Chapter 134

Chapter 134

Zhao Ziyan’s face was cold, and he replied: “General Wang, it is the kid who doesn’t put me in his eyes. He just severely injured your son, let us go and see how capable this kid is!”

“Master Zhao, please! This kid, I think for a while, who gave him the courage! Even my son dared to hurt him.

General Wang stood up from the chair, Kong Wu’s powerful body was wearing armor, and he said with a full face of anger.

Upon seeing this.

A smile flashed across Zhao Ziyan’s eyes. Since the other person was not the only one who offended him, it would be easier to handle things.

“Everyone, please let me meet this frivolous boy!”

Zhao Ziyan also stood up, looked at the generals in the field, and said slowly.

“Master Zhao, don’t worry, I will not hesitate to wait to go through fire and water, this kid dared to provoke the prefectural palace, and he made it clear that he would not give us the face of the whole Muhecheng.”

“For this kind of kid, there is only one way, and that is to beat him severely until he is convinced!

“The truth is that if this kind of person doesn’t make him afraid, he thinks he is the best in the world.”

The generals quickly agreed, and a touch of pride appeared on their faces.

The strength of this Muhe City united, they naturally knew everything in their hearts.

It is precisely because of this that they are not too worried about the winner who holds three thousand horses.

Because they have this confidence, they can kill each other.

Immediately afterwards, the generals of Muhe City, headed by Zhao Ziyan, slowly left the hall and approached the banquet area.

Zhao Zhiyao looked at the back of her father’s fading away, and quickly followed, her eyes flashed with excitement.

Finally, she can finally get revenge!

The other party is finally about to usher in retribution.

At this moment, Zhao Zhiyao’s mood was very cheerful, comfortable, and relaxed like never before.

In the banquet.

Zhao Ziyan, who gradually walked out of the hall, became a focus of attention.

A group of brother brothers saw this scene of Crane City’s truly prominent figures coming out. After looking up, they immediately looked at Yingzi and sneered.

“This kid is going to die, this time it really got really angry.

“No, General Wang has also come out. There are also General Li, General Ji, my God! So many generals have been dispatched.”

“Look at the one in the middle, isn’t that Zhao Ziyan, Zhao Taishou? I can’t imagine that they can already represent the entire Muhecheng.”

“Provoked Ms. Zhao, and made Taishou Zhao dispatch so many prominent figures in Crane City. This kid is immortal, and I eat three feet of dirt on the spot!”


All the elder brothers, including Miss Qianjin, as they are in the upper circle of Muhecheng, they can naturally recognize the middle-aged men standing next to the prefect Zhao.

Everyone there is a horrible figure who stomped his feet to make Muhecheng tremble.

In addition to Zhao Taishou, there are also powerful figures such as General Wang and General Li, who are really leading soldiers on the battlefield to face the enemy head-to-head with iron-blooded generals.

All the sons were shocked, unable to speak.

But after they regained consciousness, they looked at the eyes of Winner as if they looked at a corpse.

Under this terrifying big shot.

This kid, it’s hard not to die!

The caravan in the inconspicuous corner, they were dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Which of these people appeared in front of them was not a prominent figure in Muhecheng.

Usually this is absolutely impossible to see.

But now, a group of people emerged unexpectedly.

The top leaders of Mutsuru Castle gathered, and they were right in front of them.

This had to shock the caravan people.

Li Wangcai came back to his senses and opened his mouth, but in the end he turned into a sigh and kept shaking his head, thinking: It’s over!

Facing so many big people in Muhecheng!

He didn’t dare to imagine that the winner also had any power to resist.

What’s more, now it seems that the winner did not lead the three thousand cavalry, but led a hundred guards at will.

And here is Zhao Taishou’s home court.

If there is a collision, you can imagine that the winner is definitely the winner!

Even the winner will die here, which is very likely to happen.

“My lord” is still too careless. I didn’t lead too many people to the banquet. There are a hundred guards in this small area, which is not enough for the opponent to make a turn.

Li Wangcai sighed, thinking so.

Including the old man, everyone in the caravan has been able to predict the result.

Li Erhu sneered, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Step on!

The atmosphere became depressed and silent, and only the footsteps of a dozen people led by Zhao Taishou remained, still echoing in the ears of the entire party.

……For flowers…………

Invisible, everyone felt an invisible power from Zhao Taishou!

Facing the oppression of everyone, under this power, a small number of young masters turned pale, unconsciously taking a few steps backstage, and their faces were full of horror.

This is the majesty of the superior!

Just one look and one momentum can make some small characters have difficulty breathing and their faces are pale.

The power of Zhao Ziyan alone is so intriguing, and the power of the dozens of Muhe City standing next to Zhao Ziyan is self-evident.

The always arrogant brother, in front of such a horrible figure, he also put away his inner frivolousness in fear, as cleverly as a little cat.

They can disregard all their identities, and in front of these dozen people, it is not worth mentioning!


These more than a dozen people are the top existence of Muhecheng, without exception.


Before Zhao Ziyan could see the figure of Ying Ziyi clearly, he patted his hands with a smile on his face: “Come out!”

Crisp applause echoed all around.At the same time, on the walls of the Prefect Mansion, there appeared strangely one after another in black armor, each soldier held a crossbow in his hand and aimed at everything in the banquet. people.

“Ah! What’s going on? Your prefect has already been prepared?”

“Don’t panic, don’t worry, Master Zhao definitely didn’t deal with us. It’s that kid!”

“That’s right, it’s that kid. Let’s stay away, or we will lose out if we are affected.”

The crowd was surging, and soon, everyone deliberately distanced themselves from the winner.

Ever since, Winson, Da Si Ming, Shao Si Ming, Xiao Li, and a hundred zombies standing behind him, seemed to be helpless and avoided by everyone at the banquet.

“My boy!

General Wang noticed Wang Heyi who had fallen to the ground, his eyes flashed with a trace of heartache, and he hurriedly walked over, picked up Wang Heyi, and quickly ordered his men to take Wang Heyi for treatment.

After a pause, General Wang couldn’t help his fiery temper. Looking at the isolated Winner, he shouted angrily: “It’s you, who beat my son!”

“General Wang, it’s him!”

Zhao Zhiyao sneered, and said sharply. She looked at Ying Ziyi, her beautiful eyes were full of excitement and excitement. door

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