Cultivation Starts From Planting Sweet Potatoes

Chapter 194: . the enemy stationed me

Zhang He now has a strong sense of consciousness. During the battle, he sees six ways, and his sense of consciousness has always been concerned about the surrounding.

At this time, the Jindan cultivator who was watching the battle from a distance had also been discovered, and now he and Ye Xing had been entangled by several foundation-building cultivators.

With their two foundation-building cultivators, facing several times the same rank cultivator, there is a golden core peeping in the distance. He has already won not much mana in his body, and he does not feel that his side has a chance of winning.

Although he still has a useless sword, once he uses it, he should be able to kill one or two people by surprise.

However, it doesn't make much sense to do so. There is a Jindan cultivator who is eyeing him, but he has exposed his own cards. The next time he uses the opponent, he will inevitably take precautions.

"Stone, take someone to evacuate first!"

The incoming enemy hadn't shot at them yet. After Shitou got Zhang He's divine sense transmission, he immediately left with a small group of Black Water troops.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, the other party is too strong, let's withdraw first!"

Zhang He greeted Ye Xing, and regardless of Ye Xing's reaction, he dived into the ground and escaped the encirclement of the three foundation-building cultivators in an instant.

When he passed under Ye Xing's battle, he suddenly emerged from the ground and threw a few black bottles to disturb the enemy.

After using it a few times, he found that this stink bomb is still very good for harassing the enemy.

Although it is not toxic, people who come into contact with it for the first time will be frightened and dare not be negligent.

"Fellow Daoist Ye! Follow me!"

Ye Xing, who had already been beaten by the three cultivators to the point of despair, heard Zhang He's greeting, as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw.

Taking advantage of the moment when the stench of the other three entered the body, they rushed out of the encirclement without hesitation and flew to Zhang He's location.

Zhang He once again took out the hill to block Ye Xing from a few attacks behind him, and then rolled Ye Xing with his magic power. Then the two of them and the Xiaoshan magic weapon all escaped into the ground and disappeared.

The few Foundation Establishment cultivators who chased after them could only slam the ground fiercely before letting out a slight sigh of anger.

Tens of miles away, in a dense forest, Zhang He and Ye Xing have been resting here for a long time.

Zhang He was not injured, and the mana consumed at this time has recovered seven to eighty-eight.

Ye Xing was seriously injured, and it would take at least a few days for him to recover.

"Thank you Daoyou Zhang for your help this time, otherwise Ye Mou's little life may have to be explained here."

Ye Xing solemnly thanked Zhang He.

"You're welcome, Daoyou Ye, it's your duty to form an alliance between you and me. Do you know the identity of the person who came today?"

Zhang He waved his hand and took a sip of spirit wine from the jug.

He found that the refining speed of spirit wine was relatively fast, and it was suitable to supplement the mana consumed.

The first batch of spirit wine he brewed in the space has just been brewed recently, and the taste is okay. If it is aged for a while, it should be better.

"I do know these foundation-building cultivators, two of them are from the Zhao family, and the rest are from some smaller families.

As for the Jindan powerhouse hidden in the dark, I haven't been able to find it. According to my guess, it is likely to be the ancestor of the Zhao family. "

Ye Xing felt very uncomfortable in his heart. The people who came here today are all acquaintances with him, and some of them have good friendships.

The ancestor of the Zhao family also had some personal friends with the ancestor of the Ye family.

Now all of them have turned their faces for the sake of profit, and the ones who most choose to take action against themselves are actually acquaintances from the past.

Ye Xing quickly recovered and asked Zhang He:

"I wonder what Zhang Daoyou plans to do next?"

The reason why the Ye family chose to form an alliance with Zhang He was because Zhang He had the trump card to deal with the Jindan cultivator.

If Zhang He only showed these strengths today, then there is no need for their Ye family to form an alliance with Zhang He.

Instead, he could take action against Zhang He, avenge the killing of his ancestor, and take back all the benefits he gave earlier.

This was not something that Zhang He could change just by saving Ye Xing. In the face of the overall interests of the family, Ye Xing could not be the master.

"Of course, kill him back." Zhang He said firmly.

Naturally, he also knew that when he formed an alliance with the Ye family, he had gained a lot of benefits from the other party, and he would be able to use it at the critical moment.

"Didn't fellow Daoist say that the other party still has a Jindan cultivator who hasn't shown up? In addition, there are as many as six foundation-building cultivators who appeared just now. Is it just the two of us?"

"It's enough for us. No matter how many people there are, if we can't deal with Jindan, and we can't run away, the result will not be death."

Ye Xing was a little excited when he heard the words. He finally had a chance to see the means of Zhang and He pressing the bottom of the box.

Exactly what method Zhang He used to kill the ancestor of the Ye family is still a mystery.

This time, Zhang He should be exposed!

Once some methods are known to the world and lose their sense of mystery, they are no longer so scary.

Five days later, neither of them asked for reinforcements from the forces behind. Instead, Zhang He used the earth escape technique to take Ye Xing and quietly sneaked back to the mine.

Zhang He quietly released his consciousness underground to check the situation on the ground.

"The six Foundation Establishment cultivators are all there, and the Jindan cultivator is also there. We will rush out together in a while. As long as we successfully kill one person, we will retreat immediately."

The two had already selected a target underground and sneaked quietly under a stone house.

In the stone house, a Foundation Establishment cultivator was counting the copper mines harvested today, and he was very satisfied.

Suddenly a strong sense of crisis hit, making his hair stand upright.


At the same time as the base-building cultivator shouted, he had already created a defensive light curtain outside his body, protecting his entire body within it.

At the same time, a flying sword has been thrown out of the body, floating in the air.

At this moment, Zhang He and Ye Xing had already emerged from the ground at the same time. Ye Xing sacrificed a copper shield to cover him and Zhang He.

Zhang He had already sacrificed the Xuanyuan Mountain magic weapon, which was about the size of a zhang in the air, broke through the roof and walls of the stone house, and then pressed down heavily on the foundation-building cultivator on the opposite side.


There was a loud noise, and the ground trembled along with it. There was already a big pit on the When Zhang He put away Xuanyuan Mountain, the foundation-building cultivator under the big pit had been crushed into one piece meat pie.

Zhang He didn't think his hands were dirty either, he stretched out his hand and pressed it into a patty, grabbing the **** corpse of the Foundation Establishment cultivator.

With a sweep of the other hand, he put all the copper mines stacked in the room into the storage bag.


Ye Xing is still a little unfinished, and he hasn't seen Zhang He's big move yet, but there are other foundation-building cultivators around who have heard the news, so he doesn't have the guts to stay alone.

Immediately following Zhang He, he was enveloped by a mana and escaped into the ground, escaping!

In a cave dozens of miles away, Zhang He and Ye Xing quickly divided up the spoils.


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