Heishui Town sent a total of three troops to destroy locusts in three directions.

Although the locust eradication efficiency is very high, the number of locusts is too large, and the reproduction speed of this thing is very fast. It takes a few days to give birth to a large group, which is hard to catch.

The locust front is still slowly advancing towards Heishui Town, and can advance almost four or five miles every day. At this speed, it will take up to ten days to reach Heishui Town.

The three groups of people kept reporting the situation of the locusts to Zhang He, and the old man Zhang was already anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

If he is passed over like this by the locusts, he will be finished in Heishui Town, how can he still collect rent this year!

How many daughters-in-law can be exchanged for my son if he loses several million grains a year?

After being a landlord for a few years, except for his obsession with inheriting the lineage, the old man Zhang has remained unchanged, and other concepts have been subtly changed. When encountering a locust plague, the first thing that comes to mind is his own rent.

Zhang He had stopped practicing for the past two days and took command in person.

After getting the news from the front, I probably already have some bottom line in my heart.

Although the chickens and ducks he prepared in advance worked well, the number was too small, and there were only nearly ten thousand in total.

The number of chickens and ducks that can be eaten every day is limited, and it is far less fast than manpower to kill locusts.

Now that the other subordinates have been dispatched, the only ones who can be used are Gong Fugui and Wen Sheng.

Fugui was in charge of training the militia and was familiar with the villages.

Wen Sheng, a fortune teller, was previously in charge of running the Xianyuan Pastry Shop in Dehua City, and he was very capable. Later, Zhang He also opened several small shops in Zhaoling City, all of which were left to Wen Sheng to take care of.

"Fugui, you send someone to notify the villages, so that Heishui Town, regardless of gender, age, or child, should all gather to the northwest to destroy the locusts together.

All tenant farmers who participate in the eradication of locusts can reduce or exempt part of the land rent as appropriate after the disaster. "


The rich and noble took the order to leave immediately. He had a group of key personnel in his hand, who were usually stationed in various villages. Now he only needs to notify these key personnel.

"Wensheng, you organize a group of people to buy the locusts from the tenants.

Every pound of dried locusts can be exchanged for one pound of corn. "

"Master, do locusts need to be so expensive?"

Wen Sheng was a little puzzled, but he did not reject eating locusts. When he was poor, he even ate earthworms, spiders, and centipedes.

However, these worms are regarded as unclean things, and only when there is no way, will they eat these things in order to survive.

In everyone's mind, locusts cannot be compared with serious food.

Not to mention changing a pound of corn, there are plenty of people willing to change even half a pound.

"This is naturally to increase the enthusiasm of the tenant farmers to eliminate locusts, and try to save more food for Heishui Town.

In this round of drought and locust plague this year, every grain of grain will be precious.

As for locusts, their value is definitely far more than ordinary food. "

Locusts are rich in protein, amino acids, calcium and phosphorus and other nutrients, and their nutritional value is much higher than that of ordinary meat.

Absolutely an excellent source of nutrition in this material-poor world.

However, some locusts in the locust plague will mutate and produce some toxins in order to protect themselves and guard against natural enemies.

In fact, in order not to be eaten, many species will mutate some toxins, or thorns, especially some young shoots, which are more likely to contain toxins.

Zhang He still remembered that he had read a scientific article in his previous life, and this mutated locust would produce phenylacetonitrile and hydrocyanic acid.

Phenylacetonitrile is toxic and has a pungent odor, but hydrocyanic acid is highly toxic and can poison people to death.

However, the boiling point of hydrocyanic acid is very low, only more than 20 degrees, and it is easy to volatilize.

Phenylacetonitrile can also volatilize at more than 200 degrees.

Now that you know the principle, you only need to fry the toxins to volatilize and become non-toxic. Just this, ordinary tenants may not be able to handle it well.

In fact, the toxins can also be dissolved with wine bubbles, but the cost is too high, so it is better to use deep frying.

Of course, mutated locusts only account for a part of them, not all locusts are poisonous, and the amount of toxins contained in each locust is not particularly large.

Under the temptation of dual interests, the tenants of Heishui Town dispatched almost all of them, brought their own dry food, and each brought tools to the direction of the locusts to enjoy this gluttonous feast brought by the locust plague.

There are more than 20,000 permanent residents and factory workers in the entire Heishui Town. After all of them participated in the locust eradication, it obviously slowed down the advancement of the locust swarm.

Now the locust swarms can only travel one or two miles a day. If they travel at this speed, Heishui Town will almost be able to delay the autumn harvest.

But a few days later, Fugui came to Zhang He again.

"Sir, in the past few days, all the tenants have been hunting locusts, and the crops in the fields have not been taken care of. Now many people are thinking of going back to take care of one-third of their own land."

Zhang He thought about it for a while, and this is indeed a problem.

It is still in a period of drought, and if the crops are not watered in time, they will not last for a few days.

If you go home and water the ground, and you can't prevent the locusts, the crops will still not be preserved.

In fact, not only the tenants, but also several thousand mu of sweet potatoes in Qifeng Mountain are Zhang He's main source of food income.

It is now in a period of rapid growth. If the leaves are eaten by locusts, the yield will be reduced by at least half.

Under the current circumstances, with the manpower of Heishui Town, it seems difficult to do both.

"Let's go, let each tenant leave at least one-third of their staff to continue to fight locusts, and the rest can return to the village to fight the drought.

I will ask Wensheng to recruit tenants from other towns to help eliminate locusts. "

After the rich and noble left, Zhang He asked Wensheng to send a group of people to recruit tenants in the villages and towns that had been plagued by locusts.

Under the double devastation of drought and locust plague, these tenants have long been exhausted physically and mentally, and even lost hope of living.

Now the people sent by Wensheng just rode horses and shouted in each village, and immediately the whole village rushed to Heishui Town.

The conditions offered by Wensheng are also very simple. Each person has one grain nest every day, and the captured locusts are handed in after drying. One catty of locusts is exchanged for six cents, which is equivalent to one catty of corn today.

Many people are powerful, and under the temptation of huge interests, after ten days, not only did the locust swarm fail to approach Heishui Town, but there were signs of forcing the locusts to divert to other places.

At the same time, Wensheng also recovered a large warehouse of locusts.

Everything is developing in a good direction, and Heishui Town is about to resist this round of drought and locust plague.

Zhang He suddenly got news that a group of special locusts did not know how~www.wuxiamtl.com~ suddenly appeared in Qifeng Mountain, and some locusts flew into his small courtyard.

That's not bad. Qifeng Mountain is his foundation. If he is plagued by locusts, he will lose a lot.

He immediately rushed to Qifeng Mountain.

Due to the special circumstances of Qifeng Mountain, the villagers here did not send out to kill the locusts, so after the locusts came, they were hunted and killed by the villagers.

Only a part of them flew into his small courtyard, and everyone did not dare to go in without Zhang He's consent.

When Zhang He returned to the small courtyard on the top of the mountain, a group of locusts were eating happily in his half-mu spiritual field.

He found that the locusts were several times larger than ordinary locusts, and the smallest was the size of a thumb.

What surprised him even more was that more than ten locusts among them were larger, faster, and had spiritual energy fluctuations on their bodies.

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