Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 257 Blood winged angel, half step eternal realm! 【Subscription】

"Hurry up and absorb this blood."

"Of course, if you don't mind being seen, when I don't say it."

Like it never happened.


This is a dimensional creature that surpasses human beings.

They have pure white wings, delicate faces, and great strength.

It was also from that time that Jiang Zhiyue took one step at a time, as if in a dream, and possessed the current strength.

The corners of Jiang Zhiyue's mouth were trembling, and she wanted to say something, but she saw the person in red reached out and pointed at the other party:

That kind of pain made Jiang Zhiyue suffer all the time.

A mournful voice came from Jiang Zhiyue's mouth.

At this moment, the pain in his heart once surpassed the burning sensation on his body.

That's right.


(adae) She can no longer feel the presence of her skin.

Just in his eyes, a touch of warmth lingered.

So much so that even a close friend once said that he is simply a freak with a delicate face.

But the personality in red is very different from the body.

But the red-clothed personality's move undoubtedly made Jiang Zhiyue's most unspeakable privacy public.

It can be said that Jiang Zhiyue has long regarded him as the closest family member.

Any thoughts Jiang Zhiyue had about that existence would be hidden in the deepest part of her heart.

The red-clothed personality stood under the rain of blood and let it be poured.

"don't want!"

But now, the red-clothed personality was swallowed by an inexplicable flame right under his nose.

At this moment, Jiang Zhiyue's back also split open, and a pair of wings stretched out.

The most notable physical feature of the angel is a pair of white wings behind him.

The wings were blood red.

Because the personality in red has no entity at all, but a personality simply split from Jiang Zhiyue's soul.

"This is our chance to step up to a higher level!"

The mother and womb are single until now.

She desperately wanted to step forward and scatter the flames.

The hot blood that fell from the sky broke open the skin and began to burn the inner soul.

The relationship that they had managed to build up with each other was hit like never before.

But at this time, the voice of the red-clothed personality suddenly sounded in Jiang Zhiyue's ears.

The red-clothed Jiang Zhiyue suddenly roared at this moment.

After getting along for a while, Jiang Zhiyue has become accustomed to another personality.

"God... an angel?

What fell from the sky at this moment was not blood at all, but life-saving rain.

Before joining the Night's Watch, even life was very regular.

Jiang Zhiyue turned her head to look, but saw the red-clothed personality at the moment with a frantic expression.

In the end, the red-clothed personality disappeared.

However, seeing the red-clothed personality enjoying the irrigation of blood, at this moment, a flame was ignited for no reason.

The other party is like a traveler who has been thrown into the desert and has been trapped for a long time.

Not only the increase in strength, Jiang Zhiyue naturally came into contact with some secrets of the world when she came into contact with the secret time like waves.

Driven by instinct, Jiang Zhiyue wanted to cover her body.


How does this work?

So now everything is just dessert before dinner.

Things that violate the law and discipline are never touched.

The familiar voice suddenly made Jiang Zhiyue raise her head.

She looked forward, but saw the person in red looking at her with a wicked smile.

This is absolutely unspeakable torture.

These days, there is no communication at all with each other.

This made the scarlet clothes thicker, and every inch of clothes seemed to be made from blood plasma.

The most outrageous thing is that some time ago, he even bewitched himself to chat up the existence in the shop.

At this time, I saw that the clothes were riddled with holes, and even if they moved, they would face the risk of exposure.

"Am I dazzled? The red gloves of the dignified night watchman are crying in public?"

However, it is abruptly opposite to the legendary whiteness.

For the Church of the Evil God, which uses darkness as its power, angels are undoubtedly the biggest nemesis.

Although the personality in red is surly and exaggerated, it has to be said that the other party has satisfied Jiang Zhiyue's fantasy of another life.

One mind.

This kind of feeling is like watching my relatives die in front of my eyes.

"Pfft! 99

"Boom! 35

Instead, it's more like a fallen angel crawling out of purgatory!

Jiang Zhiyue just wanted to say something.

She knelt on the ground, sobbing silently.

In just a few seconds, the red-clothed personality was swallowed by flames.

If Jiang Zhiyue is said to be reserved.

But that doesn't make any sense at all.

Where does this represent the pure angel of justice?

It gives people an indescribable strangeness and enchantment.

Jiang Zhiyue was no longer the tail of the crane who first joined the Night's Watch.

She didn't seem to feel the pain at all, just like that, she was completely engulfed by the flames!

Jiang Zhiyue's spirit almost collapsed.

If you compare this to a bloody banquet.

From time to time, their eyes collided, and the two sides also snorted coldly and rolled their eyes to look elsewhere.

From childhood to adulthood, Jiang Zhiyue was a three-good student in the eyes of her peers.

Jiang Zhiyue is angry with her own personality!

Accompanied by a tearing sound, a pair of blood-colored wings suddenly stretched out from behind Jiang Zhiyue, wrapping her body tightly.

"If I were you, I would get dressed first.


day, stay with each other all the time.

Entering that store became a turning point in Jiang Zhiyue's life.

After a period of contact, even the red-clothed personality had feelings that could not be separated from the ontology.

But the person in red who was on the side saw this, but reached out and hugged Jiang Zhiyue directly, and said softly:

But even so, the face that had never been destroyed was still smirking at Jiang Zhiyue.

Jiang Zhiyue was also quiet.

But his body was like touching burning coals, and every inch of his skin was filled with severe pain.

as time flows.

Not just the body.

Jiang Zhiyue felt like she was thrown into the incinerator.

Unmoved, I fell asleep at half past nine in the evening.

Then the personality in red is Tsundere.

The flames are extremely dazzling.

A very scary scene appeared.

And at this moment, a playful voice came from my ears:

Jiang Zhiyue has no siblings.

"Congratulations, you have entered the eternal realm with half a foot!"

The blood rain that fell from the sky contained incomparably powerful energy substances, and ordinary clothes could not prevent the energy from corroding at all.

What frightened Jiang Zhiyue the most was that as the flames continued to burn, the body of the red-clothed personality, like a dead tree, was slowly shrinking.

Jiang Zhiyue instinctively looked down, and her fair face instantly turned pink.

Like soaking in blood water for a long time, every feather is stained with dazzling red!

The more obedient the person is, the more violent the red-clothed person is.

Flesh was stripped from the body.

Friendship boat, 410 will overturn as soon as you say it.

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