Chapter 138

Chapter 138

About the words of Zhao Ziyan, a dozen generals beside him also felt different, and immediately changed their minds, and couldn’t help but hate Zhao Ziyan, an old fox.

If Zhao Ziyan’s daughter becomes the wife of the second son, wouldn’t the identity of the other party rise.

At that time, their status would be completely lost in Mutsuru Castle.

“This damn old fox! Hate, if the daughter of my family wasn’t married!

A group of old generals cursed secretly, their faces flushed, but they dared not speak.

Zhao Ziyan’s eyes were full of brilliance, his eyes were full of expectation, and he lowered his head and stopped speaking.

If this happens, Zhao Yan can imagine that by then his status will not be limited to a prefect.

A group of kneeling brothers looked at each other, looking at Zhao Zhiyao’s eyes, very inexplicable.

“Miss Zhao is really going to fly to the branch and become a phoenix this time. If she becomes the second son’s woman, what right does she have? Then I will go to Xianyang and enjoy an unparalleled life. I really envy you!”

“Don’t presume to make an absolute determination. Although the prefect is just saying so, the second son has not yet agreed. Miss Zhao’s appearance is one of the few in our curtain crane city. 303. But can you get into the second son’s eyes? This is also unknown.”

“That’s right, but the dispute between Miss Zhao and the second son is not small. Can this offset the second son’s anger? If not, Miss Zhao will be miserable.

“Yeah, blame it, Miss Zhao actually provoked such a big man.”

Zhao Zhiyao’s beautiful eyes were lost and looked very lonely when he heard the whispers of the son’s brother.

She was full of regret.

If it hadn’t been for her own arrogant behavior, maybe the situation would be completely different now.

Becoming a woman who wins the child, this matter may be very happy in the eyes of other women.

However, listening to Zhao Zhiyao’s ears made her feel very ear-piercing. She gritted her red lips tightly with silver teeth, holding it back firmly, tears rolling in her eyes, and a self-deprecating look at the corners of her mouth.

Does this count as a cocoon?

Those who have provoked it by themselves will have to bear it in the end!

After Yingzi heard Zhao Ziyan’s words, his face was very calm, and he slowly said, “Premier Zhao, in your opinion, is there a lack of women around me?”


Zhao Ziyan lowered her head in fear, and did not dare to say anything.

Upon seeing this, Zi also said indifferently: “My vision is high, not all things can become my woman, do you understand?”

“Yes, yes! It’s abrupt, and I ask the son to confess!”

Zhao Ziyan said quickly.

“Although Zhao Taishou, your daughter looks good. But it is still not enough to be my woman. Simply come to life, but Miss Zhao has not met my requirements.”

Winner also said in a very calm voice.

Zhao Zi just dared not look directly in panic, and smiled bitterly in his heart.

As the prefect of Muhe City, his daughter is noble and noble.

But in front of Winner, it was so unbearable.

Usually, the children of the major families in Muhe City would squeeze into his prefect’s mansion to propose marriage when they stepped through the iron gate, and Zhao Ziyan refused one by one.

It was such a thing that made Zhao Zhiyao arrogantly disregard the entire world.

Who didn’t hold Zhao Zhiyao in his hand as a treasure.

But in front of Ying Ziyi, she Zhao Zhiyao is just an ordinary woman.

Or an ordinary woman who can’t get into the eyes of the other person.

Zhao Zhiyao was very complicated and lamented.

She finally felt the taste of being rejected and looked down upon by others, and it was very uncomfortable.

When her identity is useless in front of the other person. There was no arrogance in her heart anymore.

Forget it”, I can’t blame you for your dedication to the empire.

Winner also looked at Zhao Ziyan and said slowly.

“Thank you son!

Zhao Ziyan said with excitement, hurriedly.

“Please also confess your guilt, the minister deserves ten thousand deaths! (cdfg)”

More than a dozen generals met by appointment, and they were full of fear and shouted.

Hearing this, Winner also had no expression on his face, and said, “Everyone, get up.”

“Thank you son!

Zhao Ziwei and all the generals, including those in the caravan, the group of brothers, slowly stood up.

However, they still lowered their heads, completely afraid to face the gaze of the winner.

Zhao Zhiyao stood lonely, no one around dared to approach her, for fear that it would be contaminated with Yan Zi’s anger, as if to avoid a plague god.

The fear in Zhao Zhiyao’s heart still cannot be dissipated.

She was trembling all over and looked shaky.

She is now very different from her before.

She was a noble white swan before, but now she is an ugly duckling that no one cares about.

A very obvious contrast.

“Since it’s a banquet, naturally it is for eating. Zhao Taishou don’t be nervous, sit down and eat, don’t be polite with me. Everyone will eat for me, if you don’t eat, you won’t give me face!”

Winner also sat on the chair, and behind him stood three people, Da Si Ming, Shao Si Ming and Xiao Li.

The rest of the people rushed to the chairs frantically after the words of the winner, tense and fearful, watching each other, and no one dared to do anything.

“This pastry is pretty good.

Winner also grabbed the pale pink pastry on the table and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing slowly, there was a hint of fragrance and sweetness in the air, and the aftertaste was endless, he laughed.

“Second Young Master feels good, it must be good!”

Zhao Ziyan said with a big smile.

Suddenly, the winner also stopped.

Zhao Ziyan groaned in his heart, and there was a trace of badness on his face. He didn’t say anything wrong, what’s going on, this weird atmosphere.

Let him feel endless panic in his heart.

Winner is also just an unnatural action, which is infinitely magnified in Zhao Ziyan’s eyes, making him timid.

Except for Zhao Ziyan, although the people in the entire banquet were all sitting on chairs, everyone did not dare to breathe hard. They looked at the direction of Ying Ziye from time to time, and then quickly bowed their heads.

The atmosphere is very quiet, except for people’s breathing, no other sounds can be heard.

Winner also glanced at everyone present, his face calm: “Could it be that you didn’t hear what I said?”

“Yes Yes Yes!”

Everyone shouted in a panic.

Ever since, every one of them, including Zhao Ziyan, more than a dozen generals swiftly started to gobble up the things on the table, regardless of whether it was unpalatable or unpalatable, they swallowed with their mouths open.

Upon seeing this, Yan Zi was also very comfortable, picked up a pastry for himself and took a bite.

Therefore, this weird scene appeared in the Taishou Mansion.

At the banquet, except for a young man, the rest of the people were all sweeping up the food on the table, and they did not care about any image problems.

And among these people who disregard their image, there are also those big-time figures in Muhecheng!

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