Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 203 The wrath of the demigod, the terrifying interstellar cemetery! 【Subscription】

Destruction comes.

The overwhelming energy has completely filled the entire room.

It was like nightfall.

At the moment when the sun disappears, it is like a fierce beast opening its bloody mouth and swallowing everything it encounters.

The terrifying level of the Queen Mother, in a sense, has spread to countless worlds.

Hundreds of millions of living beings drown in each other's fear-.

But now...

The Queen Mother felt the humility of the weak.

If the main body comes, the Queen Mother will not be afraid of Nyarlathotep.


This body is nothing but the product of the blood sacrifice of two Zerg generals.

Being able to perform attacks above the demigods comes from the fact that his subordinates control the entire city.

It can be said that the core essence of the offensive of destroying the sky and destroying the earth just now originates from the life composition of hundreds of thousands of people.

But who would have thought.

The offensive of extracting the souls and lives of hundreds of thousands of people was easily resolved by the enemy.

Now, the other party has started a revenge attack on himself in a terrifying and unknown way.

The Queen Mother is very powerful.

It seems to have the ability to fight against all things.

But only one thing...

He is no match for nature.

The hot sun and the dark night.

This is the real force of nature.

Even though the Empress had the ability to reach the sky, she instinctively felt a sense of fear in front of nature.

He wants to escape.

But the darkness has spread to the surrounding walls.

Pure darkness hinders the Queen's last route of survival.



The Queen Mother is unavoidable, and he knows better than anyone that behind him has become a cliff.

Take another step back and you'll be smashed to pieces.


With a desperate blow, there is still a chance to survive.

The Queen Mother is not completely without trump cards.

The city has been destroyed.

From the moment the Zerg came.

A moment of white fog.

Hundreds of thousands of people were parasitized by terrifying worms.

Those bugs are like Ling Chi, slowly harvesting the life of the host.

From the moment it was parasitized.

Human life was swallowed up and gathered into the hands of several Zerg generals.

As for the human beings walking in the city now, they are just a group of bugs.

The attack just now gathered the souls of hundreds of thousands of people.

Although it is full of terrible death curses.

It was an aura transformed by the resentment before death.


You can't fight the Zerg when you are alive.

Even if you have resentment after death, how can you break free from the shackles of the Zerg?

under this pressure.

Naturally, power cannot be condensed.

But the mother emperor's plan at the moment was shocking.

He will sacrifice his own people.

In the soul of the violent and furious insect, there is an unimaginable terrifying aura.

The destructive power produced by the gathering is simply not comparable to the human soul.


The Empress suddenly raised her head.

The mouth of the blood basin opened, and a sound of insects penetrating the soul suddenly sounded.

The sudden sound waves even caused the incoming darkness to stagnate in a short period of time.

And those scarlet eyes looked down at Nyarlathotep with hatred.

He wants the enemy in front of him to pay the price he deserves.

The raccoon stood on the roof.

There is still a golden light on his body.

Inspired, the city dwellers occupied their bodies have walked towards the hotel.

It's astounding that...

Where do they even look human?

Even if the red raccoon is promoted to the demigod realm.

At this time, it is inevitable to be a little restless.


"Fizz!" 5

"Fizz! 35

The city has always been extremely quiet.

From the moment they were shrouded in fog, everyone closed their mouths.

It's not that they don't like to talk.

but they...

won't speak at all.

It is the insect that occupies the body, and what it masters is naturally the harsh insect language.

At this time, with the tragic death of the general and the arrival of the mother emperor.

A burst of screaming screams passed from the throats of the Zerg.

Hundreds of thousands of bugs, hoarse screams gathered together, even the red raccoon's ears are a little painful.

In addition, a dazzling insect touch suddenly stretched out from the original human body.

The worms even have terrible barbs on them.

As for the cheeks, there is no human appearance at all.

The worms raised up and looked like two bloodthirsty scythes!


Huge mess!

Killing and death pervade the worm tide.

Under this influence, the red raccoon swayed and stood up.

Shrouded in golden light.

But I saw a phantom with a height of more than ten meters, appearing on the top of Chili's head.

The nine tails swayed, and half of the sky was blocked.

The body of a demigod.

under this terrible deterrence.

The insects' movements were noticeably slowed down.

"You filthy existences, as witnesses of the master's stalwart, go to hell.

As the master of strange stories, Chili has killed countless lives.

But only this time, let him experience an extraordinary feeling.

Different from before, those creatures who patronize the ghost talk playground are just a few scattered people, a dozen people.

This time, there were hundreds of thousands of Zerg monsters that appeared in front of Chili.

The city was eroded.

This is an unprecedented terror infection.

If it was before, under the siege of hundreds of thousands of Zerg warriors, the red raccoon in the Eternal Realm had only the only way to escape.

But now it's different.

He became a demigod.

Half a footstep is already in the realm of God.

like now...

A dozen or so meters of terrifying phantoms loomed in the air, instantly containing a group of Zerg warriors.

In the past, this was something that Chili didn't even dare to think about.

Phantom is still improving.

Every fluff of the body shone with a strange gold-like luster.

This is a demon fox that exists in a fantasy world.

There are nine tails, each of which is flawless, as if smelted by thousands of treasures, shining and moving.

But Chili's astonishment is more than just appearance.

But under the gorgeous appearance, there is also a terrible energy that is hard to look at.

The body of more than ten meters, like a mountain, gives a deadly deterrent to insects.

A pair of eyes, full of awe-inspiring aura, at first glance, it is like being stared at by the queen.

Even the legendary powerhouse and the eternal powerhouse will kneel and kowtow without complaining when they see this scene.


Seeing the Zerg, this terrifying illusion that was completely transformed by energy, no longer bear it, raised his head and let out a roar.

The terrifying power formed a terrifying sound wave, like a ten-level storm, and began to sweep towards the surroundings.

under this terrible deterrence.

One by one, the monsters that had transformed from humans to bugs were suddenly wiped out.

Several of them, I don't know what kind of opportunity they got.

Even the realm once soared to the legendary realm.

Just looking at the ferocious spirit, you can imagine how many human souls the other party has swallowed.

But such a zerg overlord, in front of today's red raccoon, is weak like a grasshopper in the field.



Frightened voices resounded around.

A group of Zerg who suffered the wrath of the demigods were suddenly wiped out.

Even some of them already have legendary power.

But in the face of the attack of the demigods, there is no resistance at all.

For a time, they were miserable.

Under this kind of offensive, some Zerg even exploded one after another, and blood splattered everywhere.

The proud posture of the red raccoon made all the Zerg feel desperate.

Inspired, they gathered here, but who would have thought that what they were waiting for was such a deadly threat.


Just when the red raccoon had already planned to wipe out the Zerg in front of him in one fell swoop.

A blood-colored streamer directly crossed above the many Zerg races.

"Fizz! 39

A phantom slowly appeared.

In an instant, the surrounding wind was billowing, and the grievances were crying.

Soon, the figure of the mother emperor appeared in front of the Zerg.

The Queen Mother needs the Zerg to contribute to herself.

Therefore, at this time, without the slightest greeting, a whine that only the Zerg could hear resounded throughout the city.

The Queen's purpose is simple.

It is to ask all the Zerg warriors to follow the example of the chest and Qiu Gang and dedicate their lives to themselves.

If the king wants the minister to die, the minister has to die.

It's like a Zerg general who is willing to give all of himself, just to open up a passage for the mother emperor.

The Queen Mother has absolute control over bugs.

In the face of the order, the Zerg did not dare to obey.

From the moment they were born, they were loyal to the Queen Mother.


0.・・For flowers0・・・・

life and death.

That's the scary thing about Zerg.

Unlike other intelligent creatures, it has the right to choose between life and death.

The Zerg is completely controlled by the Queen Mother.

At this moment, they did not hesitate at all and blew themselves up one after another.

"Bang! 99



One after another, the sound of explosions resounded through the city.

Because of the self-destruction, a dazzling blood mist was formed around.

And as the blood mist lifted into the sky, the figure of the mother emperor became clearer.

Even, every thorn that the worm touches is lifelike, astonishing as if it had created a real life.

The strength is also changing with the naked eye.

"what is this?

Chili was a little surprised at first, but then there was a kind of sincere anger in his heart.

These worms are the name-votes that He presents to the master.

It is not a mistake, but a correct decision, for Chili to use the actual situation to prove to the master to help himself become a demigod.

But now, with the mother emperor cutting off her beard halfway, Chili's self-proof, a crisis appeared.

Chili couldn't tolerate this happening.

"Anyone who blocks my allegiance to my master, be damned!

Look at the phantom in mid-air.

The raccoon burned in anger.

All of this is clearly a testament to His dedication to the Master.

But now, someone is trying to deprive Chili of this hard-earned opportunity.

In Chili's heart, the Empress had already been sentenced to death.

It is different from the bugs who are willing to die for the mother emperor.

In Chili's eyes, the Queen Mother is just a stumbling block that hinders him.

Thinking of this, the nine tails of the red raccoon actually gathered into a ball.

Energy fluctuations flickered one after another.

It was like a thunder cannon, crackling, just hearing it, it was deafening.

"Damn you!

The red raccoon sees the Queen Mother as a sure-fire target.

With the intervention of the other party, the Zerg army in front of them began to disappear at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Without an attack target, what does Chili still need this body of energy for?

Therefore, the red raccoon, who was caught in extreme anger, concentrated its energy to a point.

next moment.

A terrifying beam of light danced like a stormy sea.

He galloped towards the Queen Mother.

In front of this terrifying power, even the surrounding space was torn apart, and dark cracks appeared.

In a trance.

Countless bizarre creatures fluttered their teeth and claws around the crack, like ghosts, trying to break into the human world.

But the thunder of the red raccoon was too terrifying, and wherever it went, those other-dimensional creatures that tried to climb out were destroyed one after another.

until now.

The Queen Mother finally noticed something was wrong.

The phantom that merged with countless blood mists looked at the red raccoon, but just after locking it, Lei Zhu arrived as promised.


The attack without warning, like a pop hit the earth, made a monstrous sound that shook the Nine Heavens!

However, seeing the body of the mother emperor who had just condensed, it was devastated at this time.

The Empress completely focused her attention on taking the lives of her subordinates. How could she have imagined that the red raccoon on the side would launch such a brutal attack on her?

Chili's full blow left a shocking wound on the Empress.

The newly formed phantom is like a broken dam at this time, and the turbulent energy begins to overflow and disperse toward the surroundings.

"Do not!""

The Queen Mother let out a mournful whimper and an angry roar, and a pair of giant pupils completely contracted into needles!

All he did was to resist Nyarlathotep's attack.

However, with Chili's knowing blow.

All his plans fell through.

Everything seems complicated, but in fact it happened in an instant.

inside the room.

The Queen Mother, who lost her energy supplement, was instantly shrouded in darkness.

The Queen Mother also tried to break free, but unfortunately...

That pure darkness, like a maggot in the tarsus, was completely attached to its body.

In a trance.

The Queen Mother came to a dark area.

This seems to be an interstellar cemetery.

Desolate, dead, and without a trace of life on countless planets.

"What the hell is this place?"

Just when the Queen Mother felt strange...


A continuous sound came from a distance.

The mother emperor was greatly surprised, and the distorted worm face showed a very anthropomorphic posture at this time, and muttered to herself:

"This is……"

"Snoring sound?" Four.

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