In May, on the playground of a technical college, three young and energetic teenagers were running at a speed that broke the human limit. What was even more amazing was that there were many obstacles on the playground where they were running.

However, even so, Huiyuan Yu, Nanami Kento, and Ijichi Jie Gao still ran at a speed that ordinary people could hardly imagine.

Was it because they were gifted?


The reason was that there was a tiger behind them, with its mouth wide open, biting their butts.

"Come on! There are still two more laps to go in today's training."

On the edge of the playground, Fushiguro Shier, Eiichi, and Ieiri Naoko were sitting on the stairs at the entrance to the playground.

"Why, huhuhu, do you have to do this, huhu, senior."

The weakest of the three, Yiji Zhijie Gao, was already panting and could not speak clearly.

But he still insisted on running.

Because the tiger behind him was really biting.

The last time, Yiji Zhijie Gao could feel the breath of the tiger.

"Speed and flexibility are very important in combat. Don't worry, even if your butt is bitten off, Nitro will heal it for you. It will be white and tender~"

Yingzhi put his hands to his mouth and made a trumpet shape and shouted

"Wow, so disgusting, I don't want to treat a boy's butt."

Jia Ru Nitro waved her hand in disdain, as if to drive away a fly.

But her voice was not loud, and the three people running in the playground did not hear it.

‘Miss Glass put her hand on my......’

A picture suddenly appeared in Ijichi Jiegao's mind. Ieiri

Naoko, wearing a nurse's uniform, stood by the bed, using her hands to gently heal the wound on his buttocks using the reverse technique.

"Does it still hurt, Ichichi-kun?"

"No pain at all"......

As he thought about it, Yidizhi Jiegao burst into an inexplicable laugh, and then his fantasy was shattered.



As mentioned before, there are various obstacles on the playground. Ichichi Jiegao, who was lost in fantasy, tripped over the obstacles because of his lack of concentration.

"Ah, Ichichi-kun!"

Habara Yu immediately turned around to rescue him.

"Don't look back!"

Nanami Kento grabbed Huihara Yu's hand.

"Ichichi-kun will be fine."

Nanami Kento's words made people inexplicably convinced. At this moment, Huihara Yu felt that he was not facing a classmate but a calm and reliable adult.

"Compared to him, our situation is more dangerous. If we stop, we will definitely be killed by the senior!"

Although Nanami Kento didn't know why Senior Eiji suddenly gave them special training, he had a hunch that this special training was for the two of them, and Ichichi Jiegao was just affected.

"One person is out."

Eiji took out a sign from somewhere.

It said"out" in big letters.

The shadow under Ichichi Jiegao began to move, bringing Ichichi Jiegao, who was breathing heavily and unable to move, to the side of Jiaru Nishiko.

"Why don't you just use Enka?"

Ieiri Naoko complained, but her hands didn't stop moving.

Her white hands were placed on Ijichi Jieko's sweat-soaked clothes, and the reverse technique began to heal Ijichi Jieko's body.

‘Ah, it's Miss Naoko, so happy. '

At that moment, Ijichi Jietaka felt that all his previous hard work was worth it.

Yingzhi looked at Ijichi Jietaka with a happy look on his face and nodded.

His purpose was to give the juniors hellish training to enhance their strength, not to bully them, so he had to give them the necessary care and sweet treats.

For Ijichi Jietaka, who had a crush on Ieiri Naoko, the best reward was to be taken care of by Ieiri Naoko after the devilish training.

""Hu, hu, done, done."

After running the last two laps, Huiyuan Xiong and Nanami Kento fell to the ground in a big letter shape.

Eiji also summoned Maruka to treat the two immediately.

"I will stay here, Enka. Remember to train them well in Taijutsu.......

Huihara Yu:!!!

Ijichi Jietaka: ???

They really want to shout"Murder!","Help!".

The three of them want to give up, but Fushiguro Jyou has plenty of ways to make them take it seriously.

"Why are they suddenly being trained?"

Ieiri Naoko sat on the steps, wiping her sweaty hands with a tissue.

"Ichichi Jiegao is just a by-product. The important thing is Nanami Kento and Huihara Yu. I want them to reach the level of being able to deal with level 1 cursed spirits as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Ieiri Naoko stopped moving.

"It's impossible to make them reach the level of exorcism level 1 in such a short time."

Ieiri Naoko looked at Eiichi with some surprise.

"Indeed, but I don't intend to let them be able to exorcise level 1 cursed spirits by themselves like level 2 sorcerers, I just want them to have the power to protect themselves against level 1 cursed spirits."

Yingzhi explained with a smile

"I've prepared some killer weapons for them."

"What, a cursed tool?"

Ieiri Naoko was a little curious.

"Well, I asked the lab to order some equipment for them. As long as they hit the target, even a level 1 cursed spirit will not be in trouble."

"Is that so?"

Isaiiri Naoko understood something.

Eiichi asked Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru to keep the future vision secret from the sorcery world.

However, the secret did not include Ieiri Naoko.

Therefore, Ieiri Naoko also realized something.

‘Will these two encounter a level 1 curse this year?......’

Ieiri Shoko, who was still wondering if Eiichi was going too far, did not object at this moment.

Compared to life, what does a little pain in training count for?

Eiichi saw the change in Ieiri Shoko's expression.

In his heart, he knew that Ieiri Shoko had understood what he wanted to say.

Because he did not know the exact time, Eiichi could not always stay by the two of them as a bodyguard.

Therefore, Eiichi planned to directly let the two of them have the ability to fight against level 1 cursed spirits.

For this purpose, Eiichi made three preparations.

1. Weapons that can hurt cursed spirits.

Eiichi asked the laboratory to make a box of weapons that can hurt level 1 cursed spirits at all costs.

As sorcerers, the two can respond effectively to the attacks of level 1 cursed spirits, but the gap in strength is too big and it is useless to react.

But with weapons that can hurt cursed spirits, it is different, so they have a chance to escape or even win.

2. Improve their combat effectiveness.

The fight between life and death will make people progress rapidly.

Fushiguro Shier's murderous intent and the punch that makes people not want to be hit a second time will make the two people's bodies remember the feeling of fighting life and death and make the most correct actions.

The last is to escape.

That's right, it's about running away. If things are impossible, it's okay to run away. After all, life is important.

Yingzhi referred to a joke from his previous life, which he didn't know whether it was true or not.

It was said that in the world cycling competition in Canada, a guy won the first place with excellent results.

But because the guy's previous results were very poor, the organizers thought that the guy cheated.

The guy was checked by the organizers in various ways to find evidence of using illegal drugs.

Finally, the guy who couldn't bear it anymore asked the organizers to check the competition monitoring themselves.

It turned out that the guy was spotted by a bear and chased halfway.

This not only made the guy break his own limit in order to survive, but also made the second place dare not ride fast because he was afraid that the bear would turn around.

In order to survive, the guy not only won the first place, but also broke many world records.

Although it is not known whether the incident is true or false, Yingzhi got inspiration from this incident.

So Yingzhi let Huzang chase the three people behind them for escape training.

If you can get away from Huzang's pursuit, then escaping from the pursuit of a level 1 cursed spirit is naturally a piece of cake.

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