Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 204 Imprisoning the True God, the terrified Zerg ruler! 【Subscription】

The Queen Mother was very surprised, why did she come to such a strange place.

He did not lose his memory.

At the last moment, His body was submerged in darkness.

Originally thought that the plan of the human world was in vain.

But what the Queen Mother never thought was that she did not return to her body, but came to such an interstellar cemetery.

There are desolate planets all around.

Every planet is a world.

The Queen Mother is no stranger to destruction.

The attacks He launched also brought doom and destruction to different worlds.

Zerg came.

The practice is that no grass grows.

Any creature will become the ration of the Zerg.


Zerg completely occupy the world.

Just a little.

Those occupied planets were not destroyed, but were occupied by the "three seven three" Zerg magpie nests.

Hundreds of millions, billions, and even incalculable tens of billions of large insects occupied the world of the original creatures.

No food?

Cruel bugs resemble demons.

They have no mercy and no conscience.

The tens of billions of companions are the capital for them to survive.

The law of the jungle is happening all the time.

In this case, the number of Zerg has been weakened exponentially.

But one thing I have to admit is that in this process of devouring, one powerful Zerg general stands out one after another.

Several worlds.

It's like a bloody arena for victory.

The monstrous Zerg generals like Gorgeous, Chest, and Qiu Gang stood out in this atmosphere.

In this way, the occupied world casts sharp warriors on the Queen Mother all the time.

This is the terrifying Zerg disaster.

Not only bring destruction to other creatures.

Even as a companion, he never let go.

Zerg are disgusting, but in a sense, they still have life.

But what about everything around you?

One planet after another, full of desolate atmosphere.

The whole world was like being erased by a rubber, and there was no sign of life at all.

Graves are horrible.

Because of knowing, there are buried souls of the dead.

But now...

There are countless lifeless planets around.

The number of lives annihilated?

Even a terrifying existence like the Queen Mother felt that his head was a bit bloated, and it was impossible to calculate specific numbers.

Fear is spreading.

In a sense, this terrifying scene has exceeded the Queen Mother's imagination.


And an even more terrifying scene happened.

Just when the Empress was surprised, a snoring sound came from a distance.

"In a place like this, is there any living thing?""

"Not only there, but also sleeping?"

The Queen Mother only felt a little numb in her cerebral cortex.

Instinct driven, He wanted to get out of here.

Return to the world you occupy.

It is a pity that the current He is simply a marionette.

No body control at all.

After hearing the snoring, the queen mother unexpectedly walked over to the sound.

His body was extremely rigid.

Trying to control, but unable to do anything at all.



Every step of the mother emperor was extremely difficult, and just like this, the voice in his ears became clearer.


The queen mother saw a scene that made her unacceptable.

A strange shape appeared in front of his eyes.

as a synonym for ugly.

The Queen Mother is extremely resistant to nausea.

Because He himself is the ancestor of these words.

But at this time, the mother emperor understood what a mountain is higher than a mountain.

However, they saw hundreds of distorted and disgusting beings appearing in front of the Empress.

Some of them are bloated "pillars."

However, the material of the pillars is a head full of blood.

The eyes are scarlet, the teeth are sharp, and the breath is extremely dark.

Each head contained an astonishing number of terrifying death curses.

"The humble who entered this place by mistake, dare to look directly at me!"

"Kneel down, kneel down for me! 99

"Eat him, we eat him now!"

At this moment, the Queen Mother only felt that her eardrums were about to shatter.

Because the moment he stared at each other, hundreds of voices appeared in his ears.

What surprised the Empress was that, in this anger, he did not feel angry, but felt a little scared. . . .


I want to move my eyes away and stop looking at each other.

The distorted and terrifying existence is not just this creature.

On the side, there is a mass of bloody flesh mud.

The body that stood up was like a tsunami tens of meters high.

Not only is his body full of stench, but on the surface of his skin, there are countless broken limbs and broken arms.

The heads of countless creatures tried to break free, but to no avail.

They are like ghosts sealed by hell.

And the body of the meat mud is a terrible purgatory.

The ferocious head seems to be covered with a layer of plastic mucous membrane, and the facial features are clear, but it will never escape.

"Let me out, you bloody bastard, what are you looking at me for? Let me out now!

"We can't get out at all, we're dead, trapped here forever and ever.

"I am the true god, let me go out, and I will give you the kingdom of God!

A louder voice rang in the mother's ear.

Compared to just now, these voices were more piercing and painful.

But what the Empress did not expect was that in these bound lives, there is actually a true God?

As a symbol of God, the kingdom of God is the last card of the true God.

It can be said that with trump cards, there is a chance to turn over.

But now that 0.4 is here, the other party actually used the Kingdom of God as a reward to help the other party break free from the flesh.

"It's a lie, how can you..."

The Queen Mother's brain fell into a stagnation, just when He firmly believed that the other party was just a lunatic, and everything was just the other party's nonsense.


A scorching radiance actually pierced through the body of the flesh and folded into this barren interstellar cemetery.

Countless prayers resounded around.

The Queen Mother was completely stunned.

That breath, so familiar.

He does not feel wrong, and that is a complete kingdom of God.


The Queen Mother muttered to herself:

"That flesh slime monster really devoured a true god?

The terrified Empress had only one question left at this moment.


Where exactly is it?.

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