Chapter 120

Chapter 120 A Story (Fourth more seeking subscription)

Winning Ziyi’s words echoed in Xue Nu’s ears, and she was perplexed.

What exactly is this for?

Why can’t she do it?

For all the doubts in her heart, Xue Nu couldn’t get anyone’s answer, only she could find the answer by her own thinking.

Suddenly, “Suddenly, I remembered an interesting story.”

Winning son also faced the danger that Xue Nv could obliterate him at any time, and didn’t care, but laughed and said.

Xue Nu didn’t say anything, she just froze with Winner.

Now, it should be said that she has taken the initiative, which is completely opposite to the situation just now.

“I want to kill him, any man cares about my appearance, and he is no exception. He also saw my body, he is definitely going to die!”

Xue Nu had countless thoughts in her heart, countless reasons for her to kill Winner.

But no matter what, she just can’t do it!

While Xue Nu continued to think in her heart, Winner also spoke again: “I used to be in a small village, although it was backward and poor, but there was always a carefree life. Just one day, a man came to that village. The girl with white hair, her arrival has brought disaster to the village.”

“The flood washed away the village. So, people began to think that the God of River 290 was angry. It was just such a coincidence that only one outsider came to the village at this time. The little girl with white hair was considered to be ominous. The people in the village were tied up by everyone in the village and thrown into the river to calm the river god’s anger.

Speaking of this, Yingzi also paused for a while, turned around and looked at the exquisite face of Xue-Nv, but at the moment she was shocked and incredulous.

Winner also ignored Xue Nu’s astonishment, and slowly said, “Guess, what happened to that little girl?

A complex expression flashed across Xue Nu’s beautiful eyes. She bit her silver teeth and whispered: “That little girl, was saved by someone alone.”

“Very smart, you guessed it.

Yingzi laughed and continued: “After the little girl was thrown into the river, there was a boy in the village who couldn’t bear to see an innocent life die like this, so the little girl was brought down by him.”

“What happened afterwards was very dramatic. When the man saw the little girl’s face, he was shocked. He fell in love with the girl directly. But the girl was grateful to the boy, and there was no such thing as a relationship between men and women. After prolonged contact, the man’s personality has changed.”

“He wanted the girl to show his inner love countless times, but unfortunately, he was also tactfully rejected by the girl. Because the girl only expressed gratitude to him, nothing else.

After a pause, Winner also looked at Xue Nu. The latter’s expression had become very complicated, and the silk on her hand had fallen, and she looked very lamented.

Later, Yan Zi also continued: “When the story is here, it’s the beginning!

“Stop talking, stop talking.

Xue Nu shook her head constantly, her white hair flicked, her expression almost collapsed, and even pleading appeared on her delicate face.

Hearing this, the winner did not make any waves, saying: “The man’s personality changes so fast that the girl feels heart palpitations. On one day, the man returned home for a long time, and the girl actually had evil intentions for the girl. The final result , He failed, and the girl managed to escape.”

“It’s just that the man hasn’t given up his heart yet, he is looking for the girl’s traces everywhere. One day, he finally found the girl again, and at that time, the girl has become a generation of dancers. He was not reconciled, he didn’t want to give up. So. , He shot again. Based on his past love, he begged the girl to have the last dinner with him.”

The girl “After all, she couldn’t harden her heart and agreed to the man. In this Last Supper, the man put medicine in the wine. He thought the girl would not know. However, all his actions were shown in the eyes of the girl. The girl is disappointed, she no longer has any trust in anyone in the world.”

Jiang Ran.

The fan also looked at the snow girl and said with a smile: “(cdfg) still want to listen?”

At the corner of Xue Nu’s eyes, there was a hint of mist. She didn’t know whether it was the water stains she brought out of the water, or some other traces of emotional fluctuations.

“On this last supper, the girl danced her most proud dance. The man was overjoyed, but he never thought that when he admired the dance, he was killed by the disappointed girl. ”

“From then on, the girl was heartbroken and completely closed her heart. And this woman finally killed the man’s dance, called Lingbo Feiyan!”

Winning Zi also looked directly at the Snow Girl, and said calmly: “What do you think of this story.”

“How do you know!”

Xue Nu’s eyes were reddish, she looked at Ying Ziyi and couldn’t help but ask.


Yingzi also showed a trace of far-reaching eyes and a self-deprecating look, and said: “I have been looking for this girl. Maybe, she has forgotten that she kindly saved the beggar by the roadside. But, dripping water The grace will be repaid by the spring, and I will never forget the smile on the girl’s face at that time!”

“So, I made up my mind, I want this girl to keep smiling like this forever. So, I started to be angry, I investigated everything about girls. I learned that what girls like is knowing how to appreciate art. A strange man who doesn’t care about the worldly vision, and is independent from the world.”

“Therefore, I tried my best to learn piano skills. Finally, Huang Tian paid off. I finally saw this girl! In front of her, I played her favorite piano music, Liushui and Yangchun Baixue. It is a pity that she did not. I don’t remember me, but I’m very satisfied to see her.”

Yingzi also looked at the delicate and flawless face of Xue Nu with soft eyes, and said slowly.

Under the eyes of Winner, Xue Nu’s cold heart seemed to be melted, the cold expression on her face disappeared, and a moving strange color flashed through her beautiful eyes.

Then, with a sincere smile on his face, Yingzi said, “I am very satisfied when I see her. Then, Miss Snow Girl, I will leave, and there will be a period of time later.”

After the words, Ying Zi also turned around resolutely, carrying a guqin, and gradually drifted away from Xue Nu’s eyes.

Xue Nu pressed her lips, her eyes looked at the back of Ying Zi also leaving, her mood was very complicated.

She is now, where is there any trace of killing intent, and some are very strange emotions.

This kind of sentiment, even she herself is not clear and indescribable.

Some feelings of sadness, some guilt, some ecstasy, etc. were mixed, making Xue Nu’s delicate face an uncertain expression.

“Really, is there such a person? Why, why not show up earlier.”

Xue Nv Meihui lost her mind for a while, she muttered to herself in a low voice.

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