Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 369 Fatal contempt, twisted chaos prayer! 【Subscription】

Pug is no stranger to parasitism.

"call out!"

"give me back!

The phantom face on the flaming sword.

He was restricted from freedom and could not return to his own body at all, so...

The monsters that fuse the vegetation and flesh and blood in front of them are directly refined.

What's even more terrifying is that in the energy aura of chaos, countless white and bloodless arms were born at this time.

From beginning to end, the other party didn't even look at him.

In the eyes of the black goat cub, Pug's fate should have been like this, and there is no meaning worthy of his attention at all.

If it is taken away by someone, returning to the realm of the gods will become an extravagant hope.

Pug's dignity was completely thrown to the ground, and he was trampled to pieces.

In addition to anger, Pug also found a silver lining for himself.

The terrifying chaotic energy has come to 0...

Pug's head turned grey at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The unscrupulous indifference is unbearable for ordinary people, let alone a true god?!

Some are just glaringly straightforward.

Pug has only one head left in this world.

Taking advantage of the other party's failure to parasitize, Pug still hopes to regain his own body.

Just a little finger...

With humiliation and shock.

But it was the first time Pug had seen such a direct parasitic ritual.

Pug is no stranger to this evil ritual.

And as Pug charges forward...


Therefore, Pug has given up.

It doesn't keep changing like before.

Lingzhou City.


But once the other party's parasitic ritual is completed, then...

Especially the pride on the corner of his mouth, this scene even made Pug feel like he was looking in the mirror.

The closer the distance, the deeper the connection between the two sides.

As the dust dissipated, Pug suddenly discovered that he used all his will to summon the rotten soul of the world, but at this time he was actually imprisoned in a position one meter away from the black goat cub.

He will be sacrificed to some terrible being.


Not only that, the body stores nearly ninety of the body's original power.


Even the body of the true god will be corroded.

That "four seven seven" body also had hands and feet, but it was holding a head that was different from the four limbs, and it looked weird no matter what.

Unlike the power of resentment that Pug casts, it is as dark as night.

There is no victorious excitement and frenzy.

Along with the cracking of the earth, the black goat cub that had been cut off by a sword unexpectedly grew out of the cracked ground at this moment.

The head is born with double horns, and the face is covered with red decorations.

The body that he is very familiar with will fall towards him in an instant.

The same contempt, the same contempt.

In the end, Pug's consciousness completely dissipated, like a cloud of gray fog, disappearing into the world.

The supreme god who created their blood.

The amazing power of the death curse spread out from Pug's mouth.

A terrible thought formed in my mind.

Pug's blood-red eyes looked not far away...

"Sacrificing the True God is successful, triggering the reward..."

But it backfired...

With a burst of penetrating sound, a short body suddenly grew out of Pug's broken neck.

Even more terrifying is...

At this moment, the other end of the power of chaos, in the mind of Chen Feng on the bed, immediately resounded a mechanical sound:

So now, what Pug casts out is his own grudge.

The body is parasitized and the soul is sacrificed.

"Crack. 35

Once close to the body.

Pug desperately ran towards his body.


The power of chaos that came at this moment was mixed with more strange and crazy energy aura.

Promotion to a high-level divine position will completely become a thing of the past.

There was a glimmer of hope in Pug's eyes.

Just when Pug can get close to each other with a quick walk...

By the time……

As the black goat cub wiggles its tentacles, it seems to inspire some kind of horrific ritual...

Unlike the illusory legend of Bato's Purgatory, the so-called "God of Creation" in the mouth of the monster in front of him actually exists, is it not a false sustenance of faith?

At this time, what He had was nothing but a head and twisted limbs.

There is no beauty.


Pug's soul will almost collapsed, and at this moment, a more terrifying lethality undoubtedly erupted.


"Crack. 99

And it was these two existences who regarded the Divine Residence as ants, and at this time they all knelt on the ground, and they muttered to themselves in the chaos that was still emerging, like the faithful prayers of the believers.

At this moment, it turned into a face.

At the last moment of his life, Pug heard the sound of a bone crack growing. He instinctively looked in the direction of the sound, but saw...

Unlike before, Pug has the secondary artifact of the flame sword, which can kill all enemies.

In addition to boundless anger, what Pug couldn't accept was...

That is relying on the power of devouring...

Beheaded, parasitized, and trampled on dignity.

"Ding! 99

On the body that originally had no head, at this time, a head that was exactly the same as his own grew.

At this moment, Pug suddenly remembered what the monster had said before.

Unexpectedly, a tentacle appeared out of thin air and wrapped directly around Pug's ankle.

A trance.

The countless arms were caught on Pug's soul, and it was still useless to let Pug fight desperately.

This is Pug's last hope.

Countless humiliations converged into a terrifying dark grudge at this moment. At this moment, the grudge formed a rotten body in mid-air.

"Dark Family."

Yes, it is still the same indifference and ignorance as always.

The power of resentment that Pug mobilized before still relied on the negative energy accumulated by killing countless dark coalition forces.

With just this single blow, the rotten form of the illusion of will enveloped the black goat cub.

He could only watch the soul be caught by the immeasurable arm, and he was caught in the chaotic world.


Getting along with the body for countless years, this is the background of Pug.

The original body really had a hint of reaction, and the left hand holding the flame whip slowly lifted up, as if welcoming Pug's arrival.

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