned softly, then turned around and flew away, directly returning to the True Dragon's Nest.

Longmen Waterfall, creating four Grandmaster powerhouses in one day!

The news spread back to Shandong countries, and the world was shocked!

Yan Kingdom, the Mo Family Altar!

"Qin Country Dragon Gate Waterfall Trial, everyone who crosses the Dragon Gate has achieved Grandmaster cultivation, but is there evidence? Are the sources reliable? "

Yan Dan looked at the several Mo family leaders in front of him with a solemn expression, and his heart seemed to be pressed by a thousand pounds of boulder, which made him breathless!

The ambition of the wolf son of the Qin Kingdom, after destroying Han, has been clearly revealed!

However, the countries of Shandong are in their own way, it is simply a scattered mess, and after the Wei State and the Zhao State and the Qin people are destroyed, the next step is the Yan Kingdom!

As the prince of the Yan Kingdom, Yan Dan has been busy running to resist Qin, but now, seeing that the Qin Kingdom is getting stronger and stronger, the immortal grain that produces 10,000 catties per mu, the Yin and Yang family entering Qin, the Qin State has the help of immortal gods, and the batch manufacturing grandmaster... Every news that came back from the Qin Kingdom made Yan Dan feel as if there was a primeval sacred mountain above his head that was about to be pressed down!

"Juzi, all the spies we sent to the Qin Kingdom have not been heard!"

"There are also spies of various forces in the rivers and lakes, after entering Qin, it seems as if they have completely disappeared from the world, and no news has ever been transmitted from the Qin Kingdom! The Qin Kingdom seems to be a secret spy forbidden place! "

"The news of the Longmen Waterfall Manufacturing Grandmaster was learned from the mouth of a fellow from a chamber of commerce in the Qin Kingdom, but as mysterious as it is spread today, I'm afraid it will be difficult to be fake..."

Inside the main altar, Old Man Ban bowed his hand towards Yan Dan and spoke with a solemn expression.

Secret Spy Forbidden Land?

As soon as these words came out, it made Yan Dan's face even more ugly!

Almost subconsciously, Yan Dan remembered the Jing Ke, who he had sent to the Qin Kingdom before!

This is a swordsman master of the Grandmaster Realm! It is a master of the Mo family!

However, after entering Qin, there has been no news for several years!

If the expectations are not bad, I am afraid that it is also fierce and lucky...

Longmen Waterfall, a leap to the dragon gate turns into a dragon!

The world of Xianyang City's trial was shocked, and countless sects and hundreds of families in the rivers and lakes were shocked and inexplicable.

And just when the world is in turmoil.

Between the mountains, the Taoist main altar.

"You lost!"

Xiaoyaozi looked proud, pointed his sword at Chisongzi, and there was infinite ecstasy in his heart.

The five-yearly competition between the Taoist Heavenly Sect and the Renzong determines the belonging of Xueji!

This time, finally, let him win!


Xiaoyaozi just wanted to laugh out loud.

"I lost!"

A look of gloom flashed across Chisongzi's face.

"So what are you waiting for? Apprentice, go and get Xueji back! "

The sword in Xiaoyaozi's hand was casually retracted, and he ordered with a proud look on his face.

Immediately, behind Xiaoyaozi, a Taoist disciple stepped forward and directly forcibly took the famous sword Xueji from the hands of the Heavenly Sect!

"Haha! Chisongzi, you Tianzong fake benevolence and false righteousness, what you say to conform to the way of heaven, that is just a mouth full of moral nonsense! "

"Today you lost to the poor road, this Xueji is not going to fall into the hands of my human sect! You see, Taoism will eventually flourish under the leadership of my Xiaoyaozi! "

"As for your Tianzong, hehe! The general trend of the world, those who follow it prosper, those who go against it die, since you have to play something to conform to the destiny of heaven, then it will decline and die from now on..."

"Haha! Walk! Return to the mountain with the main seat..."

Xiaoyaozi laughed loudly, and then left directly with a group of disciples of the Daoist Sect.

Between the mountains, on the competition platform, only Chisongzi was left with a lonely face, and there was a group of Heavenly Sect disciples next to him.

"Go back!"

Chisongzi was silent for a long time, and finally sighed in his heart, and immediately ordered.

After that, he led a group of Heavenly Sect disciples back to the Heavenly Sect General Altar!

However, despite returning to the Heavenly Sect, Chisongzi's heart was still extremely depressed!

It's night, the starry sky is bustling!

Chi Songzi stood on a cliff in the forbidden land of the Heavenly Sect, looking up at the starry sky, and his figure was a little gloomy.

After several years of retreat, in order to improve his strength to keep Xueji, he finally lost to Xiaoyaozi, the head of the Renzong!

This made Akamatsuko's heart float a layer of haze.


Suddenly, Chisongzi looked at the sky and couldn't help but frown sharply.


At this moment, Chisongzi suddenly found that the stars seemed to have changed a lot from a few years ago!

He had been practicing in seclusion before, he had not been out of the gate for several years, he did not know the changes in the stars, and now he looked at the sky full of stars, and his head was suddenly hit hard!

At this moment, above the nine heavens, the stars are shining.

However, the Purple Micro Emperor Star in the north was extremely shining, overshadowing the other stars in one fell swoop!

"Ziwei Emperor Star is active, and the stars are guarded, this is a sign of the unity of the world!"

Akamatsuko was startled suddenly, and exclaimed with a shocked expression.

One world!

This is simply a big change in the world!

A few years ago, before Chisongzi's retreat, he deduced the celestial phenomena with several elders of the Heavenly Sect, and finally came to the conclusion that the Seven Kingdoms were fighting!

However, this is only a few years!

The Purple Micro Emperor Star has actually overwhelmed the North Pole, South Pole, Zhongtian, Blue Dragon and other stars!

And the stars are so obvious!

This shows that the unification of the world is already an inevitable trend!

Chi Songzi quickly sat cross-legged, took out an astrolabe inherited from the Heavenly Sect from his waist, and began to deduce the celestial phenomena!

"Zhongtian North Pole!"

"Ziwei to the south, the green dragon is invisible..."


The astrolabe rotated, Akamatsuko was engrossed, and countless star maps in his head were constantly deduced.

So, I don't know how long it took, Chisongzi suddenly stood up with a shocked face.

"The emperor star is now in the west...",


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