Chapter 122

Chapter 122-You Dare to Disobey My Order? (Second more seeking subscription)

Since his birth, Zhao Zhiyao has grown up with a golden spoon in his mouth, in Muhe City. As long as she wants, no one dares not give it to her.

Moreover, her father Zhao Ziyan will try his best to give it to her as long as she wants it.

This also cultivated her defiant and somewhat rebellious character.

Therefore, she secretly led Uncle Zhang to escape from Muhe City, but after experiencing the danger outside, she felt timid in her heart.

Soon, she and Uncle Zhang joined a caravan, ready to set off back to Muhe City.

Afterwards, it was obvious that the caravan was targeted by the robbers.

As an entourage in the caravan, she naturally faced severe danger.

Originally, Zhao Zhiyao was already panicked and even desperate, watching the caravans around them being killed one by one.

She understands that her identity is completely useless in front of these robbers, and the other party will not be merciful because she is the daughter of the prefect.

On the contrary, perhaps she will be held hostage to her father!

Apart from being a hostage, she can’t imagine at all, with her face, once these robbers are kidnapped, the other party will become lustful, what will happen to her!

When she was in a state of confusion, Ying Zi was also waiting for the cavalry to appear.

In an instant, her heart was greatly relaxed.

With the appearance of cavalry, she felt an unprecedented sense of security.

Therefore, her original panic ceased to exist.

However, the sense of superiority emerged spontaneously.

In her opinion, how dare a cavalry person disobey her order as the prefect’s favorite daughter!

The other party is both sentimental and reasonable, and absolutely must obey her orders and arrangements.

It is the duty and task of these cavalrymen to protect her.

So she took it for granted and asked Uncle Zhang to order the cavalry to kill all these robbers.

Facing Zhao Zhiyao’s order, Uncle Zhang was also quite helpless. He stepped forward and passed by the frightened robber. He came to the front of Yingzi, clasped his fists, and said, “I don’t know who is the name of this brother. Can you kill all these robbers? Below is the steward of Zhao Taishou of Muhe City.”

“Muhecheng? Zhao Taishou?

Zhang faced the uncle’s person, naturally the winner, his face was calm, and he uttered a word.

“Yes, brother, my lady is pleased. Please also ask this brother to condescend and follow me to my lady.”

Uncle Zhang looked respectful and continued.

“Your lady? Who is she?”

There was a hint of interest on Yingzi’s face and asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Zhang Shu breathed a sigh of relief, a touch of pride appeared on his face, and said: “My lady is the most beloved daughter of Zhao Taishou in Muhe City, Miss Zhao Zhiyao.”

“It turned out to be Miss Zhao.”

Yingzi also smiled even more on his face, and slowly said, “Then please lead the way.”

Zhao Taishou? Zhao Zhiyao?

He doesn’t know!

However, he wanted to see what the courage of this young lady was, so she dared to let him meet instead of the other party coming to see him.

“This brother, please here.”

Uncle Zhang looked overjoyed, and quickly walked ahead to lead the winner.

Winner also jumped off the horse, took Xiao Li, Da Si Ming, and Shao Si Ming behind him, and ordered Zhang Luo: “Enclose all these robbers!”


Zhang Luo nodded respectfully, and immediately led the cavalry to surround all the robbers and other hundreds of people.

Facing Zhang Luo led the 3,000 elite troops, the robbers didn’t dare to have any resistance at all, and they slumped on the ground with a face like ashes.

“Don’t, don’t kill me, I surrender, I surrender!”

We “give up, and we are willing to surrender, please keep us alive. I don’t want to die yet. There are old people and children in my family.”

“Please, let us go, we won’t dare anymore.

The robber’s face was full of tears, and he begged with a pitiful look.

However, facing the iron cavalry led by Zhang Luo, it was of no use at all.

As soldiers, Zhang Luo and others had already thrown away their compassion. Obeying orders is the most important thing in their hearts.

the other side.

Under the leadership of Uncle Zhang, Yingzi and others slowly came to a carriage.

“Brother, please wait a moment.

Uncle Zhang showed some respect, and immediately said to the carriage: “Miss, this cavalry leader is here.

Afterwards, the curtains were opened in the carriage, revealing a delicate face of Bai Zhe, a pair of watery eyes, a tall nose, with a unique charm.

……For flowers………

This is Zhao Zhiyao!

Compared with Da Si Ming and Shao Si Ming, Zhao Zhiyao is obviously inferior, but she must be regarded as an alluring beauty.

At this time, Zhao Zhiyao’s face was full of arrogance, looking at the fan, but her gaze quickly noticed the Da Si Ming and Shao Si Ming standing behind Ying Zi.

Suddenly, a touch of jealousy flashed through Zhao Zhiyao’s eyes.

Originally, her beauty was what she was most confident about, but when faced with Da Si Ming and Shao Si Ming, she suddenly found that her beauty was not as good as the other.

Such a huge contrast made her feel a little unacceptable.

After all, she has been sought after by thousands of people since she was a child.

Whenever encountered such a situation, especially for him who is particularly sensitive to beauty, it is even more intolerable.


As a result, Zhao Zhiyao’s face became colder and colder, and she even gave birth to the thought of obliterating the two in this world.

She did not allow this kind of woman who was even more beautiful than her to appear in front of her.

This will completely compare her beauty.


Zhao Zhiyao also secretly hated the Winner in front of her. She coldly glanced at the two women behind Winner. The jealous look almost appeared on her face.

Although Shao Siming couldn’t see her appearance clearly, the temperament of the other party completely crushed her.


Uncle Zhang couldn’t help but reminded him.

Hearing this, Zhao Zhiyao came back to her senses. After taking a glance at Winner, she pointed to the group of robbers in the tone of the command, and ordered: “You, go and bring their boss over to me! How dare you be right? I do it, I don’t know whether to live or die, I want him to taste the taste of life is better than death! Otherwise, it will be difficult to dispel the hatred in my heart!”

Following Zhao Zhiyao’s words came out.

The winner also laughed dumbly, his face was full of smiles, and his voice grew louder.

After seeing that the winner did nothing, Zhao Zhiyao became angry. When did she be so disrespectful, especially when the opponent was a cavalry in a small area, she had never been wronged!

Suddenly, Zhao Zhiyao’s unhappy mood became more gloomy, and her face was cold and bad. She pointed at Fan Yi’s forehead with her slender fingers, and shouted in a sharp voice: “Dare you disobey my orders?” the door.

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