Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 370 The world is beautiful, the peaceful life of the evil god! 【Subscription】

"a new day."

Chen Feng stretched his waist.

I don't know if I have been busy recently, and even the quality of sleep has improved a lot.

【Chen Ji】It's going to expand.

I don't know what uneasy things have happened outside recently, and more and more refugees have joined Lingzhou.

for these refugees.

A comfortable life is the most important thing.

Although the management office provided them with shelter and daily food.

However, ambitious people still set their sights on more delicious food and a room that truly belongs to them.

To accumulate funds.

Recently, many people have taken some sundries to [Chen Ji] to exchange.

Among them, there are some rare items that even Chen Feng has never seen.

The civilization of the past is gone forever.

Only some old prices prove that those days existed.

Chen Feng is not stingy with his love for new things. In this case, more and more items are replaced, so that...

The existing shelves in the room are no longer enough to store the newly collected items.


03 The neighbor next door chose to transfer the store because of his age.

Chen Feng summed it up, and after considering that it was within his tolerance, he signed a contract with the other party.

That is to say...

Compared to the one left by his parents, [Chen Ji], in Chen Feng's hands, not only doubled the inherent assets, but also the area of ​​the shops soared.

During this time, Chen Feng was busy decorating the store, even if someone was responsible for tracking it.


As the boss, Chen Feng naturally has to calculate every expense.

Tired is not in the body, but in the heart.

Mu You walked over early.

After getting along for a while, Chen Feng got acquainted with this "little refugee" who lived here.

Moreover, compared to the white, thin and youthful appearance at the beginning, at this time, there was a trace of baby fat on the face of Mu You, who was "pampered and pampered".

There is quite a sense of sight of a girl next door growing up.

Mu You is still adhering to the state of infinite physical strength. Every day when Chen Feng wakes up, he can see that the other party is busy for the first time.

More so these days.

Not only will breakfast, lunch and dinner be properly arranged, but also take the time to be responsible for tracking the progress of the decoration.

Chen Feng looked at the white porridge in the porcelain bowl and couldn't help thinking:

"Should I give her a raise?"

As soon as this thought appeared, Chen Feng shook his head and said with some annoyance:

"Eating without speaking, sleeping without speaking.

"Eating matters, why bother with these trivial matters."

Mu You, who stayed by the side, didn't know that he had passed the salary increase once again.

And for Mu You...

It is a great blessing to be able to stay here.


In Mu You's view, Chen Feng, the boss in front of him is the direction of his efforts.

"Boss, I went over to supervise the work."

"Yesterday he broke three nails, I deducted it from the decoration cost today, and, these days, we use our line to boil water for cooking, and the electricity bill also needs to be discussed.

Mu You talked about it, Chen Feng cast an admiring look.

"The children can be taught.

At this time, if the former Skull Church members saw Mu You's appearance, they would be so surprised that their eyes would drop.

How cruel and how cruel were the flayed saints of the past?

The slightest dissatisfaction, the enemy will end up with the doom of being stripped of skin.

And the extraordinary person who died in her hands is even more incalculable.

But now...

It was this executioner whose hands were covered in blood in the past, but at this time he went to great lengths to pay for three nails and a little electricity bill.

This is tantamount to...

Even scarier than a horror movie.

"Good job.""

Chen Feng thought for a while, ruled out the possibility of material rewards, and then verbally praised it.

And it was these words that immediately made Mu You smile.

For Mu You, the boss's affirmation is everything.

Mu You turned and walked towards the construction site on the side.


But when passing a shelf, a cat meow came from the side.

Mu You heard the sound and looked around, but saw a cat with the appearance of Ali lying on the side, looking at him coldly.


Chili's eyes were extremely contemptuous, as if mocking Mu You's despicable actions just now.

But Mu You turned a blind eye, the corner of his mouth was smiling, and he pouted forward like a provocation.

Then, he glanced up and down at Chili for a while, then walked over without looking back.

Silent is better than sound.

At this moment, the red raccoon arched his body and blew his hair directly.

He naturally knew exactly what Mu You meant.

"I'm going to supervise the boss, you can continue to fall asleep.""

But aside from being angry, Chili couldn't do anything at all.

All he can do is to be so incompetent and furious at this moment.

Seeing Mu You arguing with the workers, Chili's eyes were dim, as if he was studying.

Who said that licking a dog can't be a good death in the end?

Didn't you see that this weak guy was assigned such an "important" task by the Lord God?

Not only that, the other party also won the affirmation of the Lord God.

Chili despised Mu You while learning slowly in private.

Although I don't want to admit it.

But in front of the title of licking the dog, Mu You was called the second in this shop, but no one dared to be the first.

You can't do it yourself, you can't do a level 0 Sealed Artifact, and even those evil gods who belong to the darkness can't do it!

After breakfast, Chen Feng leaned back in his chair and thought.

There are dogs outside the door and cats in the house.

Store expansion, staff competent.

For Chen Feng, he is now at the pinnacle of his life.

480 And until this moment, Chen Feng remembered that he was sleepy and heard the mechanical sound.

"Dark Family?"

Chen Feng opened the attribute panel and saw the introduction about dependents.

[Dark Familiar: You have successfully become accustomed to living in this world, and what you need to do now is to really integrate into this place, choose the right believer force, and give the other party the opportunity to advance. 】

Chen Feng looked along the attribute panel, and after being here for a while, he believed in a lot of his own forces.

Among the several forces, most of them are gray, and it is obviously impossible to give the other party the title of Dark Dependent.

But among the loyal forces, there is a bright spot.


Star Sea Alliance.

"Into this world?

"Create new races?"

At this moment, a sound of an electric drill came from the side.

After Mu You talked, the next door began to decorate again.

There was a smile on Chen Feng's mouth.

Expanding the store will attract his attention more.

As for the so-called Dark Familiar...

"Of course it's casual."

Thinking of this, Chen Feng immediately gave the Star Sea Alliance the title of Dark Familiar, and then...

He sat on a chair and looked in the direction of the store entrance.

a new day.

Chen Kee is open.

"Hopefully today's trade is a bit better. 99

As a shop owner, Chen Feng's dream is simple and beautiful.

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