Zhang He judged that these dozen or so locusts could already be classified into the range of monsters, and their strength was equivalent to the early to mid-stage Qi training.

I don't know whether these locusts evolved into monsters because they ate spiritual things, or because they belonged to monsters, so they prefer to eat spiritual things.

But now is not the time to think about these things.

A flying sword flew out of the sleeve, and with a "poof", a large locust had already separated its head.

As a foundation-building cultivator, he killed a few locusts that were equivalent to practicing Qi, which was no different from killing a chicken with a bull's knife.

In just a moment, the group of locusts that flew into the hospital had all been beheaded.

These locust corpses were all received by him alone. As for the locusts outside the courtyard, they were being hunted and killed, and they should all be eliminated soon.

The sweet potato vines in the Lingtian in the small courtyard have been harmed by locusts. Many leaves have been bitten, and some sweet potato vines have been bitten off. Zhang He's heart aches when he sees it.

It will take two years for these sweet potatoes to mature. According to the current situation, it is best to use the space spirit spring to ripen them and dig them out as soon as possible, so as not to be missed by locusts.

Thinking of this, he proposed a large bucket and began to pour out the spiritual spring in the space to water the sweet potatoes.

After he poured the spiritual spring water on these sweet potatoes, the vines and branches and leaves were growing visibly to the naked eye.

As long as you water it again tomorrow, you can dig the day after.

It is a pity that the production of Lingquan water is limited, and it takes about ten days for this half mu of land to fully ripen.

Zhang He finished watering the Lingtian, and when he walked out of the small courtyard on the top of the mountain, the locusts on Qifeng Mountain had already been killed, and the few remaining locusts that slipped through the net were nothing to worry about.

"Master, what should I do with these locust corpses?"

Because these locusts are relatively large, they are piled on the ground like a pile of large lobsters, with a total of at least more than 100 kilograms.

"Remove the head and wings of these locusts, deep-fry them with beans, and try them out with a dog to see if they can eat them. If they can, they will be distributed to the big guys."

There are more than ten dogs raised on Qifeng Mountain. They usually eat and drink for free. This time it is finally their turn to contribute. I believe these dogs will be happy to contribute to Qifeng Mountain.

After Zhang He arranged it, he also returned to the small courtyard and picked out dozens of larger locusts.

Especially the few locusts with the strength to practice Qi, they looked like little chickens and looked like they had a lot of meat.

These locusts are easy to handle, a tug on the neck and buttocks will rip out all the intestines inside.

If the wings are torn off again, the locusts will be dealt with.

Boil a pot of hot oil, pour the locusts into the pot, and immediately there is a crackling sound.

After a while, the crackling sound gradually became smaller, the oil temperature gradually increased, and a scent wafted out, Zhang He couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

When the bubbles in the oil pan become sparse, it means that the water in the locust is very low, and it may become mushy if it is fried.

Zhang He made a decisive decision, quickly took out the locusts in the pot with a large colander, drained the oil, and poured it into a large plate.

The results of the villager's dog test have not yet come out. Zhang He stared at the big pot of fried locusts and couldn't help it.

Even if it is poisonous, if he only eats a little and tastes it, he should not be poisoned, and he is a cultivator of the foundation-building stage, so his anti-toxicity should be relatively strong.

Thinking of this, he tore off a locust thigh and threw it into his mouth.


The locust legs are crispy, fragrant, and have a unique sweet taste.

"Really tasty!"

Zhang He forcibly moved his eyes away from the fried locust in front of him, resisted the urge to eat a second bite, and immediately squeezed a locust and went out.

I found the big yellow dog that had been fed with locusts by the villagers, and found that this dog had nothing to do with it and was flirting with a bitch.

Zhang He threw the locust in his hand to the yellow dog again, the big yellow dog jumped up, caught the locust in one bite in midair, swallowed it in three or two bites, and wagged his tail at Zhang He.

After observing for a while, he found that the big yellow dog was not abnormal. Zhang He returned to the small courtyard and grabbed a locust to eat.

He is a dignified foundation-building powerhouse, and he is not inferior to a big yellow dog.

Perhaps this is the reason why this locust belongs to a monster.

However, he only ate one, went out to take a look at the big yellow dog, and fed another fried locust by the way, and found that the big yellow dog was still fine, so he returned to the small courtyard to eat another one.

Then this afternoon, Zhang He went in and out like this, visiting the big yellow dog from time to time.

As a result, this big yellow dog is also a little flattered, and no one has ever cared about it so meticulously before.

Apart from eating shit, it had never eaten such a fragrant and delicious food, and it was almost moved to tears.

This pot of fried locusts is almost equally divided between Zhang He and the big yellow dog.

Both parties spent the day safely, the big yellow dog did not die, and Zhang He did not feel any discomfort.

In the next few days, this kind of special locust will come to live in Fengshan almost every day, but the number is not too many, they are just to deliver vegetables.

Only the big yellow dog was very lost. He had just lived a luxurious life for a day and was beaten back to its original shape.

In recent days, when it saw Zhang He, it wagged its tail desperately, and its tail almost took off in place, but Zhang He turned a blind eye, and the big yellow dog didn't even catch a locust leg to eat.

From frugality to extravagance is easy, from extravagance to frugality is difficult, under the huge psychological gap, the big yellow dog is not defeated by life.

If you don't give me food, can't I catch it myself?

So whenever there are locusts in the past few days, in addition to the Qifeng Mountain villagers trying their best to eliminate the locusts, there is also a yellow dog in the sweet potato field, running hard with its tongue out.

In the past few days, most of the sweet potato vines in the spiritual field have been ripened and dug up.

In a few days, it will be all collected~www.wuxiamtl.com~ From now on, there is no need to worry about locusts spoiling his sweet potatoes.

At the same time, in the three northwest directions of Heishui Town, due to the participation of a large number of non-local tenants, the locusts have temporarily turned, and they seem to have given up this direction and flew to other places.

Anyway, the world is so big that you can go there, why do you have to die here.

On this day, Zhang He had just poured the spring water on the sweet potato vines when he heard the sound of wings flapping.

He knew that the food delivery man had come again.

However, when this group of locusts fell into his courtyard, one of the huge locusts immediately caught his eye.

This locust was one foot long, and it exuded the aura of a king. Dozens of locusts in the Qi training period crowded around him.

Zhang He had never heard of it before that even the mere locusts had reached the foundation-building stage.

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