Genting Tiangong.

His body exploded directly, turning into a cloud of blood.

Looking at the palace not far away, Lin Baimei's face showed a sad look. This place was originally the sect of his Hunyuan Sect, but it was occupied by the Heavenly Palace from a million years ago. Now these Hunyuan Sect disciples are even more connected. Don't dare to look here.


Gradually, Lin Baimei fell into a hard fight. Several Heavenly Heavenly Generals surrounded Lin Baimei and took turns to make him unable to escape.

"Take this kid and let the person who killed Jin Guang throw the rat's weapon. Jin Guang is dead, and the Xuanhuang Great World must know about it. It won't take long for someone to come over there. As long as the people from the Xuanhuan Great World come, we It's safe."

Looking at the four true immortals who were getting closer and closer to him, Li Changsheng had a smile on his face and flicked his fingers on the Hunyuan Bell.

A sword light flashed from Lin Baimei's hand, and the gatekeeper of the Mahayana realm separated his head, and his four heads rose into the sky.

"Can someone be sent over there?"

In just two breaths, the entire Tiangong blood flowed into a river, and the blood converged into several streams on the mountain, flowing down the mountain.

Although they knew in their hearts that since this young man in black dared to come over, he must have something special, but now that they have captured this man, they will have a chance to survive.

"Palace Master, where are you? Are you just watching this person slaughter the people of my Tiangong..."

Looking at this bloody scene, his Dao heart was affected, and he couldn't help muttering:

It made him a little surprised.

Ordinary Tiangong guards have no idea that Jin Guang and a few true immortal monks' soul lamps have been extinguished.

"Exactly, just use you to try the power of Hunyuan Bell!"

Completely gave up defense, every time he made a shot, dozens of people were wiped out, and even the guardian of the gate, the Heavenly Immortal Realm Heavenly General, did not hold up three moves in Lin Baimei's hands.

Moreover, the Hunyuan Realm has been set up by experts, and they can't even leave the Hunyuan Realm now.

Hundreds of thousands of Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Palace Digital Powerhouses!

"Although Jin Guang is dead, his strength is beyond doubt. Even if ten of us add up, we can't be his opponent. It is estimated that the one who killed Jin Guang was the elder of this black-clothed youth."


But at this time, several true immortals gathered together and kept pacing in the palace.


"It's usually Jin Guang who is in contact with the Zuo brothers."

Deep in heaven.

To be able to cultivate to the real fairyland, naturally, there is something special about it.

"Senior, I will solve it." Lin Baimei whispered.

A few remaining true immortals get together, and you speak my words.

"This mountain was originally the sect of my Hunyuan Sect, but now..."

In the Heavenly Palace, the golden light's soul lamp went out, and the entire Heavenly Palace was in chaos.

The quaint Hunyuan bell appeared in the hands of Li Changsheng.

But at this time, Lin Baimei seemed to want to vent all the stagnation of thousands of years, and every shot was a killer move.

Looking at the splendid splendor in the distance, the spiritual energy condensed into fog, the cranes were flying, and the immortal mountains in the heavenly palace of various exotic animals flashed by.

One by one, the Heavenly Palace Heavenly Soldiers, even the Heavenly Generals, and Half-Step True Immortals rushed towards Li Changsheng with the steps of the four True Immortals, but the moment they met the invisible sound wave, they burst into the air.

Li Changsheng and Lin Baimei came to the outside of Genting Tiangong.

They have been oppressed by the Heavenly Palace for so long, and the number of Daoist friends who died in the hands of the Heavenly Palace is even more numerous. Today, they finally have a chance to express their anger.

"How is it? Contact Xuanhuang Great World?"

The rest of the true immortals were the same, and they couldn't even resist, so they exploded.

A bearded real fairy said angrily.

Blood mist filled the air.


After half a day.

"Certainly not."

Unexpectedly, even when Jin Guang was dead, these people dared to take the initiative.

"The sky is falling!"

"Heavenly Palace, comers stop."


A steady stream of heavenly soldiers will be shot out from the heavenly palace.


The real streamer rushed to the front and exploded directly.

"Since that person did not come in person, but sent a junior over, this gave us a chance."

"This person is only in the early stage of True Immortal. It should not be the strong man who killed Palace Master Jinguang. Could it be that the strong man didn't come over in person?" said Liuguang Zhenren with some uncertainty.

No one survived, until three days later, a loose cultivator at the peak of the immortals braved the courage and quietly came under the Tiangong, only to see the sacred mountain stained with blood, and the Tiangong that was only ruined.

Where the invisible sound wave passes, the void is cracked inch by inch.

A real streamer in a Taoist robe looked at Li Changsheng in black, standing motionless outside the Tiangong, with suspicion flashing in his eyes.


Although they are Jin Guang's subordinates, they are not Jin Guang's confidants. They all joined Tiangong halfway, not counting Tiangong's direct lineage, and usually they are not qualified to contact Tiangong in Xuanhuang Great World.

"Where are we qualified to contact Xuanhuang Great World?"

At this time, the guards of Tiangong also discovered Li Changsheng and Lin Baimei.

Hundreds of celestial soldiers at the door also reacted at this time, and they took out their weapons and killed Lin Baimei.

A half-step true immortal who fled to the distance shouted loudly, seeing that there was no hope of escaping.


But before he could finish,

Today he is finally back!

Looking at the four streams of light that came galloping, Li Changsheng had a look of surprise on his face.

Lin Baimei let out a loud shout and headed straight for the Heavenly Palace.

Countless celestial soldiers in silver armor guard all parts of the Tiangong.

When they saw two people they had never seen coming towards the mountain gate of Tiangong, the four guards looked at each other, stepped out directly, and stopped them in front of them.


"To be on the safe side, let's do it together." Real Master Liuguang was the strongest, but at this moment he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Although Tiangong's strength in the Primordial Realm is very strong, even if the people brought by the palace master Jinguang died in battle, there are still four true immortal powerhouses in the Tiangong.


The invisible fluctuations swayed into the distance, and wherever they passed, whether it was the heavenly soldiers or the heavenly generals or the buildings in the heavenly palace, they exploded directly.


A true immortal asked anxiously.

Now that Jin Guang and the Zuo brothers are dead, they can't even contact the Xuanhuang Great World.

Except for Jin Guang, only the Zuo brothers have contact with the master behind them.


Although there is a formation in the Heavenly Palace, but now even the most powerful Jin Guang is dead, they have no confidence to use the advantages of the formation to stop the murderer who killed Jin Guang.

On this day, the Heavenly Palace was washed with blood.

A sound resembling a Hong Zhong Da Lu came out, followed by a layer of invisible sound waves, centered on Li Changsheng, swaying around.

Li Changsheng flicked his fingers on the Hunyuan Bell again.

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