Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 218 Dark seal, the ultimate transformation of the prophet! 【Subscription】

The Prophet yelled like a madman.

At this time, he did not have a trace of his old spirits at all.

Yes, it's just insane madness.

Miracles of heaven and earth.

A second ago, the sky was sunny and sunny.

The next second, it turned into a rich pitch black.

Even more terrifying is...

A terrifying hurricane that was no weaker than the twelfth level swept the entire island immediately.

in this case.

Everyone on the entire island is in a state of precariousness.

Even the epic powerhouses who are famous for a while are swaying like weeds at this moment.

It seems that anytime, anywhere, it may be blown away by the strong wind.

At this time, everyone's mood is affected.

Thus locking his eyes on the sky.

The ghosts cry and the gods howl, and all things die.

In the distance, it was still covered by the blue sky.

But above the island, it seems to have entered a strange space.

Where is the sky above the crowd, it is a prison at all.

The energy emanating from it is full of filth, evil, and weirdness.

"Evil God?"

Whether conservative or radical, a word comes to mind at the same time.

They knew that the head of the power they took refuge in was originally a terrifying evil god.

As for why the other party is so certain?

Take a look at those figures appearing in the sea.

Ugly and distorted.

The momentum is like a purgatory ghost, and it is extremely frightening.

To be able to conquer this monster, only the legendary evil god can do it.

Although with the dark.

But all the people that people come into contact with on weekdays are the believers of the evil gods.

But now...

The power that appeared in the sky above everyone was so appalling.

So much so that the radicals who have just stepped forward are like eggplants beaten by frost at this time, and they have no spirit at all.

Come out and fight?

They are just furious, not mindless lunatics.

They are very clear that if they take a step at this moment, there will only be one end...

That is death without a corpse.

Moreover, having been in contact with the Heretic God believers for a long time, they have naturally seen some strange sacrifice rituals.

Once caught by the evil god.

It can be said that the end is worse than death.

Therefore, at this moment, everyone closed their mouths and quietly watched the sudden change in front of them.

The high priest was also very afraid.

The look of despising humans just now was completely hidden at this moment.

Instead, there was an inexplicable panic on his face.

A stalwart existence above the swallowing world?

After being in contact with the "partner" for a period of time, the high priest naturally knew that on top of these monsters, there was one who suppressed the terrifying powerhouse of the ages.

The statues on the island are for each other.

Different from the previous contact, such as this moment, such a clear and direct descending ceremony is the first time.

As the high priest of the heresy, an extremely crazy idea has arisen in his mind at this moment.

If the other party wants to.

All beings present will be sacrificed to Him in an instant.

Thinking of this, the high priest knelt directly on the ground.

The pious appearance makes it impossible to see that the other party is a heretic.

The prophet under the statue was still dancing with excitement.

The other party seemed to have entered an inexplicable state.

And as the other party kept yelling and yelling, his voice became hoarse.


The large mouth of blood splattered on the ground, which was extremely dazzling.


"This is a true miracle! 39

"My lord, please take a look at the faithful believers and give me a new life!

Nobody wants to die.

Even though, the other party was a real hero in the days before.

Different from the radicals who felt ashamed because of the prophet's ugly appearance.

At this moment, it was as if they had seen a picture they couldn't believe, and everyone's face was full of surprise.

Who would have thought...

The prophet's previous crazy prayers actually caught the attention of the rumored evil god.

Just now.

These people even want to reprimand each other for their behavior.

But now, even if I gave them a hundred courage, I didn't have the courage to accuse each other.

Under this pure darkness, their bodies were like a seal, and even moving a finger would be a luxury.

And a group of deep divers, who were eyeing tigers, sensed something at this moment, and ran to the shore one after another.

Familiar breath.

That's right.

The existence that appears in the sky at this moment is the owner who feeds them.

The deep diver headed by swallowing the world is like seeing the long-lost father, and at this time, they all knelt on the ground.

The aborigines on the island looked at the performance of the deep divers with trembling all over.

0... ask for flowers 0

They couldn't believe it at all.

These terrifying monsters with incomparable brutality and monstrous strength would actually make such a move at this moment.

a time.

Everyone's mood was lifted.

“¯¯¯…. …”

Just when everyone's fear accumulated to the extreme.

A sudden sound reached everyone's ears.


"Flute sound?!"

The high priest only felt that he was like a sheep that had strayed into the jungle.

In the depths of the jungle, there is a king of beasts staring at him.

As long as he acts rashly, he will return to purgatory and die completely.

The sky was still shrouded in darkness.

Apart from the constantly resounding flute, there was no sight at all.


Whether it is the high priest or the people of the Star Sea Alliance, they are not qualified to peep at each other's faces.

God cannot be seen!

They know this all too well.

Therefore, they were even more afraid to pry, but lowered their heads to the ground.


No doubt as ridiculous as a bird trying to pass through a volcanic crater.

No matter how terrifying the speed of the bird, once it appears in the crater, it will be burned and turned to ashes.

And some people are ignorant.

Still looking up at the sky.

next second.

"Pfft! 39

Accompanied by a piercing piercing sound, the superhuman who was not too strong turned into a twisted tentacle monster in an instant.

The silt-like figure makes people feel uncontrollable nausea at a glance.

Different from becoming a tentacle monster, a transformed monster with a chaotic expression.

The Prophet also looked at the sky wildly.



His body gradually shattered, and immediately, tentacles like seedlings stretched out from the opponent's body.

But even with this change, the Prophet still murmured like no one else:

"My lord, please give me a new life!

And just when the strange breath accumulated to some extreme.


Accompanied by two clear words.

The prophet's body completely bid farewell to the human state.


It has become a terrible form that has never appeared in front of the world! Four.

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