Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 219 Crazy prayer, domino effect! 【Subscription】

The shouting prophet completed his own transformation under the witness of everyone.

At first, he still had a roughly human body.

But the multitude of snakelike limbs twisted it into a bizarre species.

The cheeks are like melted candles, transformed by inexplicable energy.

All that was left was one eye and a large mouth full of fangs.

As for the nose and ears, they disappeared completely.

This transformation has been a little overwhelming.

But this is just the beginning.

as time flows.

There was a strange colored flame on the opponent's body.

When the flame is shaking, where is the natural element of the swaying flame, it is simply a hoarse and roaring soul!

These souls are grotesque.

There are humans, demons, worms, and terrifying heresies like the High Priest.

Like a revolving lantern.

The scenes about the other party's life bloomed in the flames.

These people, devils and monsters.

Originally a strong one.

They have strong positions and identities in their respective fields.

However, because of provoking the terrifying existence above their heads, their lives came to an end.

The inhuman sacrifice ceremony unfolded before everyone's eyes.

Bloody scene.

Even the high priest peeped, trembling all over, as if the power of "three eighty three" on his body had been exhausted.

This powerhouse with epic strength, at this time, even standing up has become an extravagant hope.

Not to mention, the radicals who were clamoring to teach the prophet a lesson just now.

How arrogant it was before.

At this moment, how humble and timid.

The resentment emanating from the souls burned by the flames even affected them a little.

These thoughtful, steadfast night watchmen.

I just feel that the surrounding air has become thinner because of the burning.

So much so that they were breathing hard.

Fear strikes.

There is no doubt that what the prophet is experiencing at this moment is a terrible sacrifice ceremony.

And as the flames burned, the prophet's body mutated one step further.

Originally there were some features of human appearance, accompanied by terrifying flames, completely twisted and melted.

Its image is an indeterminate pile with an arm-like appendage.

Accompanying each other to appear.

Everything around was turned into a wasteland.

All the plants that grow on this land are twisted and distorted.

Ordinary grass has become as sharp as a razor.

And the fruit tree also cracked a gap, and then, the mouth full of sharp teeth slowly opened.

Bloodthirsty and brutal, where is it still a tree?

Just a cannibal monster.

And the animals entrenched on the island have undergone various mutations.

They are like some kind of hypnosis.

Looking at the prophet, his eyes are full of admiration and envy.

Some primates, like human believers, happily walked towards the prophet, and immediately stretched out their hands.

And around.

A fog shrouded for no reason.

The thick fog heralded the coming of death.

This human prophet, who was transformed because of his belief in the evil god, was completely transformed into a terrifying species that divided one island at this moment.

The transformation came to an end at this moment.

The Prophet got his wish and got a transformation.

A non-human voice emanated from the opponent's body.

And just when fear reaches a tipping point.

The twisted limbs actually began to fuse.


A young figure appeared in the eyes of everyone.

The other party seemed to exude a cold breath all over his body.

The sculpted facial features are almost perfect.

The dark and deep ice eyes flashed with the brilliance of a cheetah.

Just standing in place at will, giving people a sense of presence that cannot be ignored.

above eternity.

This is……

Demi god?

The aboriginal people on the island are unexpected.

The deep diver headed by swallowing the world can't think of it.

As a heretic high priest, it was unexpected.

Even the separatist forces from the Star Sea Alliance were unexpected.

The prophet who murmured his prayers wildly.

The human powerhouse whose life had come to an end.

Because of the recognition of the so-called god's residence, not only has he regained his youth, but his realm has also entered a new height.

Demi god!

"how can that be?"

"Am I hallucinating?

"This kind of thing will never happen again in reality."

"It's a dream. 33

"Damn it! Is it an illusion? When did you get hit?"

The monsters and people standing beside them all expressed their consternation in their own unique way.

They never thought.

Things took a turn for the worse.

The youthful prophet stared fascinatedly at his vigorous hands.

Unable to hold back his cold face, he burst out laughing loudly:


"I got a new life! 95'

The Prophet does not seem to have changed.

A pair of eyes still exudes the deep eyes of walking in the long river of history.

Past experiences have not gone away.

It's just that it has precipitated over time and has been completely transformed into the other party's knowledge reserve.

But he seems to have changed again.

Whether it is a distorted figure or a strange appearance.

They have all proved one thing to the world.

That is the opponent...

It has been completely transformed, no longer a pure human being, but a...

Terrible heresy.

If you haven't seen it with your own eyes.

People may not understand.

For strength.

Is it really worth it to sell your soul and turn yourself into a terrible monster?


What to know is!

The Prophet got what he is now from the brink of death.

The loess has been buried in the opponent's chest. If time is allowed to ferment, the opponent will have no choice but to die.

But it was precisely because he chose to submit to the Heretic God that the other party gained a second life.

Moreover, the power has increased exponentially, possessing the power of a demigod.

all in all……

The evil god has given too much!

Just ask yourself, if you were in the position of a prophet, what would you think at this moment?

Some natives looked down at their broken bodies.

From the moment they stepped into the dark forces, they turned into a group of beasts that looked like humans.

They attack their own kind.

In the process of constant fighting, the body can not be restrained from injury.


This is a boulder that haunts everyone.

If they had not seen the change in the prophets, they would have accepted their broken selves.


As long as they obeyed the Divine Mansion, they would have the opportunity to transform and recover.

Even if it is only 1/1,000, 1/10,000, they are willing to try.

Thinking of this, these aboriginal people who obeyed outwardly but resisted inwardly fell to their knees one after another.

As for the members from the Star Sea Alliance, their souls also began to vibrate.

Because of talent, some people's realm has permanently stayed at a certain level.

Work with darkness.

Corrosive energy has already eroded into every corner of the body.

No miracle happened.

They will be permanently affected by darkness, and therefore, have to accept their relatively "mediocre" life.

But now...

When the prophet as a leader, after paying such a humble attitude, he broke through the eternal realm in one fell swoop and reached the extreme 0 of human cognition...

When in the realm of demigods...

The minds of these powerful human beings who claim to be opposed to evil have also begun to shake.


A scene unexpected for conservatives appeared.

Standing on the opposite side of himself, several members of the radical faction who threatened to retain the last trace of dignity of the Star Sea Alliance, even if they sacrificed themselves, actually knelt on the ground.

"Evil God, I beg you to give me a new life."

"I have been stuck in the legendary realm for twenty years, please, let me break through the realm. 35

"I don't want to die like this, obviously I have touched the edge of the eternal realm, but because of the serious injury, I can't take that step at all, stalwart God, I am willing to give everything, even if it is only promoted for one day, I am willing.


Totally crazy.

How sad and angry before, how despicable this moment is.

Like a collapsed domino.

As the first domino fell, more and more dominoes were changed accordingly.

Just a split second.

The radicals who were standing up just now, all fell to the ground at this moment, unable to lift themselves up!

Conservatives never imagined that these radicals, whose bones are like steel, would say such a bottomless prayer.

But what's really scary is...



All they had in mind was panic.

Radicals do not play cards according to the formula.

Even if conservatives think about things, they still have their own greed in their hearts.

Some of them also want a new life.

Some of them also want to break through the realm.

Some of them also wanted to gain the power of a prophet.

Therefore, at this time, they could no longer contain their madness, and immediately knelt on the ground, constantly kowtow and prayed.

Sections of harsh words resounded on the island.

The high priest, who felt all this, looked at the human beings who were dancing like a group of demons, only to feel that the scalp began to faintly shatter.

"They've gone crazy.

"This is……"

"Spiritual pollution!"

As a heretic, the High Priest is extremely familiar with the tainted energy.

But I never thought that there would be such a terrifying source of pollution as 0.4 in this world.

Just two words.


Let the thugs and night watchmen present, even animals and plants, have undergone such transformation.

"What kind of terrifying strength does the other party have to create such a dazzling panic?""

The high priest could no longer think about it.

Because in its mind, at this moment, there was a ray of noise.

"Please God, help me out of trouble. 99

"I don't want to share a body with this monster anymore.

"Let me out.

"Please, let me out.

The high priest was stunned.

It never destroyed the soul of the true high priest.

Instead, he took himself as a prison and trapped him in his eyes.

But who would have thought that this mad believer, who prided himself on being extremely devout to his house, would change his beliefs at this moment in order to get out of trouble.

"It's really interesting.

With a playful look on the face of the "High Priest" who knew all this, it whispered:

"We share a body, but we have two consciousnesses. 35

"Unlike you, I am thinking of imprisoning you for eternity, so that you can't survive.

"Want to get out of trouble?

"Then let us try, whose faith is more pure!

Thinking of this, this monster who spied on the essence also knelt down and joined this strange prayer ceremony!

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