Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 258: Great opportunity, terrible raving! 【Subscription】

"Half...half step eternity? 99

Jiang Zhiyue couldn't believe her ears.

At this moment, she had too many doubts and wanted to ask about the personality in red.

The other party was clearly burned by the flames and completely annihilated in the world.

Why did he appear next to him now?

And now, what happened to the red wings that reappeared behind him?

Many doubts, like a whirlpool, dragged Jiang Zhiyue into the chaotic world.

share a body with each other.

Nature has the ability to share memory~.

At this time, the man in red pursed his lips and smiled, pointing to the sky and said-:

"My Lord has given us a great gift."9

"Perhaps, He thinks that we are too weak, and every time he has to fight against the enemy for us, he has given us the opportunity we have today.

The personality in red said.

Take a step forward.

However, in the next second, Jiang Zhiyue's original personality began to swell up and down.

The slender figure has become extremely bloated.

The legs merged and became a snake-like creature.

The arms became thicker and stronger, and what was even more terrifying was that there was a "squeaky" sound from the knuckles.

The bones actually pierced through flesh and blood, like a dagger, replacing the previous fingers.

The most terrifying sudden change in the red-clothed personality was that face.

a second before.

It was still a haunting look.

next second.

It turned into a twisted monster with everted teeth and deformed facial features.

His facial features shifted, his eyes widened, especially his teeth, which turned out to be extremely sharp.


When Jiang Zhiyue saw that her personality had turned into this, she couldn't help but take a step back.

The visual impact of this scene is too terrifying.

Jiang Zhiyue never imagined that her personality would actually be transformed into this distorted appearance.

And unlike Jiang Zhiyue's dazed, red-clothed personality didn't take it seriously, she even stepped forward with great joy and grabbed Jiang Zhiyue's arms:

"Look at me, do you feel anything?


Although the transformation of the red-clothed personality was terrifying at the moment, they had been in contact with each other for a while, so Jiang Zhiyue forced herself to calm down.

The next moment, the light flashed in my mind.


Jiang Zhiyue felt the texture!

For a long time, the personality in red has appeared beside Jiang Zhiyue in a state of schizophrenia.

Formless and invisible.

Others can't see the existence of the red-clothed personality at all.

But this time is different.

When the red-clothed personality rushed towards her, Jiang Zhiyue clearly felt the oncoming wind.

And now, Jiang Zhiyue felt the feeling of flesh and blood even more.

so cold.

It was as if the one holding him was not a living creature at all, but a piece of ice.

"You actually have your own body?

Jiang Zhiyue was taken aback by this thought.

all the time.

The red-clothed personalities appear beside him in a spiritual way.

But who would have thought that the personality split from his own consciousness actually possessed flesh and blood.

Moreover, it has become like this.

The personality in red nodded, and his voice was not as sweet as before.

But especially the crows hovering above the cemetery, unusually hoarse:

"Great, right?"

"My new body."

"From now on, if I want to, I will be able to appear in front of the world. 99

"We want to thank the god that was destroyed. 35

"In his body, in addition to abundant energy, there is also the divinity to create all things.

"I have chosen Nirvana to be reborn, and death is not the end, but the beginning of another.39

In stark contrast to Jiang Zhiyue's consternation, it was the state of the red-clothed personality at the moment.

She wasn't annoyed that she had become this ugly figure.


With the help of divinity, she gained a new body, which made her feel crazy.


Jiang Zhiyue didn't know what to say.

Normal people do not split the second personality.

Once the split is really successful, in a sense, the split personality is no longer called a person.

And now, the red-clothed personality is in this state.

Jiang Zhiyue suddenly understood.

All along, although she lives with each other.

But for the red-clothed personality, a free life is all she expects.

like now...

In the scattered divinity of the Lord of Judgment, the red-clothed personality completed a new life.

What made Jiang Zhiyue even more panic was that the aura of the red-clothed personality was like a rushing river, boundless and terrifying.

0... ask for flowers 0

Change to a few minutes before.

Once the opponent is pegged, Jiang Zhiyue will not even have a chance to ask for help, and will be directly killed, forever!

But now, Jiang Zhiyue not only did not avoid the other's eyes, but looked over with a little curiosity.

It was only at this moment that Jiang Zhiyue opened her palm with hindsight.

She looked at the lines on her palm, and then slowly clenched it.

Immediately, an extremely abundant force spread along the palm of the hand to Jiang Zhiyue's cerebral cortex.


Terrifying power!

Jiang Zhiyue felt that there was an extra piece of Wang Yang in her body.

If she wanted to, Jiang Zhiyue could completely destroy buildings with dozens of floors in front of her.

one strike.

With just one hit, the building in front of you will be destroyed by yourself!


This is not at all a power that the legendary realm or the epic realm can compete with.

"This is half-step eternity?

Jiang Zhiyue muttered to herself, her eyes caught in some kind of reminiscence.

A few months ago, she was just a little silver apprentice night watchman.

But today, a few months later, he has not only become the red glove symbolizing the highest honor in the night watch team.

The strength has stepped from the silver realm to the half-step eternity at this moment!

Such a bizarre encounter is simply appalling and terrifying.

Jiang Zhiyue was still savoring the explanation of the red-clothed personality.

The reason for all this actually stemmed from the gods who were blasted to pieces?

"I'm just a red glove, after absorbing these divinities, I have half-step eternal strength.

"And what about the captain?"

"What has happened to him, who originally possessed the eternal realm?'""

With doubts, Jiang Zhiyue looked into the distance.

It was this look that she couldn't take away from her eyes anymore.

However, he saw that Wei Xun actually broke away from the ground under his feet at this moment, as if he had been pulled by some kind of energy, and was suspended in the mid-air more than ten meters high.

With Wei Xun as the core, countless blood rains gathered and rotated.

In the end, all the blood was wrapped around Wei Xun's body.

A terrible babble came from Wei Xun's mouth.

Those babblings were like ten thousand thin needles, stabbing back and forth in Jiang Zhiyue's ear.

Only then did Jiang Zhiyue realize it, and she said to herself in astonishment:

"Captain, this is going on...

"Pray?!" Four.

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