"Elder Gu?"

"Since those ancient gods are still doing things secretly, it proves that the situation in the immortal world is not as bad as you think, otherwise the seal outside the sky would have been broken long ago, and those ancient gods would have returned long ago."

Moreover, the Anti-Sky Alliance seems to have grasped something about the ancient gods.

Gu Lao understood what Li Changsheng meant, shook his head slightly, and said silently for a moment:

"Your chance is not small, this Hunyuan Bell is also a well-known weapon in the fairy world, but unfortunately, the battle was too tragic, the Hunyuan Immortal King died in the battle, and even the consciousness in the Hunyuan bell was scattered. already."

As Lin Baimei continued to tell, Li Changsheng also knew something. After the Hunyuanzong was destroyed, there was a strong lower realm from the Hunyuanzong in the immortal world, helping the remaining forces of the Hunyuanzong to gain a firm foothold, but after the destruction of the Hunyuanzong A few years ago, the senior of the Hunyuan Sect left the Hunyuan Realm and returned to the Immortal Realm.

"Could it be that seniors don't know?"

Lin Baimei's figure appeared, and he said nervously:

Gu Lao's phantom is almost transparent, and he said lightly:

Li Changsheng just glanced at Lin Baimei and said lightly:


"It's very difficult for those ancient gods to occupy the bodies of the Immortal King Realm powerhouses now. I can't feel the situation of their bodies now. Maybe they're outside the sky, maybe they're dead."

Li Changsheng asked indifferently, "Tell me everything you know about the ancient gods, as well as about the Heavenly Palace."

During the simulation, he already knew the existence of the Anti-Sky Alliance, and the headquarters was in Qingyuan Mountain.

"It's very troublesome for the ancient god to seize a person, just like the one who has the cultivation base of the Immortal Venerable Realm just now, even if it occupies your body, it will take thousands of years to completely control your body. , most of their bodies are in the chaos outside the sky, between the chaos and our world, there are tens of millions of years, the prohibition left by countless immortal Wang Qiang, and the seal left by the one, they want to completely Come here, the only way is to give up the body of the ancient god that has been cultivated for endless years, and fuse the soul into the body of the creatures of this world."

Looking at the mess, Li Changsheng began to search.

"I do have some connections with the Hunyuan Sect."

After speaking, Gu Lao's figure disappeared into nothingness.

"When the heaven and the earth first opened, the whole world was controlled by a group of ancient gods. Even the innate gods and demons were only food in front of them. Only the top innate gods and demons could fight against the strong among the ancient gods. ."

"As for the Immortal Kings who attacked my body, I can't mention their names, otherwise I will be sensed by them, but I am sure that they were not taken away when they besieged me. I have already taken refuge with the ancient gods."


Li Changsheng was slightly taken aback, but then said:

Seeing Li Changsheng's serious face, Gu Lao laughed out loud.


But still only a few dozen storage bags were found.

"Senior, is the ancient god's soul divided dead?"

"My Hunyuan Realm was set up by the senior. Although there are strong people in the Tiangong, it takes endless immortal jade to activate the cross-border teleportation array once, and it usually only activates once every few hundred years."

After finishing speaking, Gu Lao squeezed the tactic with both hands, and complex runes appeared one after another, flying towards the Hunyuan Bell.

Li Changsheng put away the storage bag and turned to look south.

Just now, the ancient god's soul-splitting only devoured the flesh and blood essence of the Tiangong cultivator. Those people's storage bags all fell to the ground, but he fought with the soul-splitting, and the storage bags were basically damaged. After searching for a long time, they only found Dozens of storage bags.

And above the Primordial Bell, the chaotic aura pervaded, and a great power descended.

The information about the ancient gods was also left by that senior.

"When you go to Immortal Realm, there are things I left in Jiuyuan Mountain."

The Hunyuan Bell slowly shrank and fell into Li Changsheng's hands. Li Changsheng could clearly feel that there was a little connection between himself and the Hunyuan Bell.

"Maybe before you fly to the Immortal Realm, the people in the Immortal Realm have already settled this disaster."

"You take me to the Tiangong station, we will destroy the Tiangong's teleportation array first, and then return here."

The Hunyuan Bell fell into Old Gu's hands.

Lin Baimei, who had fled 20,000 miles away, only felt a heavy weight, and fell from the sky to the ground.

Li Changsheng couldn't digest these things for a while.

"There is another way to gather for them a body of faith that can withstand their strength."

"In the ancient times, there were strong people who joined forces with ancient gods and demons to exile the ancient gods out of chaos. The main body, under their calculations, was seriously injured."


"Elder Gu, what was that thing just now?" Li Changsheng asked quickly.

"Ordinary creatures can't accommodate the spirits of those ancient gods at all. Only a body like you and the inborn Holy Spirit who is about to be born can bear part of their power, and then through you, you will continue to grow stronger, and slowly all the spirits will be removed from the chaos. transfer over."

"Ha ha!"


"So in the future, when you arrive in the Immortal Realm, who you can trust is up to you to decide for yourself."

With the appearance of the runes, Gu Lao's phantom also became more and more transparent.

"Drop the blood essence!"

Lin Baimei asked in a low voice.

"Your strength is too weak now, and you can only exert a trace of the power of the Primordial Bell, but this is enough to help you resist the invasion of this level of ancient gods."

never showed up again.

Gu Lao drank:

"But unless the immortal kings are willing to let them occupy their bodies, it will take at least millions of years for the ancient gods to refine the souls of the immortal kings."

Li Changsheng shouted in disbelief.

"But that's fine, I'll help you refine the Primordial Bell today!"

"However, your growth rate is indeed faster than I thought, but I am about to dissipate. If you have any questions, ask as soon as possible!"

"This is just a little trick I left behind in the inheritance. It will only be triggered when I meet those ancient gods who should have died completely in the ancient times." Elder Gu shook his head slightly.

Lin Baimei's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he began to speak.

"Come out!"

"Let's go first, Tiangong has been searching in the Primordial Realm for so many years, there should be something good!"

"I don't know you are the senior of my Hunyuan Sect?"

Li Changsheng felt a little distressed.

Without any hesitation, Li Changsheng dropped a drop of golden blood on the Hunyuan Bell.

Looking at the Hunyuan Bell in Li Changsheng's hands, Elder Gu waved gently.

Li Changsheng's heart tightened, "Elder Gu, you are the immortal Wang Qiang. Are the few immortal kings who attacked you all occupied by ancient gods?"

"If even the Immortal King can't resist..."

As the momentum above the Hunyuan Bell became more and more prosperous, at the moment when it reached its peak.

"But after so many years, the powerhouses in Immortal Realm should also realize something."

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