Chapter 139

Chapter 139 Transformation of God (third more seeking subscription)

The streets of Muhe City were crowded with people coming and going, and some of the stall owners were yelling loudly. They were full of joy and seemed very noisy.

“Selling steamed buns is like selling steamed buns, hot steamed buns just out of the oven.”

“Brother, let me tell you that my newly built sword is definitely cut into iron, and it is absolutely not a loss if you buy it. In this situation in this world, without a good sword, how can you live smartly?

“Brother, do you want to come and see, our store is definitely fine.”

Just when the street was very lively, there appeared a long line of heavily armed cavalry, with no end in sight.

With the appearance of the cavalry, the whole street became dark, and all the pedestrians quickly moved closer to the sides, looking at a famous cavalry passing in front of them in awe.

The leader was a young man with two peerless beauties behind him.

This person is the winner.

After leaving the prefectural palace, the winner did not rest and chose to cross the Muhe City.

On the map route given by Li Si, after passing through Muhe City, it was very close to the Mojia Institution City.

Therefore, the winner is not too anxious.

As for those people in the prefectural palace.

Thinking of this, there was a funny smile on the corner of Yingzi’s mouth. Those people, it is estimated that today’s meal will make them unable to eat for three days.

Of course, for the kind little brother Li Wangcai, the winner also granted him permission to leave.

Zhao Zhiyao, the unworldly girl, the winner did not intend to drive her to death.

He knew in his heart that after this incident, Zhao Zhiyao’s character would definitely converge a lot.

For Zhao Zhiyao, this incident is definitely a psychological shadow that can be remembered for her life.

“HP is increasing, 6121…6654…

“The current host’s blood volume is 101541 points.”

Yingzi also sat on the horse and glanced at the fearful residents of Muhe City on both sides, with a plain expression. At the same time, a voice rang in his head, making the corners of his mouth curl up slightly, and he was heartily excited.

“Reminder! Reminder! When the blood volume reaches 100,000 points, the fourth layer of nourishment illustration book will be opened soon!

“Successfully opened the fourth-layer raising cover illustration book!

The fourth “level nourishment cover illustration book is available, so as to reduce the troubles.”

Bi Ran.

Winning’s face also stagnated, and his brows could not help but frowned: “The fourth layer of Yangdao Illustrated Book only has one kind of pest?”

However, the doubts in Winner’s heart have not been systematically explained.

After a moment of contemplation, Winner also took a deep breath, suppressed the doubts in his heart, and said: “Call up the blood volume and detailed information that the God Transformation Gu needs to exchange.

“Hua Shen Gai is a kind of magic Gai insect that can give any kind of powerful potential to stimulate life. Blessing in the human body can increase the human body’s strength by ten times. Parasitism on the animal body can make the animal’s speed, power, etc. Ten-fold increase. The body is about the size of a thumb, and it does not have the ability to fly. After each use, the regaining period of the Huashen Cap is one month.

“Within a month, the Huashen Gai will not be used for the second time. The exchange is 10,000 points.”

After that, Winner also had his eyes clearly understood, and his ability to transform the gods was terrifying!

Take the winner himself as an example.

His current realm is a first-class martial artist, so it can be said that if the ability of the god of transformation is blessed on his body, his internal strength will be increased tenfold.

Then, he will reach the level of innate horror.

Although the internal strength after the innate will change drastically, if the internal strength of the first-class martial artist is really increased tenfold, there will be no problem with abrupt confrontation with innate head-on.

Thinking of this, Ying Zi couldn’t help but have a big question in his heart.

How long can the effect of the transformation of the gods last?

If it’s only a quarter of an hour, it doesn’t make any sense at all.

But if it is a few hours, it will be completely different.

But when he thinks of the cooling time of the sorrow, Winner also smiles bitterly.

Can only be used once a month!

This is really terrible.

If there are too many emergencies, the winner may also use the effect of the god of transformation.

However, if it is a God-Transforming Cover, it can be fully capable of allowing the winner to use his innate power continuously in a short period of time.

In this regard, Zi can only think that this is a big hole made by the system, waiting for him to jump.

In addition, the winner still has a lot of doubts that cannot be explained.

Will there be any side effects from turning god Gu?

This question made Winner continue to think about it. If the God-Transforming Gu would bring side effects, the useful value of this pest would also be greatly reduced.

…Please ask for flowers………

“You still need to wait until you try it yourself before you can learn about the effects, side effects, and duration of Huashen Gai. I didn’t expect that the system didn’t even clarify these.”

Winner also waved his hand helplessly. Sometimes when the system was unclear, he still needed his own attempts to get the answer.

“Do you want to exchange one to try?”

When this idea appeared in Winner’s heart, it could not be suppressed, which made him appear a little hesitant and frowned.

But now, even the exchange is useless.

If there is no opponent, it is just useless.

You know, the cooling time is one month. After using it once, you have to wait for a month for nothing before using it for the second time.


In other words, if the winner also needs to use it in the recent period of time, then he will once again exchange for the second sacred cover.

The big hole of the system is thoroughly reflected here.

Forget it”, it will be exchanged sooner or later.

Winner also shook his head, his face was relieved, and he said silently in his heart: “System, exchange for God Gu, quantity 1.”

“The conversion of the god cover was successful, and 10,000 HP was spent this time, and the remaining HP is 91,541 points.

After the prompt exchange was successful, a new mentality appeared in the heart of Winner.

Driven by curiosity, the Winner also wanted to try constantly, using the parasite of the god of transformation to parasitize his body, to see what level he could reach.

“My son, we are already out of town.”

Da Si Ming was behind Ying Zi Ye. She noticed that Ying Zi was absent-minded, so she reminded her aloud.

Suddenly, Winner got rid of the entanglement in his heart, his face became calm again, and the curiosity in his heart was suppressed by him.

“Sooner or later there will be time, and there is no rush!”

Winner thought so too, and he was completely relieved in his heart. Looking ahead with his eyes, as expected, the cavalry and zombies he led had gradually left from Muhe City.

There is a lush forest and a long river ahead, and there is a fresh smell in the air.

Above the sky.

A snow-white bird swept past, and a piece of soft feathers fell along the trajectory and fell on the shoulder of the winner. door,

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