Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 275 Spiritual annihilation, death is coming! 【Subscription】

The situation has turned into a one-sided situation.


Blasphemy and hunger are intertwined, making a group of monsters get carried away.

Zhou Ang is not alone.

"They're here!

The monster covered in blood swung its paw down.

At this time, one leg was bloody, and he lost the ability to run.

And after a while.

It looks like a puppet that has lost its soul.

Under extreme fear, Zhou Ang even thought about surrendering.

Zhou Ang saw with his own eyes a believer kneeling in front of the skeleton with tears in his eyes, trying to get the other's protection.

Under his arm, there is also a man who is six points similar to him.

So now...

Those monsters were not friendly towards surrenderers.

"Hope... just ahead."

"If it goes on like this, we're all going to die.

"Alei, you and I are brothers who have burned incense. We have come to this day together through weal and woe. Can you let me go? I beg you...


The other party will eventually get up, but the other party at that time has no memory of all human beings, but has become a pure ghoul!

Brother who has been in trouble for a long time.

Wei Dong should not be unfamiliar with 03 Qi.

Unable to surrender.

And the roaring behind followed closely.

The surrenderer just struggled a few times, and then stared blankly at the sky.

The defense system of the Church of Bitter Winter has been completely destroyed.

"Quick, run! 35

As long as the skeleton's head is still there, they can rely on the scattered skeletons to piece together a new body for themselves.

Because the other party lives in the original alliance.

He looked back, but suddenly looked at Zhou Ang, and kept urging:

"If you can shelter the Alliance, then I..."

Lingzhou City.

However, I saw that the enemy killed by the skeleton and the carrion actually slowly climbed up at this moment.

Afterwards, the skeleton was thrown away, and the corpse was thrown into the corner like garbage.

The whole person is full of the dying breath.


The two brothers had only one dead end.


But judging from the current killing speed, it will not be long before it will be destroyed.

Zhou Ang was full of noisy voices. The Bitter Winter believers looked at the temple of 420 which was getting closer, and couldn't help but pray again.

Bitter Winter Church.

It is the remains of a corpse without the slightest ability to think.


what does that mean?

"No...let me go!

But at this time, Zhou Ang actually said something strange.

The stabbed corpse slowly climbed up.

as a symbol of the church.

The resisters on the front lines were all killed, and because of the curse, they became part of the corpse group.

"Zhou Hao.

Zhou Ang clenched his teeth, his eyes filled with scarlet blood.

This expedition, in a sense, is to harvest faith.

More and more believers fled the battlefield and ran in the direction of the temple.

They became part of the Legion of the Undead.

Fear raged, and when facing the corpse tide, Zhou Hao was accidentally injured by his companions.

Even, they wish they could grow more legs now and run faster.

It was Zhou Ang who dragged the other party and fled all the way to the present.

"Brother... do you think we can be rescued?

Such a formidable leader as the Lord of the Mourning Tomb actually has an object of faith.

And the most terrifying thing is that death is not the end, but a new beginning.

And a fight came down.

And what frightened Wei Dong even more was...

There was no brilliance in its eyes.

Zhou Hao didn't react yet, he only felt that he was being thrown away heavily.

These Heretic God believers, who occupied this place in the past, did not know how many sins they had committed, were now looking like bereaved dogs.

There is no doubt that the temple has a special meaning.

Primal Chaos.

It seems that he is in some kind of struggle with his own spirit.

There is no doubt that the corpse tide is getting closer and closer.

On weekdays, they complement each other and gain a firm foothold in the Bitter Winter Church.

Some skeletons even have the ability to automatically piece together.

Wei Dong had to sigh.

After thinking for a while, Zhou Ang looked like he had figured it out, but there was no expression in his eyes.

After being seriously injured, Zhou Hao didn't find Zhou Ang's weirdness. His attention was completely focused on the back.

Zhou Ang's legs were as heavy as lead.

Zhou Ang felt an unbearable stench.

"Hope is ahead."

"All loyalty will also be given.

The last voice was not finished yet.

Facing the prayer, the skeleton did not stop at all, and Sen Bai's arm directly pierced through the opponent's chest.

In addition to being brave and not afraid of death.

"Our hope..."

These people rushed to the temple.

Not only did the undead army not reduce its personnel, but it also increased its size.

In order to survive, he used himself as bait and threw it at the monster behind him?!.

Because of the terrain, it once dominated the existence here.

If it is said, Wei Dong was still a little careful before today.

"Quick, quicker."

Zhou Ang didn't dare to stop, but because of dragging Zhou Hao, a dense layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.

At this time, it smelled the strong bloody smell in the temple.

This is a true army of undead.

The opponent's life breath began to dissipate at an extremely fast speed.

Zhou Hao's eyes were full of disbelief at this moment.

He completely closed his dangerous thoughts completely.



As a legendary powerhouse, he was originally a core figure in the church, but now, he has ended up in such a tragic situation.

Has a keen sense of blood.

"It's simply unlimited firepower.

This is the title of the god's mansion.

But before saying a few words, there was a piercing scream.

Everyone looked at the temple in the distance.

Wei Dong has already made preparations. After this battle is over, he will go to Lingzhou City to visit each other in person.

The Bitter Winter believers who had been hiding behind to watch the battle had the confidence to fight completely.

Blood splattered.

"As long as we get the protection of the temple, we can live!

"I'm sorry brother."

Surrounded by the terrifying undead army, the so-called Bitter Winter Church, without even a decent resistance, was slaughtered and destroyed.

Those skeletons are monsters.

Go on like this.

At this time, facing the undead army, he didn't even have the least resistance gesture, and he was slaughtered in such a one-sided manner.



"Times have changed.

"do not come!

my own brother...

Like a cannonball, it fell in the opposite direction.

Although the two brothers threw themselves into the darkness and showed no pity for others, they were siblings to each other.

At first just one, then two, then three.

In fact, it's not just Weidong.

Only to speed up and escape to the temple.

The night watchmen who came together were all shocked by the scene in front of them and could not say a word.

The sharp cut directly cut through the chest.

Zhou Ang could have run faster, but because of Zhou Hao, he wasted too much time.

Even, just praying to the temple, and asking for help, it focused its attention on the temple.

By now……

With a shrill voice.

"My lord, save us!


Zhou Ang's younger brother.

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