Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 276 Death curse, fear halo! 【Subscription】

The sudden abandonment made Zhou Hao unable to believe his eyes.

However, the appearance of the other party made him feel cold all over.

Zhou Ang fell heavily to the ground.

(has gone) "Ang..."

The younger brother, who was obviously abandoned by him, was lying on his back again at this moment.

Zhou Ang couldn't care about it too much, so after the spirit had fought fiercely, he decided to give it up.

Horrible undead army.

It's not an illusion at all.

"I can kill you once, I can kill you twice, die for me! 99

"Damn it, you should go to hell sooner.

Extreme fear turned into anger.

Possessing decent strength, but at this moment Zhou Ang looks like a ghost, never dared to look back to verify the facts from beginning to end.

Zhou Ang naturally would not admit his brother wrong.


As a burst of icy cold raged, a familiar face appeared in the corner of Zhou Ang's eyes.

Not only that, without the burden, Zhou Ang's speed has accelerated.

In fact...

under the shroud of fear.


`々 What qualifications do you have to bargain with me!


While running, Zhou Ang muttered to himself.

But an unexpected scene happened to Zhou Ang.

Zhou Ang tried his best to get rid of Zhou Hao's shackles.

But what's going on?

The voice was so familiar.

"My brother is dead and can't come back. Years

It was Zhou Hao's voice!

"Just pretend that my brother is sorry for you, and in the next life, I will pay it back. 35

Let Zhou Ang struggle, but to no avail.

It didn't take long for Zhou Ang to repeat the same mistakes and be overwhelmed by those monsters.

His own brother gave up himself without hesitation in order to survive.

Everyone was dragged into an inexplicable curse.

"It's an illusion, it's not real..."

Zhou Ang's eyes were straight, and he kept talking to himself, frightened and frightened.

There is only one way to escape the curse, and that is...

The mournful voice even made Zhou Ang lose his hearing for a while.

At this moment, the familiar voice appeared in my ears again:

He never thought.

His face was covered in blood, like a vengeful ghost crawling out of hell.

But now, why would it go back to its own back!

"I was so nervous that it all happened. 35

In the face of despair, the brotherhood is completely broken.

But just when Zhou Ang thought he was out of danger again.

The younger brother, who was abandoned by him again, actually smiled at him with blood all over his head.

Never thought.

"Brother, why are you ignoring me?"

"No, it's not true! 35

The corners of his mouth cracked, like a severe schizophrenia, and he said to himself:

"Ho, brother will live for you."

"You don't have to live in the next life, just pay it back now."

Some dazed looking at the sky.

I don't know how much suffering I have suffered to get to where I am today.

What did he see?

Immediately, a familiar voice appeared behind Zhou Ang.

The two brothers lost their father and mother when they were young.

"It's just an illusion..."

The body is relaxed again.

A shrill voice came from behind.

His right leg suddenly became heavy.

"You will definitely understand what brother is wrong..."

Catastrophe is coming.

"Why throw me away? 35

"Why did you abandon me?

Zhou Ang's face was hideous, as if a wild animal hit the head behind him with an elbow.

"Everything is an illusion!

Having been with each other for more than 20 years, Zhou Ang will not mistake the owner of the voice.

"No one can stop me!

The anger of being abandoned broke out completely at this moment.

"Do not!

The mournful voice, like a circling crow, kept resounding in Zhou Ang's ears:

He can't stop!

From the beginning to the end, Zhou Ang was yelling all by himself.

Zhou Ang instinctively looked at it, and his pupils instantly shrank into a slit.

"When I escape, I'll burn you some more goodies.

Not only that, the other party also questioned himself why he wanted to throw it away.

"Brother, we will always be together.


Not only does it have the characteristics of being brave and not afraid of death, but once it forms a scale, it will even emit an aura of fear.

Even if promoted to legend.

"I want you to go to hell with me and die together!"

Zhou Ang is still trying to convince himself.

But when the voice sounded, there seemed to be an extra person on the back, so that Zhou Ang's speed slowed down again.

But this weird scene was not limited to Zhou Ang's admiration.

Not only that, but the opponent's hands were tightly wrapped around his own legs.

But in the end, he couldn't say a word.

He just attributed it all to his own guilt, which led to the hallucinations.

The footsteps and roars behind him were getting closer.

All the fleeing Bitter Winter believers seemed to be involved in a strange hallucination.

But in the situation just now, Zhou Ang continued to drag the opponent to run, and there was only one dead end.

But Zhou Ang's spirit seemed to be corroded in some way.

But at this moment, a piercing gloom blew past.

He was thrown to the ground heavily, and Zhou Hao's brain was hit.

"You promised my parents to take care of me, is this the promised care?"

So much so that it was already deformed and distorted at this moment.

This is real!

"Damn it, without me, you would have died a long time ago.

Wasn't Zhou Hao thrown out by himself to resist the corpse tide?

But even so, Zhou Ang still did not stop.

It seems that relying on this useless promise, trying to dissipate the guilt in my heart.



My own brother has really come back from hell with revenge!

Been together for decades.

At this time, Zhou Ang was disheveled and his eyes were terrified.

Zhou Ang had tears in his eyes, but he didn't stop.

Zhou Ang was naturally unwilling to abandon his younger brother and live alone.

Zhou Ang couldn't believe what he was going through at the moment.

"Didn't we promise to be together forever?

With a roar, Zhou Ang was immediately knocked out by a group of carrion corpses.


The pursuit behind him continued, and once it stopped, the sea of ​​corpses would be submerged in an instant.

Whether it is the heaviness or the sound in the ear, it is so clear!

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