Chapter 119

Chapter 119 Snow Girl’s changes (third more seeking subscription)

Under the moonlight.

The air is very cold, not even the slightest temperature.

The biting cold makes goose bumps rise.

“I will kill you! I will kill you!”

Xue Nv’s body trembled angrily in the water, she looked at Ying Ziyi coldly, and said.

“Don’t deny your own heart. You can’t force yourself to like him because you didn’t like him. Think about it, he is kind to you. This is a fact, but it is not enough to force you to like one. People you don’t like. This will only make you more miserable.”

Winner also seemed to see through Xue Nu’s heart, and said slowly.

“My business, why do you need a stranger to intervene!”

Xue Nu was no longer as indifferent as she was before. The corners of her mouth moved slightly, her voice was crisp but with endless anger.

“But you have to know that the words of strangers are sometimes facts, but you don’t want to believe them. But facts are facts, and even you cannot change them.”

Zi didn’t care, and continued.

Hearing that, the aura exuding from Xue Nu was even colder, and she madly said to Winner, “What do you know, when I was the most helpless and the most anxious, he brought me a sense of security! When I was in danger, he came forward to help me kill the enemy!”

“When I was dancing, he was the musician who partnered with me. When I was about to face death, he never left, and went to Huangquan with me.

“at me..

Xue Nu’s voice is high-pitched and a little sharp, which proves that her heart is not peaceful.

This is also the first time that the snow girl, who has always been calm, has shown such crazy and angry mood swings.

Such a snow girl loses that kind of fairy aura, but it makes people feel more real.

This is a human being, not a cold-blooded animal.

After saying all this, Xue Nu seemed to have caught something in her heart, but she had lost something again.

But the overall feeling to her, the body and mind are free for a while, she really enjoys this feeling at this moment.

“You have said so yourself, but you still don’t know your own heart.”

Winner also laughed, and under Xue Nu’s gaze, he said, “Can I understand all of what you said as kindness. Not affection! Kindness and affection are two different things, and kindness is what you passively accept. , But love is the deepest intuition in your heart. Only the person you recognize will let your love appear.”

Suddenly, Xue Nu’s face stagnated.

Under the moonlight, the hazy white light shone on Xue Nu’s delicate face, showing her the beauty of the darts in the world, which is too beautiful to describe in any words.

Upon seeing this, Winner stood up, put the guqin back on his back and carried it.

Immediately afterwards, Yingzi also took steps and walked along the river.

“What do you want to do?”

Xue Nu returned to her senses, staring at Mouse Ye very vigilantly, and asked coldly.

Winning also stopped, turned around and looked in the direction of Xue Nv, and smiled: “Help you find clothes, I don’t allow others to see such a beautiful scene.

The snow girl’s face was covered with a layer of frost.

“Stop! Don’t take your dirty hands and touch my clothes!”

Xue Nu looked at Ying Zi Yi Yuan as she walked down by the river, her face was a little unnatural, and she quickly yelled.

This scene made Xue Nu dare not even imagine.

But Ziyi ignored Xue Nu’s words, Xue Nu’s face showed a weird blush, she bit her silver teeth, her beautiful eyes flashed through and became more murderous, she was just about to move.

Immediately, her movements were stiff and she did not dare to move.

“If you dare, I will cut off your hand!”

The Snow Girl said in a cold voice.

Winner also shrugged and didn’t care at all. Soon, he saw the pile of clothes by the river, the very conspicuous light blue clothes.


Xue Nu couldn’t bear to look straight, she couldn’t imagine it at all.

Winner also didn’t have the habit of peeking at women’s personal clothes. He generated an internal force in his hands and directly absorbed the pile of clothes on the ground in his hands.

The air was filled with a faint fragrance, floating into Ying Ziyi’s nose.

The fragrance of the clothes of the Snow Girl.

Soon, Winner also controlled the clothes with his inner strength, but did not touch him, returned to the snow girl’s eyes, threw the clothes directly to the snow girl, and said meaningfully: “I believe you will understand what you want in your heart. of.

Xue Nu’s heart was full of shame and anger, and her beautiful eyes were full of anger.

Winning son also turned his back, took steps, and gradually moved away, with a melodious voice floating in Xue Nv’s ear: “You will meet, it belongs to you. But it will never be Gao Jianli.”

The snow girl walked out of the water.

Her face was cold, staring at Ying Ziyi’s back, chasing away at a terrifying speed.

Killing intent, come!

Strands of snow-white hair curled around Ying Ziyi’s neck. His movements stopped abruptly. He could feel that there was a person standing behind him, exuding a cold breath.

“Is it so polite? Don’t be too polite, I just can’t bear to look at a beautiful woman like you, entangled for a lifetime!

Winner didn’t look back either, a smile appeared on his face, and he said slowly.

“I said, I will kill you!”

Xue Nu stood behind Ying Ziyi, her snow-white hair fluttering in the wind, and a blue ribbon appeared on her hand. This was her attack method.

Although weak, it can cause extremely terrifying destructive power.

Ordinary people will be severely injured even if they are shot, even if they are not dead.

“No, you won’t!”

Winner also shook his head slightly, with an inexplicable mood in his tone.

Suddenly, Xue Nu’s pretty face flashed with an inexplicable look. In her hand, a blue ribbon pointed directly at Winner’s neck. As long as she wanted to, she could kill Winner on the spot.

But at this critical moment, Xue Nu hesitated a bit, she didn’t know why she wouldn’t go to Shou Yong!

Is it because of piano music?

Do not!

Not only that!

Why on earth, Xue Nu didn’t have an accurate answer in her heart, but what was certain was that she just couldn’t get it right now.

Unable to kill the life of the strange man in front of him.

Even Xue Nu didn’t notice it at all. Her character, who had always treated her enemies cruelly and harshly, had now quietly changed.

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