In the secret room, Zhang He was sitting on a piece of white jade, his expression was a little painful.

He has also tried to practice many times since he got the shadow demon's training method for spiritual consciousness.

However, this kind of demon cultivation method is really not practiced by humans. It is extremely destructive and squeezing for the body. Anyway, for the shadow demons, the body is not their own.

Zhang He tried to use the same method to nourish his spiritual consciousness with his body's qi and blood.

It was found that the growth rate of spiritual consciousness was really fast, much faster than normal practice.

Under normal circumstances, for monks, mana can be increased through practice, and there are also many medicinal herbs that help increase mana.

But the consciousness can only passively grow with the cultivation base, he has never heard of anyone who can actively cultivate the consciousness.

A method like the Shadow Demon is a new way to nourish the rapid growth of spiritual consciousness with the flesh, which is rare.

Zhang Heqiang endured the physical pain and sensed that his spiritual consciousness was growing rapidly. After half an hour, he had to temporarily stop practicing.

Now is his limit, if he continues, his body will be destroyed.

After stopping the practice, he immediately took a Shangqing Wood Spirit Pill to treat the damage to the body caused by the Demon Clan's exercises.

Then out of the secret room, in the kitchen, the little skeleton is burning a fire, stewing a large pot of beef, and there is a 300-year-old ginseng in it.

The loss of qi and blood in the body must be made up by eating several meals like this.

Seeing that Zhang He's training was over, the little skeleton immediately used a large bowl of beef and brought it to Zhang He.

"Good! Good job!"

Zhang He took the sea bowl and complimented the little skeleton.

Since the little skeleton has a zombie heart, he is full of energy every day, and he is no longer sleepy.

In order to keep the little skeleton from being bored, Zhang He taught him a series of activities beneficial to physical and mental health, such as cooking, cleaning, and foot massage.

The little skeleton received Zhang He's praise, and seemed to be in a good mood, so he carried a **** to work in the spiritual field again.

After the expansion of the small courtyard on the top of the mountain, Zhang He expanded the area of ​​spiritual fields in the courtyard to about 5 mu.

Now all these 5 acres of land are planted with sweet potatoes, which can be harvested once every three years, and almost 20,000 catties of sweet potatoes can be harvested at one time.

Compared with grain crops such as Linggu, a harvest is measured in 10,000 catties, which is already a huge number.

Zhang Helian ate three bowls of stewed beef, and felt that Xiao Skull's cooking skills were getting better and better, and the beef was stewed just right.

Then I took out the 300-year-old ginseng from the pot, and ate it all like eating a radish. At this time, I felt a lot more comfortable.

It would take six or seven days for the body to recover with healing pills like this.

However, in the past few days, he could practice the "Thick Soil Longevity Technique" exercise, and he was not greatly affected by this.

After Zhang He meditated to recover some strength, he entered the space.

Some time ago, because the spiritual beads were placed in the spiritual spring for nourishment, although several spiritual veins were added, the concentration of spiritual energy in the space dropped a lot, and the output of the spiritual spring was also greatly reduced.

The more than 1,000 spiritual stones he left in his hand were all thrown into the space, and the spiritual stones in his hand had bottomed out again.

Zhang He turned around in the space. There was only one mu of land in the space, and he densely planted all kinds of elixir.

There are several thousand-year-old elixir in it, and elixir that is hundreds of years old can be seen everywhere.

In the space, a batch of elixir for refining Shangqing wood elixir was selected.

Now that the price of these elixir has gone up with the tide, the general cultivator has long been exhausted and cannot afford the elixir.

For Zhang He, now is a good time to sell the elixir.

Ma Gan led the elites of the Black Water Army and had formed a caravan. These elixir were intended to be sold to the caravan and returned in exchange for some spiritual stones.

In addition, the spiritual watermelons and spiritual peaches planted in the space can also be picked and prepared to be handed over to the caravan.

Now these materials are high-value resources, and they are in demand anywhere, so you don't have to worry about selling them, as long as you pay attention to safety.

Zhang He brought these spirits to Heishui Town and handed them over to Magan himself.

"Now that the various forces have declared their independence, they are accumulating power and preparing to hold back their big moves. Whether it is magic weapons or elixir, they will all be sought-after materials.

This time, I have prepared some elixir for refining Shangqing wood elixir. You can let the caravan take it to various cities to sell it, and it should be able to sell for a good price. "

Magan has assembled almost all the elites of the Black Water Army this time, including himself, Huya and He Xiaoyu, two team leaders, and a qi training battle team formed last time.

In addition, he also carried a large number of Hunyuan Thunderbolts for self-defense when necessary.

Zhang He has already given all the support that should be given, and what results can be achieved depends on Magan and the others.

After sending the caravan of hemp poles, Zhang He temporarily handled some affairs in Heishui Town.

"It's raining!"

"It's raining!"

After several years of continuous drought, it finally rained heavily on this day. Both residents and refugees happily rushed out of the house, spread their arms and let the rain fall on themselves, enjoying everything to the fullest.

This heavy rain lasted for seven days, completely drenched the land, and the water level of the Heishui River soared.

After the rain stopped, many of the 100,000 refugees outside the city began to return to their hometowns, but many more chose to stay in Heishui Town.

The clever ones among them have discovered that Young Master Zhang is more merciful, and if he does things behind the Zhang family, the chance of starving to death in the future will be greatly reduced.

Even if he couldn't stay in Heishui Town, it would be good to go to Shangling Town and Duihe Town under Zhang He's rule.

While many refugees have chosen to stay in Heishui Town, other counties have recently been busy recruiting refugees to resume production.

However, after years of unrest, at least half of the refugees died.

Now that the people are gone, if you resume production, there must be a sufficient number of people.

Moreover, many nobles are still thinking about recruiting troops from the refugees when they return home.

At this time, the nobles from all over the world realized that too many people died now, and the rest was not enough for them to exploit.

Now, in order to compete for population, various preferential measures have been resorted to, and there are even two big nobles fighting for it.

Now all over the place are fiercely robbing people, in order to quickly stabilize their own territory, so that it is convenient to deal with other nobles.

Among these places, only Heishui Town is an exception.

Outside Heishui Town, there were still 40,000 or 50,000 refugees who refused to leave.

Zhang He could only let these people go to Shangling Town and Duihe Town to repair canals and reclaim wasteland.

At least 30,000 mu or 40,000 mu of land can be reclaimed in these two towns.

In addition, the construction of water conservancy facilities also requires a large number of manpower, and they provide their own money and food to let these refugees work and build. Although it is raining heavily now, who can guarantee what will happen in the future!


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