Chapter 123

Chapter 123 Let’s Go (third more seeking subscription)

Zhao Zhiyao was very angry. Her beautiful face was full of anger. Her eyes were round and staring at Ying Ziyi, as if gnashing her teeth.

Winner also smiled brighter and did not speak.

Uncle Zhang saw that the situation was not quite right, and he whispered to the winner quickly: “Brother, my lady has a bad temper. You should do it quickly, otherwise it will cause our lady to rise up. Zhao Taishou of Muhecheng Over there, you will suffer.”

“Ha ha.

Winner also laughed directly and smiled unabashedly.

Upon seeing this, Uncle Zhang’s expression was also a little unnatural, and his eyes flashed darkly. He didn’t expect that this kid in front of him was so shameless.

“Uncle Zhang, give me a palm!”

Zhao Zhiyao looked angry and shouted: “This damn kid has blatantly disobeyed my orders and must be severely punished to let him know that my identity is not comparable to that of a cavalry in the “Three Zero Three” district of his district!”


Uncle Zhang’s expression moved, he glanced at the rows of cavalry not far away with fear, and whispered to remind him.

Zhao Zhiyao looked around and saw the three thousand cavalry soldiers, and even more sneered: “Uncle Zhang, don’t worry. These are the empire’s army. Does he dare to let the empire’s soldiers kill me? My father. It’s the prefect! It’s the prefect of Muhecheng! I am his favorite daughter! Dare to move me? Unless he has a long life.”

“Yes, miss!”

Uncle Zhang felt the same. He nodded, looked at Winner, and warned: “Brother, don’t blame me for not reminding you. It’s still too late to admit a mistake. Don’t make our lady angry, otherwise the consequences will be really serious. It’s not something you can afford.”

“Do you think that when you met me, and I saved you, it was justified? It should be hot?”

Winner also said slowly with a smile.

“My father is the prefect. You save me and obey my orders. This is a matter of course! But you dare to disobey my orders. Your courage is really too great. Now admit my mistakes and I can forgive me. You are a horse!”

Zhao Zhiyao’s tone is very arrogant, and there is a touch of contempt.

This kind of iron cavalry’s contempt for the winner.

“Spare me?”

Winning’s eyes flashed with brilliant light, and the corners of his mouth were smiling.

Zhao Zhiyao didn’t notice the weirdness of Winson’s face change. She still said proudly: “Now, I order you to bring me the leader of the robber. Maybe it makes me happy. I will be here. My father praised you and let you rise up!”

“Brother, this opportunity is not available to everyone, so don’t hesitate to confess and thank our young lady. If Taishou Zhao can help you with a few words, you may be able to rise to several ranks.”

Uncle Zhang also showed an envy look on his face, so he said.

Hearing that, Zhao Zhiyao’s face is even higher, and his nostrils are every day. Just like a white swan spreading its wings, it looked like everyone who considered herself to be the world should bow down to her to please her.

“If it’s just this condition, it’s not enough!”

Winner also looked at Zhao Zhiyao and said with a smile.


Zhao Zhiyao seemed to hear an unbelievable voice. She widened her eyes, her eyes gradually became annoyed, and she shouted: “Do you still dare to negotiate terms with me? Do you know that when I give an order, you will fall to the ground!”

“Then you made me look at it.

Winner waved his hand and said very calmly.


Zhao Zhiyao’s fingers trembled with anger, her lips were pale, and the words of Win Ziyi made a fire in her heart burn.


Uncle Zhang was also angrily, pointing to the winner, “Brother, I can tell you all the good things. I thought you would see the situation clearly, but I didn’t expect you to be so stubborn. My lady gave you prosperity and wealth, and that was yours. Good luck. How dare you negotiate terms, who do you think you are!”

“It seems that you have no conditions.

Winner also had a flat face and said slowly.

Suddenly, Uncle Zhang’s face flashed a little badly, and he gradually became gloomy, and his voice hoarse: “Brother, don’t do things too hard. You and I are both colleagues, and I will have the opportunity to meet in the future. I will meet Zhao Taishou, you I can’t eat it and walk around!”

“Colleague? What are you?”

Winner also looked at Uncle Zhang, sneered, and said.

“Good boy!

Uncle Zhang breathed fire in his eyes, and he was also angry, gritted his teeth bitterly.

“My father is Taishou Zhao, you dare to negotiate terms with me!”

Zhao Zhiyao looked at Ying Ziyi coldly, her voice chilling.

Yingzi also had a funny smile on his face: “What then? Excuse me, is your father here now? Or can you rely on your own strength to fight these robbers?”

“You, you can’t!”

Uncle Zhang seems to have thought of a certain possibility, his face changed and he was shocked…

Zhao Zhiyao hasn’t heard the meaning of Ying Ziyi’s words, she continued: “You have to think clearly, if you have offended me, you have offended my father. Can you bear the anger of a prefect? ​​You are just a trivial iron. The captain of the cavalry!”


Uncle Zhang had noticed that something was wrong, so he hurriedly spoke to stop Zhao Zhiyao’s words.

But it’s a pity that Zhao Zhiyao is now fully confident, and he doesn’t care about his reminder.

Zhao Zhiyao glanced at the winner and said: “You weigh yourself, you have a few kilograms, and you dare to negotiate terms with me. If you are impatient, I will put the words here. If you are courageous, You killed me! But the question is, do you really dare? Do you dare to kill me?”

“Kill you? I really dare not!

Winner also showed interest in his eyes and said slowly.

“That’s not obeying my orders!”

Zhao Zhiyao scolded with anger flashing across her pretty face.

“But, I dare not kill you, they dare!”

The fan also smiled and pointed in the direction of a group of robbers, waved his hands innocently, and said.


There was a panic on Zhao Zhiyao’s face, and her pupils shrank, something unexpected.

After seeing Zhao Zhiyao’s face, Mazi continued to smile and said: “I did intend to kill all these robbers, but after hearing what you said. I’m sorry, I changed my mind.” 5.6

“You, you, it’s impossible, how dare you do this!”

Zhao Zhiyao’s face turned pale and bloodless in an instant, she shook her head violently, with electric hair, and her expression was not only horrified, but also a deep unbelievable expression.

“Brother! Don’t make mistakes!”

Uncle Zhang took a deep breath, his expression relaxed a bit. As the housekeeper of Zhao Taishou, he naturally understood the principle of forbearance. Now that the person is under the eaves, he has to bow his head to make him soften.

However, he also made up his mind.Once he returned to Muhe City, he would definitely report these things to Taishou Zhao, asking him to come to this arrogant cavalry for severe punishment!

“Now that you understand your own situation? But unfortunately, it’s too late.”

Winner also faced Zhang Luo’s direction with a flat face, and directly ordered: “Zhang Luo, let them all go, this matter has nothing to do with us, let’s go!”

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