Ever since Gongzi Fei launched the coup d'état, the whole country has been in complete chaos.

The original Lu Bo had the cultivation of the Nascent Soul, which was enough to convince all parties. Since Lu Bo's death, several of his sons have not been able to quickly break through to the Nascent Soul.

But they also like to fight for power and gain, and fight to the death, which has long attracted the hearts of the nobles of all parties.

Everyone has the strength of Jindan, and each has a piece of territory, a group of subordinates, and ambitions are born in this way.

There are not many true confidants of Gongzi Fei. Now, after Gongzijian escaped, the confidants left behind, as well as the nobles who first belonged to Gongzi Su's subordinates, connected with each other, and soon agreed to rebel and become independent.

After the surrounding counties and counties became independent one after another, and even Dehua County became independent, Zhang He also urged Gu Liang's family to declare independence.

Because nominally, Heishui Town still belongs to the Guliang family.

Zhang He now has three towns under his command, Heishui Town belongs to the Guliang family, Shangling Town and Duihe Town belong to the Ye family of Dehua County.

After Zhang He promised some benefits, the Gu Liang family was also willing to go out of their way this time, and they also declared their independence.

Now the country of Lu, which was not a big country, has completely turned into a country of loose pieces.

After all regions declared their independence, apart from the fact that Young Master Fei led his army to attack two counties and did not gain any advantage, Lu State fell into a brief period of calm.

In Heishui Town, Zhang He was sitting in the town hall, planning the development direction of the three towns, when Fat Tiger and Fugui walked in together.

"Sir, our two towns have had a bumper harvest this year!"

When Fat Tiger spoke, he had a happy expression on his face. From the beginning of the year, he took people to dig a canal, and now he has been busy with food for more than half a year.

In the past six months, he has blackened a layer of skin and lost a lot of weight, but his efforts were not in vain, and he finally ushered in a bumper harvest for Hezhen.

At the beginning of the year, he recruited more than 6,000 young and strong refugees. After one year, the town harvested 9 million catties of grain.

According to 50% of the land rent, I collected 5 million catties, and then handed over 3 million to Yejia in Dehua County, and I still have 2 million catties of grain left.

Because the ground rent is calculated according to the estimated output, although only 9 million catties are produced, the ground rent is still charged according to 10 million catties, which is a common practice.

Although there is a drought now, the two towns are not far from the Heishui River. They organized a large number of people to actively deal with them, and the food production did not decrease much.

Fat Tiger and Fugui came today to bring people to **** food to Heishui Town.

After all, there are walls and large granaries here, so it should be the safest place.

"Okay! It's not wrong! I have the meat of a green-eyed beast here. You two should share it with everyone."

Zhang He said, throwing a monster corpse from the storage bag as a reward for everyone's hard work for a year.

"Thank you sir!"

"Thank you son!"

Fugui and Fathu thanked them happily at the same time.

Monster meat is different from ordinary pork, beef and mutton. Because it is nourished by aura for a long time, most monster meat will become extremely delicious.

"The grains that you two sent are temporarily stored here, and then ask Wei Peng to give you two 2 million catties of food stamps.

These are the public property of your town. Taking advantage of the cheap labor, continue to recruit refugees to build water canals.

In the future, if wages are paid to the refugees, food stamps will be issued directly to them. Anyone with food stamps can freely exchange them for food at any grain store in Heishui Town. "

"Okay! I just happen to be planning to replace all the food with food stamps. This thing is too convenient, light, and doesn't take up much space." Fat Tiger said carelessly.

After a year of promotion and application, the residents of Heishui Town, as well as the surrounding refugees, have begun to accept food stamps.

Now the army is in chaos, it is really inconvenient to carry a large amount of food, and it is accidentally robbed.

But food stamps are much more convenient. If you just hide them in the crevices of your clothes, others may not be able to find them after looking for them for a long time.

"By the way, there are still two bottles of medicinal herbs here, which are considered as rewards for the two of you."

Zhang He took out two more bottles of Qi Gathering Pills and handed them to the two of them.

The two of them spent a lot of time managing the town, which affected their training too much. Especially when he was employing people, he naturally hoped that the stronger his subordinates, the better.

In particular, the aptitude of Fat Tiger is good, and it will be a big help for him in the future.

"Thank you sir!"

"Okay, you two are old brothers, don't be polite to me."

After a while, Fugui and Chuanhu happily carried the green-eyed beast and went out, which immediately attracted many onlookers.

For the residents of Lu State, monsters are just legendary creatures, and most of them have not yet had the life to see such beasts in person.

After the two went out, it didn't take long for the school's principal, Yong Jingzhang, to lead more than 20 students to the town hall.

"Sir, this time, from all the students, a total of 23 students who have the qualifications to cultivate immortals have been selected."

Yong Jingzhang waved to the students behind him, and 23 students rushed in.

"See you son!"

The 23 people saluted in unison, and they could feel a scorching heat in their eyes.

Zhang He glanced at the group of passionate teenagers and felt that the school's education was very successful.

"You are all the most outstanding young talents in my Heishui Town. I have called you here this time because I have a more important mission for you.

Do you have the confidence to accept it? "


The 23 people responded in unison. For them, as long as it was the task given by the wise and wise master Zhang, even if it was a sea of ​​swords and flames, they would go forward bravely.

"Okay! Blackwater Town needs aspiring young people like you the most! This task may sometimes be dangerous. If you have concerns, you can still quit now."

Zhang He paused, no one left, and then said again:

"The current situation is turbulent, and it is at the time of hiring people. Heishui Town plans to cultivate a special team, mainly responsible for various special tasks such as lurking, assassinating, and inquiring about intelligence.

From today onwards, you will enter a special place where you will be closed for training until you are successful in your practice and you can leave the teacher. "

Zhang He's current plan~www.wuxiamtl.com~ is to train a special force with relatively strong single combat effectiveness.

This special force can cooperate with frontal combat to carry out raids, or it can be sent out to spy on intelligence, or engage in assassinations.

That afternoon, Zhang He led the 23 people into the Qifeng Mountain base on fast horses.

The current Qifeng Mountain base has 47 miniature spiritual veins, and the concentration of spiritual energy is several times stronger than outside.

The small courtyard on the top of Qifeng Mountain has been expanded, and a different courtyard has been built at a position slightly below the small courtyard.

Arrange the 23-person special operations team to live and practice in another courtyard.

These people are still only in the early stage of Qi training, and at least they need to be sent out to do things in the middle stage of Qi training.

From the shadow demon's memory, he got some hidden assassination methods, which can be used to train these special forces.

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