Yingzhi listened to Tianyuan's talk and got to know more about him.

"You have decayed in the wear and tear of time."

Yingzhi made such an evaluation of Tianyuan.

The long years will bury everything.

Countless beautiful fantasies in childhood, desired toys and yearning dreams.

How much of these memories can be remembered when you grow up?

Yingzhi thought of himself in his previous life.

When he was a child, he saved money and asked around to collect the comics of Wulongyuan and A Shuai. When he grew up, he couldn't even remember the content.

He wanted to travel around the world, observe this beautiful world with his own eyes, and measure the vast territory of the motherland.

In the end, he could only be tied to a few kilometers of land, and even leaving the town once required a lot of consideration.

Without a lifelong goal, Yingzhi lost so much in just a few decades in his previous life. How much did Tianyuan lose in a thousand years?

"Wear and tear, maybe?......"

Tianyuan did not refute Yingzhi's words

"You will lose to Nozomi."

Yingzhi said firmly���

This is not based on familiarity with the plot, but a judgment made after understanding Tian Yuan


Tian Yuan actually doesn't care about winning or losing. In her opinion, if she loses, it's fate and she just needs to accept it.

"Because he has been preparing to defeat you and achieve his goal, but you have not responded in kind."

For example, under the same conditions, a worker spends all his free time on his goals and dreams.

Another person will only occasionally pick it up and take a look, wipe off the dust on his dream and then symbolically put it there.

Isn't it obvious who has a better chance of success?

Over the past thousand years, he has been getting closer to his goal, summing up the gains and losses and making sufficient preparations.

Tianyuan just moved forward passively under the push of the outside world, and even because he couldn't see through people's hearts, he finally hid in Hongxing Palace to pass the time by observing the barrier.

Now Tianyuan is numb, has lost his enthusiasm for everything, and is simply following the instinct of life to survive.

In contrast, it is natural that he, the villain who has been fighting for his goal for a thousand years, finally won.

Dreams and goals are like a fixed anchor point of human nature. As long as you hold it tightly in your hand, it is difficult for people to get lost even if the years are washed away.

On the contrary, you will be like Tianyuan, losing motivation, direction, drifting with the flow, and leaving everything to fate.


Tian Yuan didn't care about Ying Zhi's words.

It seemed that no matter what the final result was, she would regard it as fate and accept it.

Ying Zhi shook his head. He already knew Tian Yuan, so he didn't have any idea of changing Tian Yuan.

‘I can't count on Tianyuan, but it's okay. I've let everything go. It's also good for me to just maintain the barrier.’

‘Many attempts that were not dared to be made before can now be made’

‘For example, slowly bring the barrier of the entire country under his control. '

Then Tengen will also regard it as fate.

Perhaps it's been too long since he talked to anyone, Tengen became more and more nagging like an ordinary old man.

It was late at night before Yingzhi left the Hongxing Palace.

But Yingzhi was not dissatisfied.

Because he got the answer he wanted, and it was a very good answer.

Tengen is old, and she is harmless to anyone unless her life is threatened.

Yingzhi now knows why Tengen is so pit.

The world of curse has been developed for so long.

There are countless new things in it. Whether Tengen asks the Curse General Directorate directly or observes through the barrier himself, he can master a lot of things.

But Tengen didn't, and even watching what happened in the barrier was just to kill time.

Just like the master Sukuna who kills time.

For a thousand years, the soul was in the fingers that could not move, and could only stare blankly outside.

Occasionally look at those cursed spirits and humans for fun.

Sometimes because I can't move, I will become amusement.

But for the bored Sukuna, being a joke himself is also a way to kill time.

And if there is a chance, he will definitely return it double.

But Tengen did nothing.

Noso said that Tengen was an antique, still using old things in this era.

It is probably because his brain has rusted after not using it for so long.

Speaking of which, Tengen and Noso are quite a match.

Tengen was originally a woman, but she can also change her gender by assimilating astral plasma.

Noso doesn't need to be mentioned. Changing gender is just a basic operation.

Noso has even experienced giving birth.

And the advantages and disadvantages of these two people complement each other.

Noso relies on his brain to live forever, and his body needs to be replaced frequently.

Tengen relies on his body to live forever, but his brain has rusted over the long years.

It would be very suitable to put Noso's smart brain into Tengen's immortal body. After a good sleep, Eiji asked Zenin Shuji to hand over the results of his implementation of Tengen to the General Administration of Jutsu the next day.

Yingzhi mentioned in the report that Tianyuan used the barrier to retain the consciousness that was originally dispersed between heaven and earth, so as to maintain himself from losing human consciousness.......

Finally, Eiji gave his own conclusion: Tengen will not have an impact on the world of sorcery in the next few decades.

The senior executives of the Jujutsu General Administration Department were very satisfied with this report.

Then they continued to drink tea and enjoy themselves.

Eiji also complained to Zenin Naohito that these old oranges were really not afraid that Tengen would get out of control in a few decades.

Zenin Naohito smiled and said that it was the young people who had to worry about it. What's wrong with us old guys enjoying ourselves after working hard all our lives? He continued to play music and drink.

Eiji was speechless.

After this mission, life in the second year of high school began to become dull and boring.

The only thing worth looking forward to was the Kyoto sister school exchange meeting.

However, perhaps because they were too ruthless last year, the people from Kyoto school fled in all directions at the beginning of this year's exchange meeting.

They had only one goal, to exorcise the curse spirits as much as possible before being caught by the Great Demon King Gojo and get points.

Then it was a happy game of hide-and-seek.

After the game of hide-and-seek, Gojo Satoru was still there, but it was a pity that he didn't catch the sorcerer from the Kamo family last year.

He had thought of many new tricks and wanted to try them with the snake.

In this way, time came to the third year of high school.

Later, Gojo Satoru found Ichichi Jie, who was useful and fun and trusted by Gojo Satoru, enrolled in high school. On the first day of the third year of high school, Eiichi took out the notebook he had been hiding.

It recorded a lot of future developments.

In order to ensure that he would not forget many important things due to the passage of time, Eiichi wrote them down and put them in the shadow.

Every year he would take it out to see if there were any major events that would happen this year.

‘In the third year of the technical high school, the glasses-covered boy enrolled, Yuki Kujiru came to the technical high school, Gojo Satoru became the strongest, Haibara Yuu died, and......Geto Suguru defected’

"There are a lot of things to pay attention to this year."

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