After several rounds of bargaining between Zhang He and the Ye family, Zhang He finally used 10 high-grade foundation building pills to exchange 20,000 catties of copper ore from the Ye family.

After refining and removing impurities from these copper ore, a total of 10,000 catties were obtained, plus his original 5,000 catties and the 1,000 catties of pure copper concentrate he had saved earlier.

The total weight has reached 16,000 kilograms. Even if it is not refined, it can smash the foundation-building cultivator to death with more than 10,000 kilograms of raw materials.

After preparing all kinds of materials, Zhang He started refining. First, he fused 1,000 catties of red copper essence and 10,000 catties of ordinary red copper refining.

After the ordinary red copper was incorporated into a large amount of copper essence, the quality was greatly improved. You must know that many Jindan cultivators did not necessarily need so much copper essence to refine magic weapons, but Zhang He used 1,000 kilograms of red copper to refine a magic weapon.

Therefore, the quality of the 11,000-jin material after fusion can be imagined.

The 11,000 kilograms of high-quality materials were refined by him in the innermost layer, and after a large number of formation runes were engraved on it, the remaining 5,000 kilograms of red copper were refined in the outer layer.

After more than a month of continuous work, Zhang He finally stopped today. At this moment, his expression was a little haggard, but his eyes were glowing, and he was staring at a hill that was only one foot in his hand.

The whole body of the hill is black and purple, and it is covered with formation runes, which looks very ordinary.

It seems ordinary, this is the effect Zhang He is pursuing, as long as it can kill people, it is better to be inconspicuous.

A total of more than 16,000 kilograms of material, after refining, it is only about the size of a foot, and it is extremely light to hold in the hand, and it feels like a kilogram or two.

This is the magic of the cultivator's way of refining weapons. Through some formation runes, large items can be reduced, and small items can also be enlarged.

The same is true for the weight. When he was young, it was extremely light, but when he attacked, he could weigh more than 100,000 catties. No matter what flesh and blood he was, he would be crushed into flesh.

According to his judgment, this Xuanyuan Mountain is at least a superb instrument.

Zhang He squinted his eyes, his consciousness had entered the space, and if he threw this painstakingly refined magic weapon into the space spirit spring, the power should be able to be improved by another level.

I don't know what it looks like after surpassing the best magic weapon.

The mutated Thunder Spirit Grass in the space has already mutated, and the five fruits on it have also matured.

Zhang He picked these five fruits, planted four more, and poured some spiritual spring water.

Only one seed was left. He wanted to test its power. Thinking of this, he took this seed out of the space.

He flew to a wasteland more than ten kilometers away from the mine, and then took out the mutant Thunder Spirit Grass seeds.


After a loud bang, a rock in front was smashed to shreds, and the rock powder flew. Zhang He also propped up an earth wall to defend it.

good guy!

The power of this mutated Lei Lingcao seed is no weaker than a foundation-building spell, and comparable to a foundation-building talisman.

But for Zhang He, Lei Lingcao seeds only need to be planted in the space and watered at ordinary times, and they can even be planted on a large scale to produce a large number of seeds.

Just after he tried this Thunder Spirit Grass seed, it seemed like a signal was sent, and soon more roaring sounds and more spiritual energy were heard in the direction of the mineral vein.

Zhang He immediately flew to the direction of the mineral vein with his sword, and he flew halfway, and immediately a cultivator in the later stage of foundation establishment greeted him.

As soon as the two met, they used their methods to bombard each other without saying a word.

The cultivator on the opposite side was a small level higher than Zhang He, and the magic weapon he offered was a flying knife, which had already quickly slashed towards Zhang He.

Zhang He stretched out his hand, and immediately appeared in front of him a hill about a foot high. The hill rose up against the wind, and soon became as large as one foot, and smashed it towards the cultivator with infinite power.

The cultivator on the opposite side relied on his higher cultivation base and stronger mana. Facing the mountain-shaped magic weapon sacrificed by Zhang He, he did not dodge, but aimed at the opposite hill with his flying knife, preparing to split it in two. , his flying knife is a high-grade magic weapon, and he has chopped many magic tools.


The two magical instruments collided, making a crisp sound, and then the flying knife broke into two pieces and fell to the ground.

Zhang He took advantage of the destruction of the magic weapon, and at the moment when he was stunned, the Xiaoshan magic weapon continued to blast forward.

The cultivator in the later stage of foundation building on the opposite side slammed down on the hill, and he didn't intend to use his head to carry it hard, and immediately wanted to dodge.

However, at this moment, he felt that his footsteps suddenly became heavy, as if he was carrying thousands of pounds of weight, it was difficult to move his steps.

This is the uniqueness of Xuanyuan Mountain. Generally, although this kind of heavy magic weapon is very powerful, it also has a fatal weakness.

That is, the movement speed is too slow, and it is easy to be dodged by the opponent.

Therefore, the Xuanyuan Mountain Magical Tool combines the characteristics of "Xuanyuan Magnetic Pole Gong", and adds a magnetic magic circle to the magic tool, which exerts gravity on the opponent, making it impossible to escape.


The purple hill sank down, causing the earth to tremble.

As for the Foundation Establishment cultivator who was pressed down under the hill, he had become a meatloaf at this moment.

Zhang He solved the opponent, immediately put away the Xiaoshan magic tool, and took away the corpse of the base-building cultivator who was pressed into a cake.

Just now, the power of the blow directly killed a cultivator in the late stage of foundation establishment, but it also consumed almost 30% of his body's mana.

In other words, with his current mana level, he can only bombard three times at most.

The battle ahead was still going on. When Zhang He arrived, he saw three monks besieging Ye Xing at the same time.

Ye Xing has been injured in many places at this moment, and he is already at the end of the shot.

After Zhang He arrived, before he could make a move, three more foundation-building cultivators flashed out and rushed towards him together.

The first is that the three long-planned spells fell to Zhang He at the same time.

Zhang He hurriedly raised the hill again, and the purple hill turned into a size of about a zhang, emitting a purple light and floating above his head.

All kinds of attacks from the opposite side entered the purple light range, and it was like encountering a strong resistance, and they could only move forward with difficulty, but in this way, the advantage of attacking had long been lost.

The attacks of the three Foundation Establishment were all blocked by this purple hill for a while.

But after Zhang He received this blow, the mana in his body was almost exhausted.

This small mountain magic weapon is good, but it is too mana-intensive, and it will be useless in a few minutes.

In the face of the three of them coming together again, Zhang He was so frightened that he could only burrow into the soil again.

In a place far away from the mine, there is a Jindan cultivator watching from a distance.

This time the attack was all planned by him.

In the face of the three of them coming together again, Zhang He was so frightened that he could only burrow into the soil again.

In a place far away from the mine, there is a Jindan cultivator watching from a distance.

This time the attack was all planned by him.

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