Chapter 133

Chapter 133 Who gave him the courage (first more seeking subscription)


Wang Heyi smashed the entire wooden table, his clothes were torn, and the sawdust was cut with scars of different sizes. The blood spilled out and looked very miserable.


Wang He spit out blood, and his entire face became very pale. He stared at Ying Ziyi, his body couldn’t move, and he pointed to the fan and said, “You, how dare you!

This scene appeared in everyone’s eyes, and they were shocked.

“Oh my God”, the prince was actually beaten.

“Moreover, I slapped him without reservation, and slapped him into the air. It is estimated that he will not be able to recover without half a month of cultivation. This kid is really courageous!”

“No, not even the prefect Zhao’s face. Wang He just rushed to show others a joke. This one was retribution.”

“There is a good show here. You know, there is also General Wang in the main hall. His son was beaten, how could he bear this breath? It must be a fierce battle.

In addition to the faces of some elder brothers beside Zhao Zhiyao with surprise and suspicion, they were also full of interest.

They didn’t care much about Wang Heyi’s being beaten off.

Being beaten, I can only say that Wang He is not as good as others!

They didn’t want to avenge Wang Heyi.

Zhao Zhiyao’s beautiful eyes flickered, and the light became more intense: Wang Heyi was beaten, and General Wang would definitely be involved. This time, plus the energy of his father. It is not difficult for this kid to die in Mutsuru Castle!

The prince “don’t give face, just hit it. As expected, he has spirit!”

Ji Ruyun has beautiful eyes and she looks at Ying Ziyi as if she is looking at one of the most perfect and most expensive products, which is her favorite thing.

Such a young talent with confidence, strength, and identity!

She is the most suitable husband candidate in Ji Ruyun’s mind.

Compared with the winner in front of him, Ji Ruyun felt that the various young talents she had met in Muhecheng were not enough for the opponent’s finger.

In an inconspicuous corner, the caravan stared at this scene dumbfounded.

Li Wangcai came back to his senses, with a deep worry on his face: “This is over. It’s really done. This seems to be the son of General Wang. The adults even provoke General Wang.”

In Muhe City, in addition to Zhao Ziyan, the top five manpower in power has a place as General Wang.

One can imagine.

Now he saw the winner also offended Zhao Ziyan, and then offended General Wang.

It’s simply offending the big figures in Mutsuru Castle all over again!

Regarding this, Li Wangcai’s worries can be imagined.

“According to me, this kid deserves to die. Originally offended Mr. Zhao Taishou, he has already caused a terrible disaster. Now, he even provokes General Wang, and he doesn’t know whether he is dead or alive. It’s fine if you die, so you don’t need to be upset when you see him. . I really think I am a big man, it is ridiculous!”

Li Erhu sneered, no exaggerated sarcasm.

Hearing that, it is usual that Li Wangcai will quarrel with Li Erhu.

But now Li Wangcai doesn’t have the mood to argue.


The old man of the caravan also shook his head for a while and said with a sigh.

“It’s also weak enough, not to fight!”

On the other side, Winner also looked at Wang Heyi who was hit and flew, his face was very flat, and said.

Hearing these words, Wang He became angry and attacked. In addition, his injury was not light, and another mouthful of blood rolled from his throat and spewed out.

Winner also did not set his sights on Wang Heyi. For him, this weak fellow was just a small character who didn’t get in the way.


Everyone here is in the eyes of Winner. Like Wang Heyi, they are all small characters who don’t get in the way!

This is true even if it is the prefect Zhao Ziyan!

Winner also slowly stepped forward and smoothly entered the center of the banquet. Behind him, the two peerless beauties, Da Si Ming and Shao Si Ming, stood tall and graceful, showing a rare and stunning posture in the world.

And next to Da Si Ming and Shao Si Ming stood Xiao Li, behind one after another one hundred dull soldiers walked in with bare hands, motionless, like a permanent stone.

After seeing Da Si Ming and Shao Si Ming, the son-in-law at the banquet was shocked. They had never seen such a peerless beauty. (cdfg) was always in a daze.

“Okay, what a beautiful woman!”

“My heart is captured, there is such a beautiful woman in this world!”

“This kid, I don’t know what shit luck is, there are still two women like this, my God!”

“Unfair! I hate it, this kid should be killed.”

All the sons and brothers made all kinds of voices of envy, jealousy and hatred. They gritted their teeth and stared at Ying Ziyi, their expressions of jealousy almost becoming substantive.

Zhao Zhiyao’s face was pale, she felt that her aura was directly taken away by these two women, which made her, the proud girl of heaven, feel a deep shame.

Even Ji Ruyun was sluggish for a while, her heart was empty. After seeing Da Si Ming and Shao Si Ming, her proud face and figure were all blown up.

In front of the other party, her appearance can only be reduced to an ordinary person.

Suddenly, Ji Ruyun’s eyes flashed with deep jealousy. If she has such a peerless look, why not have a backstage to support her.

Yingzi also looked at Zhao Zhiyao, with a smile on his face, and walked over step by step.

“You, what do you want to do!”

A trace of horror appeared on Zhao Zhiyao’s face, he couldn’t help taking a step back, and said.

“Let your father Zhao Taishou, get out of here!”

Winner also had a calm face and said lightly.


Zhao Zhiyao’s face was furious. Her father was in a high position. When did she suffer from the tone of other people’s orders.

Perhaps because of the hundreds of soldiers standing behind Yingzi, and those arrogant brothers, everyone did not dare to say anything. They looked at Yingzi with very jealousy, and there was also jealousy that could not be concealed. How can this kid He De , How dare to be followed by two such peerless beauties!

The whole scene was silent and depressed for a while, and no one spoke.

Winner also stood here alone indifferently, and the strange temperament exuded from his body unconsciously attracted everyone’s attention and became the most dazzling person in the field.

“You wait!”

Zhao Zhiyao gritted her silver teeth, glanced at Winner with bitterness, and quickly walked into the lobby of the Taishou Mansion.

In the hall.

Zhao Ziya and the rest of the generals in Hecheng were talking and laughing, and they seemed very comfortable.

After seeing Zhao Zhiyao coming in, Zhao Ziyan gradually reduced her smile and asked, “My dear girl, what do I need to tell my father?”

At the moment, Zhao Zhiyao and Zhao Ziyan told about what happened just now.

Zhao Ziyan’s eyes narrowed slightly, and a trace of murderous intent flashed. Immediately, the corner of his mouth curled up with a sneer, and he looked thoughtfully at a general sitting in two rows. It was the middle-aged man named General Wang. Said: “General Wang, your precious son, he was beaten severely, won’t you go and see?”

Hearing this, General Wang’s face was stagnant, but he quickly recovered, full of anger, and shouted: “Who is it? I dare to move my son, who gives him the courage!”

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